[REQUEST] [INSYDEH2O Rev. 5] Acer A515-54G BIOS modification request to enable all of its settings.

I would like to request a BIOS mod for the current A515-54G version 1.18, ideally all of its features would be visible including any hidden advanced menu.

I have access to a CH341A programmer and a SOIC8 clip I believe, I have used it to dump and the ROMs of some external enclosures; in case it was necessary to create a dump of the BIOS chip. At the moment I don’t know its location, but looking at the markings shouldn’t be a problem I think.

What is it needed? Only the BIOS to be flashed or a dump is required nonetheless? The link on the 1.18 points to the updater program already extracted and all of the files are present. The file that has the BIOS settings for my machine is ZAW2.

PS. By editing the firmware it is also possible to change the boot logo right? I’m keen on learning all of these things but I wouldn’t know where to begin, that’s why I ask for your help (for now hopefully).

Some more info, the BIOS seems to be based on InsideH2O Rev. 5, and the following are pictures of what can be seen out of the box.

I tried dumping the BIOS chip using the CH341A with the clamp, but there were no exact match for the model I have (WINBOND W25Q128JVSQ). I looked at the specs and W25Q128FV seemed close enough, but when dumping the BIOS trying to verify that what I had read was the same there was in the chip failed, which indicates it’s no possible to use W25Q123FV as a substitute right?

I tried with the other W25Q128 I have, same luck, no dumped file coincides with one another, and who knows if any represents what’s inside. I have uploaded them too in case they’re useful. I’m going to try in Linux using flashrom and report back too.

Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/6Wgu8bm
Dumps: https://mega.nz/folder/JV9THRCC#Yp42eEHGdj8-ieK9vzNO3Q


Success, I was able to read and verify the chip ROM in Linux using Flashrom.

I have uploaded the correct dump here: https://mega.nz/folder/1I0mTYZY#3Qt7B4ScaZGjYrqZzZUK4A

I hope it helps.

Another addition I hope to be useful, I added to that previous folder another dump, this time without any BIOS password set because I thought that could be a problem…

Looking around I also tried to use the Flash Programming Tool to read the BIOS and write it back again, to no avail the following error appeared (#167):

C:\Users\Kao\Downloads\Intel CSME System Tools v14.0.11- r1\Flash Programming Tool\WIN64>FPTW64.exe -bios -d BIOSReg.bin
Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool Version:
Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Reading HSFSTS register... Flash Descriptor: Valid
--- Flash Devices Found ---
W25Q128FV ID:0xEF4018 Size: 16384KB (131072Kb)

- Reading Flash [0x1000000] 13312KB of 13312KB - 100 percent complete.
Writing flash contents to file "BIOSReg.bin"...
Memory Dump Complete
FPT Operation Successful.

C:\Users\Kao\Downloads\Intel CSME System Tools v14.0.11- r1\Flash Programming Tool\WIN64>FPTW64.exe -bios -f BIOSReg.bin
Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool Version:
Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Reading HSFSTS register... Flash Descriptor: Valid
--- Flash Devices Found ---
W25Q128FV ID:0xEF4018 Size: 16384KB (131072Kb)

Error 167: Protected Range Registers are currently set by BIOS, preventing flash access.
Please contact the target system BIOS vendor for an option to disable
Protected Range Registers.
FPT Operation Failed.

C:\Users\Kao\Downloads\Intel CSME System Tools v14.0.11- r1\Flash Programming Tool\WIN64>

The resulting file from the read is also uploaded into the folder.

Looking at another thread, @Lost_N_BIOS mentioned to someone that it could be useful to dump EFI vars using H2OUVE and uploaded a package of different versions. None of them worked on my system, but H2OUVE did. So I uploaded that as well, anything I can do to help, I just wish I knew more about the whole subject.

Just in case, the folder is here: https://mega.nz/folder/1I0mTYZY#3Qt7B4ScaZGjYrqZzZUK4A


EDIT: Because I feel I have created enough replies for the thread and this is sort of off-topic:

Looking at information in the forum, I realized things aren't easy and from what I could gather I have forgo the idea of having a different boot logo.

I was able to use PhoenixTool to decompress the BIOS file that Acer provides, find the logo to be replaced, instruct it not to touch the SLIC (there's none I believe) and to allow custom modifications of modules; but it fails even recombining the BIOS as it was, without me changing the logos (something about insufficient space). *sigh* What a bum. All of you guys & girls who do this sort of things on a daily basis, heroes you are.

@KaoDome - Wow, please use edit next time if you need to add more info and no one has replied yet, thanks

For W25Q128JV - 1.18 (read, not write) or ASProgrammer 1.40/1.41 (maybe OK read/write)
Colibri ver. confirmed read/write OK
Software mentioned is in this package - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…213094641136166

Please upload only your flashrom dump for me, in a zip, without a password. All the links and comments you have above are confusing, I think you uploaded flashrom dump by itself, but then not sure because you mention adding other folders or dumps with that later, I do not need those.

If H2OUVE let you dump vars, include that vars.txt only as well. Then I can edit and help you flash it back, then we can see if you can FPT flash BIOS region only and bypass error 167, if not you will have to use flash programmer or flashrom method.
Additionally, include the logo image you want used. So Flashrom dump, vars.txt, and image only, all in one zip - thanks. If you want, you can also include Colibri or ASProgrammer dump as well

Also, please link me to the BIOS download page for this model (Yes, I see your upload of 1.18 above, this is not what I asked for here )

Ohhhhh I see I made a mess out of things, I’m sorry, I just wanted to give you guys as much information as I could.

I will ZIP everything you asked and send it to you, give me a couple of minutes because I have to setup the programmer again to read using Colibri and ASProgrammer, but the flashrom dump I already have :wink:

And thank you for your time!!

@KaoDome - It’s OK, I know how you feel You’re welcome! Do you want that Wolf logo on black background? What background do you see now, just that Green Acer Logo?

Good to hear Colibri/ASProgrammer match your flashrom dump too, if you have to recover with programmer then both of those should work OK

Here is modified vars, flash back using command below, there will be success/fail list, reboot and then make NEW BIOS region dump with FPT, use new name so there’s no confusion with the old.
Then test writing it back, this time it should pass and no 167 error Once that happens, send me this new BIOS region and I will edit that, and that’s how we’ll proceed. DO NOT USE FPTw64 version, use the Win32 version

H2OUVE.exe -sv varsM.txt

Thank you @Lost_N_BIOS ! I just went ahead and modified the vars with the ones you sent me using the 32-bit version of the tool (I went with 64-bit below because of inertia to be honest), and I’m pleased to report that it works fine! There was a warning about a missing region (GbE) but the process completed and no error was shown:

C:\Users\Kao\Desktop\FPT>FPTW.exe -d NewDump.bin
Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool Version:
Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Reading HSFSTS register... Flash Descriptor: Valid
--- Flash Devices Found ---
W25Q128FV ID:0xEF4018 Size: 16384KB (131072Kb)

- Reading Flash [0x1000000] 16384KB of 16384KB - 100 percent complete.
Writing flash contents to file "NewDump.bin"...
Memory Dump Complete
[gruen]FPT Operation Successful.[/gruen]

C:\Users\Kao\Desktop\FPT>FPTW.exe -bios -f NewDump.bin
Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool Version:
Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Reading HSFSTS register... Flash Descriptor: Valid
--- Flash Devices Found ---
W25Q128FV ID:0xEF4018 Size: 16384KB (131072Kb)
[orange]GbE Region does not exist.[/orange]
- Processed memory blocks 3327 from 3327.
RESULT: The data is identical.13312KB of 13312KB - 100 percent complete.
[gruen]FPT Operation Successful.[/gruen]

I'm uploading to the post the dump created after the vars were updated and the computer rebooted.

As for the wolf, yes, what I see is all black with the Acer logo in green and I felt it lacked personality so I decided on a simple wolf silhouette in a washed white. I don't really know how it would look, but I know it'd be an improvement for sure. In any case, if it is too much hassle leave it as it stands, what I initially wanted was to have full control of the BIOS but reading material around I learned about many many things. Even people updating their vBIOS for some reason.

But I have decided to learn how to deal with this, I have created PDF versions of two articles that could be of use because if not you someone else had mentioned them and they were from the WayBack machine already (also attached if anyone needs them).

Insyde Bios Modding - Advanced and Power Tabs.pdf (2.06 MB)

Insyde Bios Modding - Advanced and Power Tabs - Comments.pdf (4.07 MB)

Universal IFR Extractor.pdf (2.79 MB)

Universal IFR Extractor - Comments.pdf (1.24 MB)

@KaoDome - You modified the vars??? For what changes, and are you 100% sure you made correct edits to correct areas etc?

So you want white wolf on white background, what color code of white? That doesn’t seem like it will look good, or be visible etc (white on white) Or did you mean you want that wolf on black background? If that, OK, that seems normal
Yes, I will unlock the BIOS for you, I don’t need any article etc and it likely does not apply here if Donovanns guide, because that only applies to “Some” insyde BIOS, not this one I assume (didn’t check, it’s rare the guide applies to Insyde BIOS anymore)
If you want, I will include before/after edit of setup, images of before/after in assembly for the menu unlock, and before/after IFR output so you can see those edits too

Please do not use FPTWx64 version, sometimes it causes errors and random issues. And for this, please only dump/reflash BIOS region >> FPTw.exe -bios -d biosreg.bin / FPTw.exe -bios -f biosregm.bin
So, please redo the dump/reflash test, using 32bit FPT, and dump/reflash test the BIOS region only and send me the BIOS region only new dumped file. Yes, I know I can extract that from the full dump you sent, but I don’t want to, and want you to do things safely/properly/certain way, so less chance of brick

Oh no, I didn’t modify the vars, I used your modified vars, I wouldn’t even know where to begin I’m afraid.

I downloaded your package with VarsM.txt and used that file with H2OUVE, rebooted, dumped the BIOS with the 32-bit version of FPT and tried to flash it back. That’s the log I attached in the post showing everything went correctly and there was no error #167 anymore :). There was a notice about a missing GbE region, but nothing of consequence I think because I rebooted again and everything worked as expected although I couldn’t test the Ethernet port yet.

The wolf is supposed to be white in a black background, something like what I attach to this post so you can see, basically instead of the Acer letters being green over black, a white wolf silhouette over black.

Thank you for that, I’d be forever grateful, I’m always keen on learning but it’s complicated to find relevant articles of this sort of things apparently.

Done, that is the dump I uploaded to the previous post, but I’ll give you a fresh one too just in case it was modified, you’ll find it attached to this post (along with the wolf hehe).

@KaoDome - Ohh, OK, good to hear! I thought maybe you tried to change some BIOS settings or something, since the way you said that sounded like you also modified the vars and then flashed it in
Yes, sorry, forgot to mention GbE or PDR error OK/normal.

Yes, BIOS editing is very tricky, and all BIOS are very different, so it’s hard to make any guide apply to even half of similar type of BIOS out there. So I know exactly what you mean

Here, I included how to text and images, and exact bytes to change outlined in text and shown before/after in images and both before/after files there too for you to look at
Modified BIOS is included, logo changed and menu unlocked, flash back via >> FPTw.exe -bios -f biosregm.bin

*** WARNING - To ANYONE with laptop and unlocked BIOS!!!
DO NOT try to enable this graphics card or disable that card, switch cards etc. Otherwise you will end up with no display output (ie black screen) and no way to recover except by blind flash or with flash programmer.
You can change graphics related settings, like changing memory sizes, or core speeds etc, just don’t try to disable one card or change which is main etc.

Additionally, be very careful when trying to undervolt CPU, you can leave BIOS unbootable due to CPU voltage too low (Sometimes even 0.05 is too much)

WARNING *** - This BIOS is user specific! If you are not user KaoDome at Win-RAID.com forum, DO NOT USE THIS BIOS!!
If you do, and you are not KaoDome, then you will loose your serial, UUID, OG NVRAM, and possibly LAN MAC ID as well.
You have been warned!!!

I’m sorry to bother you again @Lost_N_BIOS , do I need to do anything special to biosregM.bin?

I tried flashing it with FPT and it showed that everything went successfully, but I’m still seeing the Acer logo and the BIOS interface doesn’t seem to have changed. Is it meant to be flashed using the programmer? (I ask because it differs in size, it’s 13MB instead of 16MB.

I looked at the modification process, which seems complicated, but I think you had already done the replacement to that file am I wrong?

This is the log of what I did:

C:\Users\Kao\Desktop\Acer-A515-54G-KaoDome-WolfLogo-Unlocked>FPTW.exe -bios -f biosregM.bin
Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool Version:
Copyright (C) 2005 - 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Reading HSFSTS register... Flash Descriptor: Valid
--- Flash Devices Found ---
ID:0xEF4018 Size: 16384KB (131072Kb)
GbE Region does not exist.
Processing Flash memory block 110 from 3327.
- Erasing Flash Block [0x36F000] - 100 percent complete.
- Programming Flash [0x036F000] 4KB of 4KB - 100 percent complete.
Processing Flash memory block 114 from 3327.
- Erasing Flash Block [0x373000] - 100 percent complete.
- Programming Flash [0x0373000] 4KB of 4KB - 100 percent complete.
Processing Flash memory block 116 from 3327.
- Erasing Flash Block [0x375000] - 100 percent complete.
- Programming Flash [0x0375000] 4KB of 4KB - 100 percent complete.
Processing Flash memory block 127 from 3327.
- Erasing Flash Block [0x380000] - 100 percent complete.
- Programming Flash [0x0380000] 16KB of 16KB - 100 percent complete.
- Processed memory blocks 3327 from 3327.
RESULT: The data is identical.13312KB of 13312KB - 100 percent complete.
FPT Operation Successful.

@KaoDome - Unless there is issue with the logo, no, nothing needs done to biosregm, that is fully modified BIOS, sorry for not including a change log I assumed you’d know what it was since I said above
That is modified BIOS, logo done and BIOS menu unlocked already, all you have to do is flash it in.

Sorry! No, you should not have to use programmer, and changes should have been immediate. I considered maybe logo would be messed up, sometimes that takes a few tries to get right (finding right/compatible format), but menu edit is simple and should be applied right away without issue
I can tell from that log, that not enough was written to even include the logo changes, would have been over 130KB for the images alone. For the rest, I cannot tell. Please send me new dump of current BIOS contents and let me check to see if the menu edit was flashed in or not >> FPTw.exe -bios -d check.bin

We may have to use programmer, but that would be unusual since you can FPT flash this region! If we get to that, I will send you full size file.

I see… I’m reporting back on what I tried to do for now without any luck.

Apparently, after flashing the file you provided and rebooting (or any other for that matter, I tried flashing back the original FPT dump) it is not possible to keep using FPT again to flash: error 167 appears again. Not a problem because I still have the vars you modified so H2OUVE, reboot, and then yep, it is possible to flash again. I don’t know if it is to be expected or not, but that’s what I was experiencing a while ago.

Then I tried to create a full ROM to be flashed with the programmer using the info you provided me with, I have to have you do all of the work to be honest :frowning:

To do that, I used UEFITool 0.25 as you mentioned and opened the Flashrom dump. Searched for SetupUtility and replaced the PE32 image section with the one you provided (Section_PE32_image_DriverSampleDxe_SetupUtility_body-Mod-Unlocked.efi) as shown in this picture:

[[File:Replacing the setup utility.png]]

Because I had identified the location of the boot images (I think), I tried to replace them as well using the ones I modified (again, just in case and to make the wolf really white, they’re attached to this post too). All of those were PCX encoded files, so I saved the images in the same format and then renamed them to RAW. I used the same UEFITool 0.25 session, so all of the changes (BIOS menus and logo) were done at the same time:

[[File:Replacing the logo, hopefully.png]]

Finally I saved the result and tried flashing it using Flashrom from Linux. No go, apparently it didn’t know how to erase the memory after several ways it tried (4 I think). So I switched back to Windows and used AsProgrammer. Loaded the file, connected the programmer (the darn clip was tough to plug but it IDd the chip correctly and could read from it). The hit Unprotect → erase → program → verify.

The whole process came out fine, took a long-ish time but no errors were thrown.

I rebooted the laptop and nothing appeared in the screen, I thought I must had messed something up. Having a clean dump of the ROM gives me some peace of mind, but my heart was anything but chilling throughout the process.

After a couple of reboots (on its own, I didn’t do anything to the machine), the usual Acer logo appeared, BIOS was reset to its defaults (but it was expected since I had taken away the battery and button cell for good measure). Yet still nothing was unlocked.

All of this makes me wonder whether there are some more protections in place we don’t know about, like a backup ROM, or signature checking, I don’t know. I wasn’t able to see any other SPI ROM chip around the motherboard in any case.

@KaoDome - Error 167 means you maybe did not send me correct dump, ie one made AFTER you flashed in modified vars I sent you. So those would need flashed in again first, then new dump created (As you noticed)
It does look like you replaced setup OK, but for the images they are possibly a fail because you’d have to find the correct compatible app to make the proper/acceptable PCX for their BIOS, mine (JPEG) may be as well, but doesn’t look like they were flashed in during the FPT write.
I checked your images, they “Look” to be OK, accepted by EZE if trying to replace with that, same as the JPEG’s I created, so they should be OK too.

Please reflash the first BIOS region I sent you, same way you did before, with FPT. Then dump it with FPT as I requested at post #10 and let me check it.

Let’s see, this is what I just did now:

0. Get new clean vars with H2OUVE, just in case.
1. Flash the modified vars you had sent previously with H2OUVE, to enable flashing the BIOS through FPT.
2. Dump the BIOS with FPT, the file is called FreshBIOSAfterModifiedVars.bin, which is probably what I should have sent you before, I’m sorry :frowning:
3. Flash the modified BIOS you sent me and immediately after read it again, all with FPT. The read file is called ModifiedBIOSRightAfterFlashing.bin, they are different when compared with an hex editor already.
4. Reboot and read the BIOS again, the name is ModifiedBIOSAfterFlashingAndRebooting.bin. It seems minimally different than ModifiedBIOSRightAfterFlashing.bin (then one read just before rebooting).

As for the logo, I thought it was right too, but I reworked it in GIMP this time which should respect the PCX format better which was the original one.

And I know I have already said it, but I surely appreciate all the time you’re taking, I’m learning many many things these days.

Step 0 seems unnecessary, unless you are sending to me to modify, otherwise go to step #1
Yes, #2, if you sent me BIOS dumped after vars flashed in, then it would remain unlocked. Or maybe you did, but you first flashed back in some older not unlocked BIOS region, after you already unlocked via modified vars.
I’m out of time for now, so will have to get back into this tonight, sorry. When you reboot after the mod FPT BIOS flash, is there any extended pause that you notice, or double reboots etc?

I checked the setup for now, even after reboot it’s a match to the unlocked menu edit, so menu should be unlocked now
Please wait, lets confirm those edits are correct, I did same exact unlock edits for another user today on this thread with PT515-51 model (post #507)
This edit is confirmed working by various users with many models, all that have this same kind of BIOS setup structure. So, maybe you do need to put on with programmer for some reason, or we need to test menu edit only and see what’s going on there first, then do the logo stuff 2nd

You’re welcome, and thank you too! Your logo images above at post #11 were OK, at least accepted by EZE as suitable replacements,

Not at all!! I’m more than grateful for all you did for me. There’s no hurry, actually I didn’t expect to be doing this today even :slight_smile:

I only noticed double (and triple) reboots when I attempted to mod the full Flashrom dump and re-program the ROM chip with the programmer and AsProgrammer. That’s when the machine rebooted several times.

As for the menus, unless there are no advanced options for this machine I don’t see any difference. I’m going to flash the modified ROM once again, and take pictures of the menus to compare them with the ones I took this morning, but I think all of the pages look the same.

It would be nice to have FPT unlocked forever (it was my bad, I should have sent you the correct file to make the modifications after the modified vars were updated), but if I have to go the way of the programmer I don’t mind. Logo is secondary to be honest, it’s a nice addition but the initial intent was to unlock the full potential of the BIOS setup. I’m going to take a look at that other thread (but I won’t be flashing anything from there)


EDIT @ 22:23 CEST:

After having dinner and before calling it a day as well I gave it another go, both with the modified BIOS you had sent me and with the fresh one that is attached to this post after making the edits with an hexadecimal editor (I used Free Hex Editor Neo) as per the instructions you sent me before (no logo, just unlocking the menu).

There were no double reboots after the FPT flash, menus remain the same sadly. I did the same as you afterwards, dumped the BIOS with FPT, extracted the section body and checked if the modification was still in place and it was:

00009EB: 00
0000A22: EB
000A42B8: FF
000A9678: FF

It's as if it's loading the BIOS from some other place, I'm going to swap the logos and see if any pops up (it is possible I missed one of the Acer ones, but I think not). Would a full flash with the programmer work? Even if it is less convenient it is another possibility we could try.


EDIT @ 22:52 CEST:

So, I tried to do the same also replacing the logos with the last ones I made with GIMP. Same results, no menu (I used the modded BIOS from half an hour ago) and still the same Acer logo, maybe the logo is embedded in some other location? Decompressing the ROM using PhoenixTool and running a linux "file" command to find only images I replaced every one that had the Acer logo on (there were equivalents for PackardBell and Gateway). Yet I keep seeing the Acer logo on boot.

It makes me wonder if there's no other BIOS somewhere, it is as if this one is being bypassed altogether. I think Acers have some sort of BIOS recovery situation (Fn+Esc + a specially crafted drive) I wonder if it would be possible to override things that way instead. The original flasher is able to copy the binary to whereever, but when the boot time flasher (the real one) begins it complains, likely because the signature is no longer valid.

I'm in no hurry to get any of these things done, but it's like a drug, I'm hooked trying things and looking at what could be the cause for the edits not to be taken into account. By the way, I'm willing to try anything you want me to and report back, that wont be a problem.

In any case, tomorrow is a work day so it's night for me as well. I'll attach to this post the BIOS I modified last that supposedly has the unlocked menus and logos replaced.

@KaoDome - You should see power and advanced menus, once edit actually applies. FPT will always be unlocked, provided you unlock it, and then dump only that with FPT and or programmer and use only those files moving forward.
Logos are where they are x many, 4-5 for that green acer logo. It’s not that were editing wrong things here, something else is going on.

Yes, for now, lets focus on the menu unlock edit. Please dump current BIOS contents with programmer and edit to unlock menu as noted out above, then program back. Be sure you erase chip and blank check, then open BIOS file and write/verify.
This is proving to be an issue for the other user too, he keeps getting stuck at error 167 though and can’t FPT flash. Generally this is all very simply, especially once you can FPT flash and or have programmer etc.

I’m afraid something is amiss @Lost_N_BIOS , it could be some more protections we didn’t take into account, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

I tried working off of a clean environment in the BIOS just to make sure nothing from yesterday disturbed something that shouldn’t have been:
1. Flash v1.18 unmmodified using the original flashing program (allowing same-version flashing, because it’s disabled by default).
2. After the reboot, dump the vars using H2OUVE, modify them and flash them back; just so I have the ability to use FPT (but I didn’t).
3. Using the programmer dump the contents of the ROM chip, verifying the dump was correct.
4. Open the dump in UEFITool (51) and extract Section_PE32_image_DriverSampleDxe_SetupUtility_body.efi.
5. Make the hex edits as per your instructions on what needs to be replaced, I’m afraid my assembly knowledge is limited to null and I wouldn’t be able to disassemble to check if that’s the only thing that needs to be replaced; but I trust you completely so I went by your edits.
6. Save the modified section and replace it using UEFITool (25), saving the new full-ROM dump.
7. Clear the memory of the ROM chip with AsProgrammer and verify it’s clear.
8. Program the newly modified ROM, verify it’s written correctly.
9. Reboot the system.

At this point no double reboot happened, once I got to Windows I rebooted into the BIOS but the menus are still the same. I have uploaded some pictures, but there’s no difference from what they were originally that I could see (maybe there’s a key combination to be pressed? Like the Ctrl+S to show the SATA modification setion).

I dumped again the ROM contents using the programmer to verify the edits were still in place, and they were, although the dump was different from before (some other part was modified in the process).

I’m going to delete all of the binaries I posted in the previous posts to free memory from the server and just keep the ones from this session, the good ones, here.

Modified vars.zip (48.4 KB)

Full ROM dump.zip (5.83 MB)

Full ROM dump + Unlocked menus.zip (5.83 MB)

SetupUtility Section.zip (505 KB)

Full ROM dump + Unlocked menus (after rebooting).zip (5.84 MB)

#5 - Yes, only two bytes of those four are actually done via assembly It’s correct, as far as I know, I’ve done this exact mod on many similar BIOS and it’s how the unlock is done.
No pictures needed, if it’s not unlocked then it’s not unlocked. The only thing you need to check in your post flash dump/menu edit check, is the setup edits you made, if they are flashed in and no menu unlock, then it’s not correct edits for this BIOS somehow!
I will check it out again, but as far as I know for Insyde BIOS menu unlocking, this is the correct routine and I immediately recognize this BIOS structure where we’re editing, similar to many other I’ve unlocked and edit is exact same (same bytes in hex even).
Not all Insyde are like this of course, there is 4-5 types I know and recognize immediately, like this one, and usually nothing else applies and each type/style are their own and same/similar edits apply to each type in their own ways.
I checked, looks correct to me still!

Please wait, I will see if someone will help to confirm for us
@genius239 or @DeathBringer - Can you please confirm for me, menu unlock edit below is correct for this model, thanks! Programmer dump above (Full ROM Dump.zip) - Thank you!
00009EB: 38 Change to >> 00
0000A22: 75 Change to >> EB

Or, does 919 also need >> 75 >> EB? I assume not, as it’s not generally needed, but caught my eye looking again

Unlocking mods don’t interest me.

@DeathBringer - I know you are not interested, you can look at it all bored and uninterested, it’s OK, we wont mind
I only tagged you because I know you know how to do, so hoped you’d confirm I have it correct. You and Genius239 are the only Insyde Modders I know around here, so no one else to ask to confirm
I know you don’t like to do this kind of mod, but I only asked if you would check/look, not do the mod, or have to enjoy looking etc
You have to be more happy, enjoy life more, branch out and enjoy new things, even if boring it’s OK to dabble a little bit and get loose sometimes