[REQUEST] Hidden settings - Acer Aspire A315-33-P40P


If you can flash BIOS region only via FPT, that is all we need to edit/flash, no need to dump with programmer or anything. >> FPTw.exe -bios -d biosregnow.bin
Sorry if any confusion!

Also, dump this only, and send tome for secondary follow up test
FPTw.exe -a 0x508000 -l 0x226000-d mainDXE.bin

well, now I don’t have this laptop in my hands, I gave it to a friend, he wants to buy one for himself)
can you help with another laptop, change the parameters of the allocated video memory? I created a separate topic

Ahh, OK! When, if you get it back, see my edit above
Yes, I will check other thread tonight

I have a laptop, I’m ready to flash a BIOS test

@sergeyshibaev228 - What do you mean you have “A” laptop, are you doing this on “customers” systems?
If yes, you should not be doing that, especially when there is risk to brick the systems

Well, I mean to flash a test BIOS to verify the RSA Key, is it possible to make a BIOS mod for this laptop?

I know what you meant. I was asking if this is your computer, or someone else’s, due to the way you worded your comment above and mysteriously not having the system the other day.

See post #42, send me those files

This is my laptop;)

OK Probably just translation issues, made me think you were doing this to some random laptop that came in your shop or something, because you said comment similar to >> “OK, now I have “A” unit on hand”
I really would not care if it was someone else’s, if it was not a risky flash (more-so about the actual testing of menu unlocks I am unsure about, is what I mean)

Well, what is there?