[Request] How to Access Locked/Hidden BIOS Menu Settings

Yes, it was all well-explained, so I did not have any problem in understanding the process. But the process in itself required going back and forth, so as I corrected the FIT the first time I was worrying if I made any mistakes anywhere. That is why I shared the FIT corrected files with you to have a look. Now I am rather confident about it.

That will be cool.


What I did was, I deleted the old microcode region and pasted the new microcode there. As the new microcode was larger in size, everything below that just got pushed downwards further. Does that sound like the proper way?

Regarding the "FFs", it was actually mentioned in the other guide that if the size of the updated microcode does not match, the redundant FFs should either be deleted or added to restore the original size. I did not find any redundant FFs in the microcode section, so I did not know what else to do. That’s why I expressed my concern regarding the 1KB size difference between the old and the new microcode.

Ok, thanks for confirming. I had seen your corrected file, but I thought I should do the correction again myself to be more confident as I was able to compare the FIT between the two corrected files then. And they matched completely. However, I was still worrying if I messed up anywhere. So, I shared the corrected files with you for a look.

I used older UEFITool NE, and Local Offsets seem to populate fine there. I will be careful when upgrading to the latest UEFI NE.

As mentioned above, I didn’t do anything to decrease the file size in the Samsung BIOS as I was not sure how to do that. I suppose that my modded Samsung BIOS is safe for flashing, right?

@Lost_N_BIOS , LocalOffset being zero in new version of UEFITool NE is not a bug (presence of LocalOffset is a bug though, it should be removed because it’s always zero now).
New versions show microcodes in the tree, so microcodes can be found and extracted without dealing with the whole microcode file.

If you want to report a bug in UEFITool, issue tracker is here: https://github.com/LongSoft/UEFITool/issues
You can also sent me a PM with bug description, and I will forward it to current maintainers.

Thanks for the explanations, and showing me how to submit bug report too @CodeRush
I like the new method, and the old, so I’m torn on which is best way to have the microcodes. I guess it depends on what you’re doing with the BIOS, I find myself using the old way more still, but that’s just me
I will probably continue to use the old when dealing with microcode updating, but will probably get used to using new method for FIT table corrections.

@akm - yes I assumed there would be going back and forth a lot to read guide, and then of course the back and forth in the process and using multiple apps, two versions of the same app, and getting used to doing the mod may take some getting used to.
It’s good to know you were able to follow along and the guide itself didn’t loose you or cause any confusion. Sorry it took so long, as you can see it’s kin of confusing and involved, getting that explained in just the right way is what took me so long, I wanted to make sure it made as much sense in the way I could explain it.

Yes, what you mentioned with the microcode is what you want to do, push down to make more room and then once done inserting remove any extra that may still be there if there’s no space between codes. In that BIOS some were spaced/padded some were not, so I don’t think it matters.
The FF’s, I still don’t get either? Unless maybe it meant select all old code, fill with FF’s, then paste in new code and remove any remaining FF’s from the previous fill (Only applies if new code is smaller)?

Samsung the overall microcode file is smaller than original, and you inserted a larger microcode than previously was there, that’s why I mentioned this, unsure what you cut/removed? I think it’s OK to flash, nothing looked off/odd etc.

UEFITool NE latest version is OK, it just handles the microcode presentation to user view differently, you’ll see what I mean once you check it out.

Ok, thanks for confirming about the Samsung BIOS mod. I am too not sure about the FFs, but the good thing is that the modded BIOS file seems to be ok as you confirmed.

Regarding the guide, I would say that everything is just perfectly explained there. No confusion anywhere. Just that the process demands extreme carefulness.

I will be checking out the latest UEFITool NE.

I try to change IFR bytecode for replace link from one one level menu to other level
Suppress If {0A 82}
- - QuestionId: 0xDC4 equals value 0x1 {12 06 C4 0D 01 00}
- - Ref: Thunderbolt™ Configuration, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): 0xFFFF, VarStore: 0x0, QuestionId: 0x103, FormId: 0x27CA {0F 0F EC 19 ED 19 03 01 00 00 FF FF 00 CA 27}
End If {29 02}
Form: Thunderbolt™ Configuration, FormId: 0x27CA {01 86 CA 27 EC 19}
- One Of: Thunderbolt™ Support, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): 0x453, VarStore: 0x1, QuestionId: 0x27BC
0x19EC - reference to promptSTRING "Thunderbolt™ Configuration"
0x19ED - reference to helpSTRING
0x27CA - formID , menu level=5 (see picture)

Suppress If {0A 82}
- - False {47 06 C4 0D 01 00}
- - Ref: PCH-IO Configuration, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): 0xFFFF, VarStore: 0x0, QuestionId: 0x103, FormId: 0x2750 {0F 0F 34 0D 34 0D 03 01 00 00 FF FF 00 50 27}
End If {29 02}
Form: PCH-IO Configuration, FormId: 0x2750 {01 86 50 27 34 0D}
- Subtitle: Statement.Prompt: PCH-IO Configuration, Flags: 0x0 {02 87 34 0D 00 00 00}
0x0D34 - reference to promptSTRING "PCH-IO Configuration"
0x2750 - new formID , menu level=4

after flashing&restart i see in Peripherals menu "PCH-IO Configuration" instead "Thunderbolt™ Configuration", this is good. If i press enter new screen opened but with "Thunderbolt™ Configuration" settings. AMIBCP also ignore changed IFR and show structure of menu like with original IFR


Where is stored structure of menu/submenu in AMI UEFI bioses ?
Is any howto/guides exist for manipulation of them ?

Sorry @Mov_AX_0xDEAD - I don’t know of any guides for menu manipulation like you want to do. Stored structure of menu’s only thing I know of for that is how they are presented in AMIBCP and then setup module IFR extraction.

You want to enable PCH-IO config in BIOS, where it’s previously hidden or not enabled, correct? If yes, link me to BIOS, I will see if I can enable for you other ways, then if yes I will show you what I did to enable.
Usually that means you have to enable chipset first, via user in AMIBCP + 1 or 2 other methods (change suppress if true to false if present in IFR right before “Form: Chipset”, if not see next method), then do the magic string edit (I assume you know this one, it’s the 0101010001 to 0101010101 type edit).
For that last method, you need to compare stock image of BIOS vs what you see in top of setup module IFR to find initial 010100010001 string.

sorry for the delay @Lost_N_BIOS. These are the menu from my modded BIOS. I let you the stock BIOS


06WD_stock BIOS

@Haplo Thanks, I will check and see what I can do for you. Please link stock BIOS package, exe or whatever is comes from direct Samsung link, thanks

Hallo @Lost_N_BIOS it is attached: "06WD_Stock BIOS

I see that before @Haplo - please link to the BIOS download package for your system thanks.
Also, I tried to view your images, it’s too blurry, too cropped etc, please put all those images uncut into a zip file and upload for me so I can view each one separately and at full size, thanks

thanks for reply, bios is graphical Aptio V, and i think high level menus hard located on screen , this is why i want to rearrange sub-menu. Example of gigabyte bios screen:

high level menu in amibcp 5:

Security disabled in IFR Suppress (If {0A 82} True {46 02})

i will continue research this thing and try replace security link to pch-fw for example

I think language barrier is getting us , it’s OK. I think I get what you mean, you want to re-arrange menu orders

Two things to enable Security if you wanted, of course you know already set “User” in AMIBCP, if that does not work still, change IFR Suppress (If {0A 82} True {46 02}) >> To Suppress (If {0A 82} False {47 02}) (Change 46 to 47 will auto change text to False)

PCH-FW, you can enable I think without having to move around, set “User” in AMIBCP, did you try and that doesn’t show up?

This is the Stock BIOS

@Lost_N_BIOS , This is the Stock BIOS


Respect to the pictures, these are the best I have. I upload them in ZIP

Nueva carpeta (4).zip (3.07 MB)

Thanks, all around! And thanks, the images are good enough now for me to see what I couldn’t before.

I’ll dig into this tonight when I get back online for you! Also, you never said, what exact options did you enable previously, that DID show up in BIOS for you?

I found interesting sequences in AMITSe module:

last sequence match bios screen (except security)

@Lost_N_BIOS , I changed ALL the options that were shown in AMIBCP (a truly lot of them…), an as you can see. The only new options shown in BIOS are:

1-the options for the differents passwords, mainly for the HDDs
2-"Low Voltage" in Advanced
3-"Enable keypad", "Touch Pad mouse", "Option ROM Messages" and "Set Active Display" in Boot Section
4-Intel Debug in "Exit" (but fullt empty),

If you re-arrange those, do they change in the BIOS structure in AMIBCP or in actual BIOS? If yes, maybe test your PCH edit there too and see what happens.

Do you just need change setting in the PCH-FW section? If yes, and AMIBCP cannot do, you can edit via IFR/Hex and change the default setting.

@Haplo - I needed to know which actually showed up in BIOS for you. The main reason all the others don’t is you need to enable the main/root of the section to be visible first, then rest can be enabled and often do not need to be set to “User” at all once root/main section is made visible.
I cannot download your modified BIOS though, only PDF’s shown at the link you provided. However, I do not need it anyway, only letting you know.

I need to see your stock Exit page. You sent me image of current modified one I think (Since debug is shown, this is modified BIOS Image)
I need to see stock image of how exit BIOS page looks, so I can tell which exit in BIOS is used, there is two and I need to know which one stock BIOS is using before I can do anything.
Same for “Boot” this is modified Boot section image. I need all stock BIOS images please, you said you flashed many times and are used to it, please reflash stock BIOS and give me all new images of stock BIOS like I requested, otherwise I cannot help.
Same for advanced too. So, again, please flash stock BIOS, and send me all new images of each section, put in a zip like last time too, thanks!

I’m sorry if this is a hassle for you to take new images, it’s a 100% requirement from my end, otherwise I cannot start modification due to not being able to know which sections the stock BIOS used for those areas I wont be able to find menu sting to enable all menus
It also helps me, once found and I can enable all menu sections, we remove visibility for some of the duplicates so you don’t have two boot, advanced, and exit pages. I think I found now, but need to see stock images, so I can tell which to enable/disable, so you don’t have dupes for no reason with same/similar settings.

Hallo @Lost_N_BIOS , this is not a hassle for me, I apreciate very much your help. By the moment I send you a recopilation of Stock BIOS Images I have found in Internet. They are EXACTLY the same my Stock BIOS.

In any case, If you think you need the truly images, I have to wait untill to tonight to have access to my laptop.

Thanks again

Stock_BIOS_Images.zip (1.2 MB)

Thanks for your understanding! Yes, I need the images because I have to compare what I see in your BIOS, vs what’s in AMIBCP, and figure out which sections are actually there vs which are not in AMIBCP vs the BIOS, then use that in the setup module to find a long string of 0’s and 1’s that equal the actual enabled menu’s on the stock BIOS.
Once I see that, I can unlock all menus, like you see in AMIBCP, and a few are doubles which we’ll disable the ones with less in it (mainly boot, security, original Advanced)

I can use those images you attached, if you are 100% sure it’s all exact same as your stock BIOS.