No, the exe still didn’t work. All the other tabs have multiple different settings available in them. I haven’t really played around with them to do a full verification, but everything seems to be available. Just the Intel tab is empty. I attached pictures of the updated bios and updated Cpu microcode. I can’t thank you enough. I couldn’t have done it without you. you did an amazing job.
Ok, thanks for confirming. I just wanted to make sure that I am not missing anything in figuring the right string. So, basically I will be rather confident now to figure and search for the string for any other system.
I am not going to make the string correction for the two extra 01’s in the BIOS of the other laptop for now. If I need to create a new mod for any purpose, I will then incorporate those changes. Yesterday, I created a BIOS mod for that system to expose Intel ICC Clock settings. I flashed it and after I made some changes in ICC clock, I got a blank screen. I was really scared. I searched about it and found in that the ICC Clock region of the BIOS of this laptop is buggy. And the solution was to take out the CMOS battery and place it again. This revived my system. After that I flashed the BIOS which you last provided me and decided to do no more flashes on this system.
My Samsung Laptop BIOS is also finalized on my end. As I learn about FIT Table correction and Microcode update, I will do one final flash on that laptop as well and be done.
All the risky things will be carried out on the desktop system. I am just waiting for the hardware programmer to come.
@mikeshutte - You are very welcome! I wonder what’s going on with the EXE? Must be some default check I can’t see to disable? On the menus, there is always/usually some/many hidden sub-sections or sub-menus that can/require further enable via setting “User” in AMIBCP, only this time we can’t see to verify which of those are what.
I could send you an IFR text file, that you could dig through, and see what settings and sections are shown there vs what you can see in BIOS, but that will take you a lot of tedious time doing, but if you want that is one way you can check.
I will be doing that for the Intel section, but that’s just one small section, so not a huge task. I’ll let you know what I see there, might not be anything useful. If you want the full setup IFR text let me know I will upload for you to dig through.
* Edit - here is all that’s in the “Intel Section” Not much, if you want we can remove this menu, or you can leave as-is, or I can see if I can enable for you. I can try, but unsure? It’s not same/as easy as this menu unlock, have to try to do all settings one by one - we’d start with one and stop there if we couldn’t get after few attempts
Security -
Unlock Setup Status
Unlock Setup << This is for setting password on BIOS settings or entry, and next few items same
Admin Password Status
Set Admin Password
System Password Status
Set System Password
HDD Password Status
Set HDD Password
Set Service Tag
Password on Boot
Computrace - deactivate, activate, disable
HDD Security Configuration
HDD Password Status
Unlock HDD / Unlock HDD and Disable Disk Password
Set HDD Password
@akm - Yes, sorry if any leftover non-functional edits are there, we did so many attempts and sometimes I did, or meant to and forgot, go back and disable things that weren’t working, but it’s possible that sometimes when I jumped forward to new mod I grabbed old unfixed version to start on next round. If you want it all with only working 01’s there, put back default and then edit in 01 one at a time until you have only the correct menus showing. Glad you made it through your scare there! Yes, anytime you set a BIOS setting and it fails to boot, or reboot etc you can always clear CMOS and be back to fail safe defaults again (Load optimal after that). That’s why I said when we were discussing the graphics card enabling, it would be OK, if it failed you could clear CMOS and all would be back again.
Happy I could help you learn some BIOS modifications! I will work on small guide for microcode update and FIT table correction, but I kind of hate to post one here since there is already a sticky’d guide encompassing both
If it’s not too much of a hassle for unlocking the Intel tab settings, that would be great. Otherwise don’t worry about it. Definitely if you could post that Ifr file I’ll dig thru it and see what I can come up with! But like I said, if the Intel stuff is a hassle, don’t bother. You have done quite a bit already. Yeah the exe keeps giving the same error, can’t flash the same bios version. But it’s easy enough flashing with afuwin.
No, it’s not a huge hassle, we can just try a few things and if no luck then we can remove the tab. There must be some setting I’m missing in the EXE, wish I knew which one for later, usually most people can’t even redo the exe’s, so I like to surprise and sucks when it wont work properly
Here is the IFR text. You’ll have to go slow, to scroll past crap that is not relevant and look settings, write down ones you need but don’t see in certain sections etc. All "Tabs’ are starting with “Form: Name of tab” - example Form: Chipset That way you can recognize what section you are in.
Will get you a test BIOS soon as I have a chance for initial Intel setting test.
@Lost_N_BIOS Hi, I have been looking forward to your guide. While you create one, will it be possible for you in the meanwhile to do the Correction in my finalized BIOSes for the two laptops? I have played with all kinds of settings in the BIOS for both laptops and subsequently finalized these. Can you please correct both BIOSes?
Hey @akm - I am working on it now, sorry I forgot since I said I really didn’t want to since there is already a guide here about it, and then you never mentioned again, so I forgot.
I’ll make one now, but will leave out in-depth explanation on hex editing steps, will describe briefly, but guide will expect reader to already know how to use hex editor. Hope that is OK, if not let me know and I will try to think of a way to add that in too.
Yes, that is fine. If I find any difficulty, I will ask the specific questions then.
Thanks, I thought about how to show hex edits with images, but it’s cut and past this way or that way, so really no way to “Show” that in images for a guide.
Even if images cannot be created, a simple text explanation may also help. Or maybe through an example, you can just show images specific to that example only and that should probably give me an idea.
It’s time consuming yes, especially while helping in threads too, but I’ve already started so will finish, please be patient and thanks
And yes, it’s not easy to create a guided steps on what I mentioned you quoted, it’s copy/paste this way or that way etc, so that part will not be very will guided
@akm - uploading and formatting guide now, sorry for the wait! I only fixed single BIOS P770ZM8M.01-F.rom, that way you can use guide and start learning on the other one
Will update the microcodes in the Samsung shortly too, or do you want me to wait and see if guide helps you get that one updated now too?
Here is guide - [GUIDE] Update CPU Microcode + Fix FIT Using UEFITool / Hex
Thanks a lot for creating this guide! I will be trying out myself to update the BIOS of both the laptops using your guide. If I get stuck anywhere, I will ask questions. I will update soon.
Hallo all an thanks in advance,
the last BIOS file for my Samsung RC530/730 AMI BIOS APTIO 4 is from 2012, and there are not more updates from Samsung . So I decided to try to unlock the BIOS hidden settings, to see if I can get a bit more performance.
I have trying to unlock my hidden settings, without result. I can flash my modded BIOS without problems (in fact, I ha flashed it a lot of times trying to get some result), but only 2 or 3 hidden options appear in the new menu.
I have modded the BIOS with AMIBCP 4.53, changing ALL the options to USER (and they are a truly lot of them). Even I can see in BIOS the Intel Management menu, but fully empty . I have looking at several posts in the forum, specially this one:
Forum post
Ther problem is that I do not believe to be the same problem, and I am not very sure if following all the steps in that post I would get the best. All I have tried is:
- I have updated my BIOS , all I could with UBU, even micro codes
- I have extracted the “setup_extr.txt” with AMI Setup, and I did not get any warning about mi BIOS to be locked
- I have flashed it with AfuWin and AfuDos
At this moment I am without more ideas, so I have decided to ask to the experts , to see if I get some help… This is my modded BIOS and my setup_extr
setup_extr.txt (592 KB)
You’re welcome, hopefully it’s detailed enough for everyone to easily follow along!
There’s no FIT in the Samsung, so only the microcode updates for that one, and sadly I didn’t know how to go in-depth on that for the guide, so if you do need me to update the Samsung microcodes still no problem, just let me know.
Good luck on fixing FIT on the 4MB Clevo BIOS, hopefully the guide helps you move right through all three entries!
Hey! Why not use latest possible AMIBCP for starters? 4.55.0070 should work if 4.53 is working, and may give you some better results. However, usually when trying to unlock menus additional or other methods need to be applied, especially on Chipset menu and sometimes on advanced menu.
It’s great you are familiar with flashing and have done so much already please flash back stock BIOS now and send me images of the BIOS showing all tabs/sections visible, and then extra images of advanced if you have it, main, sysinfo, boot, and save & exit page too.
This is necessary for me to see stock BIOS layout, so I can work on enabling the menu’s for you.
I also need a link to the stock BIOS, I will work from that, and send you the setup module to replace in your already modified BIOS.
This way any changes/methods you already tried do not work against me or make me not be able to find things.
And yes, it’s very likely the discussions we had in the thread you linked are methods that can be used to unlock your BIOS. Which menu was it you enabled, that then only showed 2-3 settings (Include a picture of this page if you want, before you flash stock BIOS in there, or after you flashback your mod)
Hey thanks @Lost_N_BIOS
Now I have not access to my laptop. I will try to upload all the neccessary tonight or tomorrow morning.
Thanks again
@Lost_N_BIOS I am now through with the FIT Correction after reading your guide. But the CPU Microcode process is still not very clear. The initial part that is covered in your guide which gives a background is clear but Step3 and Step 6 in the other guide are not very clear. I have anyway attempted to update the microcode in the Samsung Laptop BIOS. The new microcode is of size 13KB, while the older one was of 12KB. I am not sure if I should remove those FFs to compensate for the difference in size. Can you please have a look at my modded BIOS and confirm if it is done correctly or if anything else needs to be done further? Perhaps you can also have a look at the corrected BIOS files of the other laptop to see if that is too done properly. I have shared the files here.
Thanks again for the nice guide!
@akm - So, how did the FIT correction go for you on the other BIOS using the guide? Was it all OK, smooth and easy to understand as you went along?
I have an updated method I’ll be adding to it shortly, using the newest UEFITool NE, it will cut out the need for the calculator steps, so that will save some effort and work for some users, cut out a step or two.
Sorry about the microcode stuff lacking in there I just can’t think of a way to show how I do things like that, nor could I think of any better way to explain it in text than I already did,.
It’s cut and paste or new file and paste, paste, paste… tough to show or explain I think, that’s why I mentioned and linked the other guide in there too twice.
ON step 6, I’ve never ran into that issue, and I edit lots of BIOS for people all day long, so like mentioned I think that’s very rare and not something you have to worry about.
Step 3, see what I mean, I have my ways as explained and look at his method and it looses me too. Mainly because I don’t do it that way, but more-so due to I don’t use that hex program or those methods of cut/paste etc.
So I do understand how it’s confusing to you, it is tough to follow for me explained that way as well
On your question about the Samsung microcode, new microcode is larger, so I assume there will not be room following 306A9 at 12kb for you to put in a 13KB file.
That’s the dance I described, you have to either make the file larger by expanding the area 306A9 is currently in to 13KB pushing everything down using insert instead of paste, or recreate all new from scratch.
Answering your question, I assume there is no FF’s to remove? Not sure what you are looking at, or asking about, in regards to "Those FF’s"
My way to do that, would be either update them all to latest in a new file, or make a new file starting with your updated microcode and then paste all older/other ones after that (can be grabbed from MC Extractor’s extracted folder if you drop BIOS on it first.)
I’ll check the BIOS for you, did you notice I posted 8MB already edited when I dropped the link for the guide? In case you missed it, I updated that one for you as I went along making the guide
I’ll check now, already checked your Clevo FIT Tables look OK, good job! I noticed a bug in UEFITool NE latest version, all “Local Offsets” in FIT Table for microcodes show 0000000 instead of actual offset.
Maybe that is by design, or new bug due to how new version handles microcodes one by one? Anyway, that’s not a problem for you or the mod etc, only mention in case someone on UEFITool team reads this since I’m not sure how to submit bug reports
Samsung BIOS looks OK to me, you decreased the overall size on the microcode file, but I didn’t check where, all microcodes look good/valid. There is padding between some, but not others, but that is in the stock BIOS too.