[REQUEST] HP Insyde Bios EM64T

Hi! I have a HP Mini 110-4100 with bios Insyde F.01 version. The problem is the bios has locked 64 bit and thus I’m not being able to run x64 programs. The bios might be RSA signed(it’s from January 2012 and Andy’s phoenixtool prints Decrypted at the very beginning. Insyde H20EzE can’t even recognize it as Insyde bios and UEFITool ends with error “not a single top Volume found, the image may be corrupted”. Can someone please help me how to do this? I just need to know how to get around the RSA signature problem. Because I’d love to do it myself and learn about the process. So if anyone kindly helps me, could you also tell me all how-to steps and what is happening?
F.01 bios link (https)://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp55501-56000/sp55712.exe
I’m not allowed to post links, sorry. Just remove the brackets
P.S @Lost_N_BIOS , please help me. Nobody is seeing my post

Please reply someone. I need help badly. I managed to stop the RSA checking process. And the only thing I need it to get 64 bit support on this Netbook. Please help me. Looks like someone in the bios mods forum succeeded in doing it. But it is for AMI bios. How can I do the same for Insyde?h***s://***.bios-mods.com/forum/Thread-REQUE…pc-1025C?page=2

Okay I found my solution. If Insyde bios, just updates your microcode. There is the update for Atom N2600 in the jetway download server. Just apply it to your bios

Update, it didn’t work. I tried flashing it today and found it can’t boot into x64. Can anyone please have a look at it? I beg you all!!!
Here are some close references

And this, though this is beyond my understanding

@Lost_N_BIOS , it would be soo great if you or someone actually replied (I found in the group rules to mention you in the post if nobody replies)

Latest bios version is F.08 Rev
you should also get this update for your TSST optical drive firmware
I am pretty sure you can update your v10.1.0.1008 intel management engine’s firmware from here
Even if you will be able to do what are trying to do,all the support is for 32bit windows as i can see from support page.meaning you may not be able to find proper drivers for 64bit.possibility on the paper at least.and specs says 1GB RAM expandable to 2GB,dont even bother with 64bit windows nor 64bit apps.4gb and below ram is best for windows 32bit.
I recommend updating bios,adding another 1gb ram (if you have not already) and using linux (manjaro,mint for example,something with familiar user interface and able to run windows apps which also needs less resources) or stick to windows 7 (but linux will be alot faster) and ssd (specs says up to 320gb)
EzH2O v2.1.0.13? well i did take a look at the bios and its in bin format

;This file is Insydeflash utility configuration file
;SwitchString default : empty.
; String : A switch flag setting string. Ex: “ACEN DCEN FHRST”
; Detail parameter please reference following table.
; Parameter | Description
; -------------±---------------------------------------------
; PTEN | All protection enable.
; PTDIS | All protection disable.
; ACEN | AC protect checking enable.
; ACDIS | AC protect checking disable.
; DCEN | DC & Gangue protect checking enable.
; DCDIS | DC & Gangue protect checking disable.
; RESSEN | BIOS Regression enable.
; RESSDIS | BIOS Regression disable.
; PJMDEN | Project Model string protect checking enable.
; PJMDDIS | Project Model string protect checking disable.
; FHOS | System back to OS after flash BIOS completely.
; FHST | System directly shutdown after flash BIOS completely.
; FHRST | System directly reboot after flash BIOS completely.
; CPVER:[Num] | Common Flash Version information
; | ex: [Num] is decimal and start from 1.
; -------------±---------------------------------------------
;ErrorMsg00 default : empty.
; String : No error message.
;ErrorMsg01 default : empty.
; String : AC error message.
;ErrorMsg02 default : empty.
; String : DC error message.
;ErrorMsg03 default : empty.
; String : DC gas gauge under xx% message.
;ErrorMsg04 default : empty.
; String : BIOS version error message.
;ErrorMsg05 default : empty.
; String : Model name error message.
;ErrorMsg10 default : empty.
; String : No support this version of Flash Common Interface message.
;The number of ErrorMsg## is in hex.

;Insydeflash utility will display the value at top
;Version default : empty.
; String : Version number string for display.
; It will be show on UI, and append on current version number.
; When current version is 5.01 and this version string set to “12”,
; then it will show “InsydeFlash V5.01.12” on main dialog caption.

;FileName default : empty.
; String : Utility always load this file.
; If the FileName is empty, utility will search current directory
; and load the first found FD file.

;Flag default : 0.
; 0 : No backup BIOS.
; 1 : Backup current BIOS and new BIOS binary.
;FilePath default : empty.
; empty : Use current directory.
; String : Directory for backup BIOS.
;FileName default : empty.
; empty : Use platform ID as file name.
; String : File name for backup BIOS.
;xxx.xxx = Current BIOS image
;xxx_01.xxx = Previous BIOS image
;xxx_new.xxx = New BIOS image

;PatchFv default : 0.
; 0 : Update all binary in file.
; 1 : Partial update mode.
;FileName default : empty. (Only available in partial update mode.)
; String : BIOS file name.
;FileOffset default : 0. (Only available in partial update mode.)
; Integer : The offset of file for reading.
;FlashSize default : 0. (Only available in partial update mode.)
; Integer : The size to flash.
;PhysicalAddress default : FFF00000. (Only available in partial update mode.)
; DWORD : Physical address in hex.
;FvID default : empty.
; String : When flag in Platform_Check section is 1, utility will compare
; this value with current platform ID.
;IDErrorAction default : 1. (Only available when ID comparison is failed.)
; 1 : Show error message box.
; 2 : Close utility and reboot or shutdown.

;This flag is the switch of comparing bios project ID with ROM file project ID.
;Flag default : 3.
; 0 : Don’t check project ID.
; 1 : Check project ID of new file.
; If ID is different with current BIOS, the utility will close.
; 2 : Utility will compare current platform ID with the 20 platform IDs.
; If any one is match, it will go ahead, otherwise utility will close.
; 3 : Depends on BIOS report.
;PlatformName1~20 default : empty.
; String : If ROM file do not contain correct ID, user can define ID here.

;This flag only available when the [Platform_Check] is enable to compare the 20 platform IDs.
;The Version is pair with the PlatformName.
;For example: When the platform ID matches with PlatformName2, the Version2 will be used.
;Flag default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t use multi version.
; 1 : Use the version in the list instead of the version in file.
;Version1~20 default : empty.
; String : If ROM file do not contain correct version, user can define version here.

;This flag is the switch of checking AC.
;Flag default : 1.
; 0 : Don’t check AC.
; 1 : Check AC.
;BatteryCheck default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t check battery.
; 1 : Check battery.
;BatteryBound default : 50.
; Integer (1~100) : Low battery boundary (percentage).
; When BatteryCheck=1 this value will be referenced.
; And only when the battery life percentage is bigger then
; inputed value, it can do flash.
;ConnectACAndDC default : 1.
; 0 : Don’t connect AC and DC check.
; 1 : Check AC, if no AC plug will check DC.

;This flag is the switch of checking BIOS version.
;Flag default : 2.
; 0 : Don’t check rom file version.
; 1 : Check BIOS version.
; When rom file version is older then BIOS, it will display
; a warning message and close application.
; 2 : Depend on BIOS report.

;ALL default : 0.
; 0 : Reserve all protected areas.
; 1 : Flash all ROM parts.
;BB_PEI, CPU_Microcode, Variable, DXE, EC, Password, OEM_NVS, Logo, Type#09, Type#08
; default : 0.
; 0 : Protect these areas if BIOS report them are protected areas.
; 1 : Force flash these areas if BIOS report them are protected areas.

;Action default : 2.
; 0 : Do nothing.
; 1 : Shutdown.
; 2 : Reboot
;Dialog default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t display dialog.
; 1 : Display dialog.
; 2 : Display dialog and wait several seconds.
;Counter default : 15. (Unit is second)
; Integer : The number of seconds for count down to reboot or shutdown.
;ActionOverride default : 0
; 0 : This key is disabled. Flash utility bases action key setting to do original behavior.
; 1 : This key is enabled. Flash utility just does close itself in silent mode.
;The value behind comma is the return value in silent mode.

;Confirm default : 1.
; 0 : Don’t display confirm dialog.
; 1 : Display confirm dialog.
;Silent default : 0.
; 0 : Normal mode.
; 1 : Silent mode, hide main dialog.
;SilentWithDialog default : 2.
; 0 : Don’t display any dialog.
; 1 : Display main dialog only.
; 2 : Display all dialogs except main dialog.
;DisplayID default : 1.
; 0 : Don’t display BIOS ID.
; 1 : Display BIOS ID.
;InsydeInfo default : 1.
; 0 : Don’t display Insyde copyright information and URL.
; 1 : Display Insyde copyright information and URL.
;VersionInfo default : 1.
; 0 : Don’t display BIOS version.
; 1 : Display BIOS version.
;GroupInfo default : 1.
; 0 : Don’t display group box.
; 1 : Display group box.
;ConfirmInfo default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t display BIOS version and date information in confirm dialog.
; 1 : Display BIOS version and date information in confirm dialog.
;OnFlashingBeep default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t beep on flashing.
; 1 : Beep on flashing.
; default : 800. (Unit is millisecond)
; Integer : Set beep delay time(Milliseconds).
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t hook mouse and keyboard.
; 1 : Hook mouse and keyboard without “CTRL+ALT+DEL”.
; default : 0. (Unit is second)
; Integer : Delay number of seconds before flash process.
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t pop-up warning dialog before flash process.
; 1 : Pop-up a warning dialog before flash process.
;GetFDFileButton default : 0.
; 0 : Hide FD file browse button.
; 1 : Show the button for browsing FD file.
;DelayBeforeFlash default : 0. (Unit is second)
; Integer : Delay number of seconds before flashing.

;ClearCMOS default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t clear CMOS.
; 1 : Clear CMOS.
;FlashDevice default : 0.
; 0 : Default.
; 1 : SPI flash part.
; 2 : Non-SPI flash part.
;DisableCompare default : 0.
; 0 : Read BIOS and compare difference before writing.
; If the readed data is the same as the data we want to write,
; it will not do the write action.
; 1 : Don’t do compare before writing. Just do write action directly.
;DisableVerify default : 0.
; 0 : Verify BIOS after writing.
; 1 : Don’t verify BIOS after writing.
;VerifyErrorRetry default : 3.
; Integer : Retry times.
; If the value is not zero means enable verify retry, and will retry setted times.
; 0 for disable verify retry.
; default : 100. (Unit is millisecond)
; Integer : Delay time during SMI error retry(millisecond).
;SMIErrorRetry default : 5.
; Integer : Retry times when SMI fail. (Note: This may let flash time become longer.)
;AllowVersion default : 000.
; Version : Utility will do following process.
; If you want to run into UEFI flash update, the current version (on board BIOS) must be higher than this version
; (as “AllowVersion” key).
; Current BIOS version > allow version: Utility will run into UEFI flash update.
; Current BIOS version <= allow version: Utility will run into Window flash to update BIOS.
; If AllowVersion=000, utility always into UEFI flash update.
;ForceIHISIVersion default : empty.
; Version : This flag will force override the IHISI version which will passing to BIOS.
; Ex: 1.9.1

;Flag default : 0.
; 0 : Auto flash mode.
; 1 : User option mode, including option, start, exit buttons.
; 2 : User flash mode, including start, exit buttons.

;Some specific platforms need to flash by application. Only support 32bit Windows.
;Flag default : 0.
; 0 : Flash by BIOS.
; 1 : Flash by application.
;Model default : empty.
; String : The name of the platform.

;FileNotFound default : 3.
; Integer : If utility can’t find the BIOS file, it will return this error code.
;ErrorBeforeFlash default : 4.
; Integer : If error occur before flash process, it will return this error code.
;WriteROMFail default : 5.
; Integer : If error occur during write ROM process, it will return this error code.
;WriteECFail default : 6.
; Integer : If error occur during write EC process, it will return this error code.
; default : 7.
; Integer : If error occur during write Extra Data process, it will return this error code.
;The value behind comma is the return value in silent mode.

;Flag default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t flash EC by BIOS.
; 1 : Flash EC by BIOS.
;EC_Dialog default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t display confirm dialog when begin to update EC.
; 1 : Show confirm dialog.
;BIOS_Only default : 0.
; 0 : Flash EC and BIOS file.
; 1 : Only flash BIOS part of the merge file.
;Progress_Bar default : 1.
; 0 : Flash EC without progress bar.
; 1 : Flash EC with progress bar.
;EC_Only default : 0.
; 0 : Flash EC and BIOS file.
; 1 : Flash only EC binary file.
;EC_Path default : empty.
; String : EC file name.

;Flag default : 0.
; 0 : Do not update extra data.
; 1 : Update extra data by IHISI.
; If new image is NOT processed by IFIT tool, please do not enable this function.
;DataType default : 1.
; Integer : Integer number. The meaning of data type number will define by BIOS OEM.
; : Now will support 1, 4~C.
; : Ex:1,4,6,5 → Mean you want to update 1,4,6,5 Four type of data.
; : Notice: 2, 3 cannot used.
; : This key is for customizing error message which occur in update extra data.
; For example:
; When an error occur when updating type 4, BIOS return the error code A2.
; AP will find the key “type4errorcodeA2” and get the string ID “messagestring4”, and find the string in [MessageStringTable].
; Then shows the message string instead of standard error message.
; # : The the type number define in DataType. (Hex)
; ?? : The error code returned by BIOS. Available value range A0~AF.
; X : Message string number.
;This feature will let you just input data to update by IHISI. Data type will define by BIOS OEM.
;If new image is NOT processed by IFIT tool, please do not enable this function.

;MEFileName default : empty.
; String : if this file name or Multi-FD ME file name exist tool will run this case to flash ME.
;CheckVersion default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t check ME file version.
; 1 : Check ME file version.
; 2 : When ME flash error is cause of same version and downgrade version do not show error and continue to flash.

;This section is used to control SPI descriptor mode.
;If the BIOS is built without additional Intel firmware as like ME,GBE and DESC or BIOS is a AMD firmware which does not support ME, please ignore section.
;BIOS default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t flash.
; 1 : Flash BIOS region.
;GbE default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t flash.
; 1 : Flash GbE region.
;ME default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t flash.
; 1 : Flash ME region.
;DESC default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t flash.
; 1 : Flash DESC region.
;Platform_Data default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t flash.
; 1 : Flash Platform_Data region.

;Flag default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t log to file.
; 1 : Utility will log to specify file.
;FileName default : InsydeFlash.Log.
; String : Log file name.
;CMOS_Flag default : 0.
; 0 : Disable CMOS debug.
; 1 : Enable CMOS debug.
;CMOS_INDEX_PORT default : 70. (hex)
; 70 : Use 0x70 port as index port.
; 72 : Use 0x72 port as index port.
;CMOS_DATA_PORT default : 71. (hex)
; 71 : Use 0x71 port as index port.
; 73 : Use 0x73 port as index port.
;CMOS_OFFSET default : 0,0. (hex)
; CMOS_OFFSET=xx,yy the xx is high byte offset; yy is low byte offset, and the range is 0~FF (hex)

; 99999 : Use the default value above.
; Other integer : Use input value as return code.
;The value behind comma is the return value in silent mode.

;Flag default : 0.
; 0 : Do nothing. The following settings in this section won’t be referenced.
; 1 : Erase variable before flash.
; 2 : Erase variable only.
;All Other Values default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t erase variable.
; 1 : Erase variable before flash base on the “Flag” settings.

;Flag default : 0.
; 0 : Normal mode.
; 1 : Multi-FD mode. It will reference FD#XX values.
;FD#XX support up to 99 files FD#01 ~ FD#99
;This section supports IO space type, PCI address type and multiple condition type.
;FD#XX=IO,[Offset],[Mask],[Value],[File Name],[ME File Name],[INI File Name]
;FD#XX=PCI,[Bus],[Device],[Function],[Offset],[Mask],[Value],[File Name],[ME File Name],[INI File Name]
;FD#XX=MPCIIO,[Conditon Number],PCI-[Bus]-[Device]-[Function]-[Offset]-[Mask]-[Value],IO-[Offset]-[Mask]-[Value],[File Name],[ME File Name],[INI File Name]
; [Offset] : Offset in hex.
; [Mask] : IO type supports BYTE, WORD and DWORD in hex.
; For example, BYTE → 03, WORD → 0A01, DWORD 100400D3
; PCI type supports DWORD in hex only.
; [Value] : IO type supports BYTE, WORD and DWORD in hex.
; PCI type supports DWORD in hex only.
; [File name] : File name of FD.
; [ME File name] : ME File name of FD. If it exists, utility will run OEMME flash feature.
; [INI File name] : INI File name for overwrite.
; If it exists, utility will load the new ini file and overwrite all sections (except [MULTI_FD]) exist in new ini file.
;When [Offset] & [Mask] == [Value], it will flash the following files ([File Name] and [ME File Name]).

;This BIOSVFEnable flag is the switch of BIOSVersionFormat.
;FunctionEnable default : 0
; 0 : function is disabled
; 1 : function is enabled.
;VersionFormat X : The field is masked. The mask field will be NOT compared.
; N : The digit field can be ASCII, case-sensitive.
; T : It’s the same definition with N. But T is a case-insensitive.
; . : Dot is also a mask.

;This section is for conditional version definition for BIOS update.
;When this function enabled, flash utility will compare on board BIOS version with conditional version and then decide to continue flash progress or not.
;For example: In following condition PFVFunctionEnable=1, SingleVersion=A03, “Please update to BIOS version A03 first!”.
; When on board BIOS version is older then A03,
; it will popup the error dialog with the message “Please upate to BIOS version A03 first!” and then terminated.
; Otherwise it will continue orginal flash process.
;The MultiVersion1~20 are similar as SingleVersion, but they only available when the [Platform_Check] is enable to compare the 20 platform IDs.
;They must be pair of the PlatformName of [Platform_Check] section.
;For example: When the platform ID matches with PlatformName2, the Version2 will be used.
;PFVFunctionEnable default : 0.
; 0 : Disable conditional version check.
; 1 : Enable conditional version check.
;SingleVersion default : empty.
; String : XXXX, “Message String”
; XXXX is the conditional version, regarding version check rule please refer section “BIOSVersionFormat”.
; “Message String” is the message to show when the on board BIOS version is older than the conditional version.
;MultiVersion1~20 default : empty.
; String : XXXX, “Message String”
; XXXX is the conditional version, regarding version check rule please refer section “BIOSVersionFormat”.
; “Message String” is the message to show when the on board BIOS version is older than the conditional version.

MsgCaption=Password confirmation
MsgPreface=Please enter password
MsgSuccess=Password is correct.
MsgFailure=Password is incorrect. Please retry again.
; default : 0.
; 0 : Disable the password check function.
; 1 : Enable the password check function.
;MsgCaption default : “Password confirmation”
; String : The dialog box caption.
;MsgPreface default : “Please enter password”
; String : The preface of password entering.
;MsgSuccess default : “Password is correct.”
; String : The string displaied when the comparing result returned by BIOS is 0x00.
;MsgFailure default : “Password is incorrect. Please retry again.”
; String : The string displaied when the comparing result returned by BIOS is 0x01.

messagestring1=“Warning message 1”
;The message string must as following format messagestring#=“Your message here.”
;The # is a number in Decimal or Hex.

Thank you sir!! @onuracengiz
Oh! You don’t know how happy I am to see someone reply. But there’s a thing. When I try to dump bios using flashrom, it gives me a bad output. I opened up the dumped bios.rom and found many malicious info there(even the name of my USB was included with very odd bytes and clean texts “Google, Mozilla in it”, If you want to see it, I will obviously send it to you) I tried to backup the rom file from insyde flash, but it is also bad. The only valid solution I saw is to use the .DEC file from Andy’s Phoenix tool. Don’t worry…I have HW SPI programmer if anything goes wrong
Here is my dumped bios versions F.01, F.02, F.08 using modified platform.ini
https://drive.google.com/file/d/17axyKdE…iew?usp=sharing (F.01)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hNXUhqG…iew?usp=sharing (F.02)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ij1G9MY…iew?usp=sharing (F.08)

The bios locks 64bit instruction, and many more regardless the versions…F.08, F.02 or F.01

I have upgraded to 4GB DDR3 (that’s the maximum this thing can take). But if you ask me, I don’t care about the lack of windows 64 bit drivers because I mostly use linux on this, and this is more of my favourite development platform than a day-to-day windows netbook

The error is, whatever mod I try for this, the result is always the same. The kernel requires a x86_64 CPU but only detected an i686 CPU. Please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU (Linux)
And Windows 64 bit present a even bigger error that simply says my CPU doesn’t support x86_64. Many people succeeded with AMI bios like the above link for ASUS 1025C with exact same hardware.
Somebody did this on HP Mini with same hardware…I re-posted both the links

For researching around, I could find the way to blow off RSA protection from BIOS and unlocked an feature unnecessary for me in this hardware (VT-X, MSR 0x3A unlock, my heartiest thanks to @Code Rush). But didn’t get the main thing I’m looking for. Can you please help me unlocking 64 bit, or suggest someone who can help?

Thanks again,

there was no problem with andy’s tool nor slic, it performes succesfully
no need for slic anyway

That’s what I was telling…since you can now look into the binary, can you locate something that is locking 64 bit support? After decrypting, I can load the bios in UEFITool and InsydeH20 EzE without any problems

if you have updated to rev8,stick with it and its dump
nope,and thats the problem.i will take another look,its long as you can guess :slight_smile:
PhoenixTool v2.73

I have the latest version of bios (F.08 Rev), and I have sent the dump to you in my previous post. Well, that link relates to IFR, and I have extracted the whole IFR of the setup utility, found nothing such as "Long mode" or "EM64T" or "64 bit". And the way the ASUS bios was modded by editing MSR 0x122, this is Intel TSX, and how is this related to Intel 64 bit mode? And how to enable 64 bit in my insyde bios, this is my question for now

you mean [MSR 0x122] |= 3;
then leaving empty the (NOP) part in that piece of code in bios. well i saw that.

Yeah, but I don’t think it is the same in Insyde. There’s some other gimmicks around this bios. Moreover, I got to know that Insyde is UEFI based solution. That means it is a UEFI bios with all disabled features. More exploring with IFR and I found that there is UEFI Boot option but it is disabled. There is even option for Virtualization but I have enabled it by modding MSR 0x3A. But both of these are unnecessary for me, I just need 64 bit. I couldn’t find any piece of code similar to the MSR 0x122 in ASUS 1025C. In linux, if I try

#rdmsr 0xC0000080(IA32-EFER, the MSR for reading about 64 bit mode)
800 (I don’t know what does it mean by yhe value 800)
#rdmsr 0x3a (VT-x msr)
(before mod)9, (after mod), 5

The best part is, you can load this bios binary perfectly in InsydeH2O EzE or UEFITool after decryption in PhoenixTool…

not all have it but yes.UEFI is not necessary but a good to have.virtualization on the other hand even less so.you should make a guide about things like that for people who might need it
i am doing some reading from intel developer zone about Intel TSX,looks like a dead end though
"Intel® TSX provide two software interfaces to specify regions of code for transactional execution.
HLE is a legacy-compatible instruction set extension (comprising the XACQUIRE and XRELEASE prefixes) to specify transactional regions. HLE is for programmers who prefer the backward compatibility of the conventional mutual-exclusion programming model and would like to run HLE-enabled software on legacy hardware, but would like to take advantage of new lock elision capabilities on hardware with HLE support"
and Intel says Intel Atom® Processor N2600 64bit is supported
Intel Processor Identification Utility

This HLE looks suspicious. MSR 0x122 part is available, but very differently. And I have a guide to post it here and on other forums after I get 64 bit, I will write it as newbie-friendly as possible

Hi! just an update…I tested on 2 64 Bit machines to know how do they respond to this MSR 0xC0000080. Regardless of the CPU, all of them responded with the same result.
#rdmsr 0xC0000080
d01(On my desktop(AMD) and my friend’s laptop(Intel i7)
But when I try same thing with the netbook,
#rdmsr 0xC0000080
800(I have told you that earlier, again writing for relevancy)
Further reading and I found that this MSR is not CPU specific(I thought it was implemented on only Intel CPUs, not AMD). But this is used on not only Intel 64 but also on AMD processors. And this is the MSR which is read and written for 64bit mode. Since the netbook can read and show output from it, EM64T is implemented here too but then disabled by some malicious code from the manufacturer.

So I think it is at least possible to unlock 64 bit here, since it is actually implemented but blocked

similar tech with different coding so i was expecting it to work for all.again our problem is on coding,or should i say finding the right entry

Yeah I think so. Thanks a lot for your efforts. And do you know how the IDA entry info is made easy? I see some people here with IDA Pro with much easier to understand entries than what I usually find (I see sub_locXXXX, Whereas others like Code Rush has them like call, efi boot services; or like ebp [HpPpi2]). Is there any structure file from which I can parse and load the structures in IDA?

did you find any possible outcomes? or did you find some clue?

Now I’m getting fed up with this Insyde BIOS menu. Is there a way to port a different bios to a similar different laptop possibly by changing EC firmwares and stuff like that? Like can I use the CedarRock BLDK codebase by changing the Ncpe791 firmware with the ITE firmware in BIOS? Again, did you find any clue about the EM64T entry in the Insyde Binary? Can anyone help me?

Hey, I don’t know if you remember about this request or not, I found something very suspicious. At first I tried
#rdmsr 0x122
Here it is 3, so it is also similarly blocked like the ASUS 1025C. I started hunting for this 0x122 msr and found two files very suspicious. I am attaching these if in case you want to have a look at them…It would be great if someone fines some more suspicious entries of 0x122 in the BIOS file, these entries are very difficult to find for me in IDA Pro(I’m IDA noob)
#BIOS (F.08) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ij1G9MY…iew?usp=sharing
#module 1 (OemInt15Callback) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fy_xwdQ…iew?usp=sharing
#module 2 (PchIntPeim PEI Module) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cA8vaia…iew?usp=sharing

To be noted, just like the last BIOS, this also have this same MSR at these two locations. I know there could be more. But I’m taking these as a starting point.

Can anyone please help me modding insyde? Are you there @Lost_N_BIOS ?