[Request} Need BIOS Dump from Someone for P9x79LE

@zsurfaraz - Using the AFU you used in the link above, from DOS or CMD line, run this command >> AFU /M10C37B6CB671
Reboot, check LAN, if still disabled, dump BIOS region again with FPT for me so I can see if it wrote anything in NVRAM or not >> FPTw.exe -bios -d biosregnew1.bin

Does your RealTek adapter show up at all in the device manager? Did you just update to Win10, or was you using Win10 before and it was working?

I will check this later tonight and update. Currently on route to a meeting for work. Also on another note, had a quick question. I think I need to enable something in bios not sure what. If I try GPU passthrough in windows server 2016 to hyper-v I get the response Bios Kept Control of this PCIE express device. But in esxi I can passthrough perfectly fine. I have VT-D enabled, so not sure what maybe the culprit here.

OK, no rush! I also have a mod BIOS done for you now, which I guessed entering data after comparing all X79 and PX79 variants, looks good to me.
But I’m still unsure about the MAC due to not having a dump and this system not having GbE (usually in this case it’s also stored in NVRAM or directly in chip only, which if latter would still be working)

I have no clue about anything you asked about with Vt-D/IOMMU. Check this all directly on the board in windows, in person, no passthrough or Hyper-V etc. All you mention makes me think you are trying this remotely, or into VMWARE or something?
Before trying to get any of that working, test and get it working normal, then worry about that other stuff. You can’t use that as a way to test/diagnose anything for sure, it’s only going to add to the confusion of working or not, due to this or that etc.

If you can connect a router directly to the LAN Port, and in windows connect ethernet LAN connection and get online, then it’s working. Confirm IP matches your sticker via CMD >> IPconfig /All

Ok no problems I’ll take a step back from everything else. I ran the command as requested and I get the error the program or feature cannot start or run due to incompatibility with 64-bit versions of windows. I’m guessing I will need to create a freedos usb and boot into dos and try the command. I will try this once I am at home and update you.

Yes, do it from DOS, I assume that’s how you ran it before. Also, check out IPCONFIG /ALL I mentioned in windows too, while you re-dump FPT BIOS region after doing the DOS stuff. What do you see in Device manager, network adapters?

I have tried the command in dos and it comes back with error unknown command. Tried bith AFU and AFUDOS.EXE

Edit - Just an update when i boot the computer up i now get a blank screen. Could I possibly have that modded bios before i reflash.

OK, I thought it may fail, since MAC is probably stored in chip and would need redone with Realtek tool. Please check the other stuff I mentioned above (device manager, IPConfig), your comments about Vt-d etc earlier made me think you had working ethernet at some point, correct?
Here, flash this BIOS in with >> FPTw.exe -bios -f Test.bin


This is BIOS region only, can only be flashed via FPT. After flash, boot to BIOS, load optimal defaults, save and exit, reboot back to BIOS and make any changes you need. Then check if you see serial, UUID, and get a LAN MAC ID or not

* Edit - on your edit above, sorry, not sure what you mean "modded BIOS before I reflash"
If you are in a bricked state, get on another computer, download stock BIOS for this system, rename to P9X79LE.CAP and flash it via USB Flashback - then carry on with above BIOS as instructed

* Edit 2 @zsurfaraz - If you are bricked, let me know, I can put above mod BIOS into a full BIOS in capsule for you to use with USB Flashback


Looks like I am bricked. Could i be cheeky enough to request this in capsule format so I can usb flash?

@zsurfaraz - Bummer, I hate AFU!! Here is same BIOS as above, but in USB Flashback format. - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…522051405510366
You still need to do the FPT flash as outlined above (with that file in post #27 ONLY), after you get running again, USB Flashback will not program in the board specific details we are working on here
DO NOT FPT Flash .CAP File!!

good news back up and running with usb flashback. i have tried ftpw but it failed. please see attached zip with screenshot

cmd flash failed.zip (25.3 KB)

@zsurfaraz - Glad you’re up and running again!
Dump current BIOS region with FPT again and send to me (This due to AFU, I think, but I can’t see command you entered there!!) >> FPTw.exe -bios -d biosregcur.bin
Please try that FPT flash again first, before you do dump above, but show me command you are entering too (Or show me the uncut original image, you snipped too much off) - Looks like maybe you left out -bios flag in command!

will do. just awaiting for the damn usb flashback again. restarted the machine and poof back at bricked state I suspect. it comes up with logo screen and then goes blank and a few secs later everything switches off and fans keep running. hoping AFU hasn’t put me in the royal shit here.

edit - please find attached dump and full command prompt screen in zip

failed ftp.rar (3.21 MB)

Is this BIOSregcur after you USB Flashback’d BIOS in post #29? Hey, great news, it’s all in there now, so no need to FPT anything for now, and maybe if we need to switch things around some we can USB Flashback it in too!
But yes, this is due to use of AFU, Hate it!! I’m surprised we didn’t run into this before from your previous AFU usage, must have got around it due to something done post recovery earlier (rare).
Only way to fix and allow proper FPT flashing now is with CH341A + U Type Flat IC Extractor (This cost less than $4 shipped total)
Check Serial, UUID, reinstall LAN Driver and check if you can get IP at IPConfig /ALL

do you mean the following tools. pictures attached in zip file. I can purchase asap.

New folder.zip (50.3 KB)

Yes, exactly!

Ordered. Will be with me saturday. Is there a recommended youtube link or guide i could follow to identify and extract the bios chip

No, sorry. We used to have a great guide here with MANY images, but all images are done in it now. Below is guides we have here + one other offsite. You’ll have to browse around youtube if you want a video
[GUIDE] Flash BIOS with CH341A programmer
[Guide] Using CH341A-based programmer to flash SPI EEPROM
[GUIDE] The Beginners Guide to Using a CH341A SPI Programmer/Flasher (With Pictures!)

About extraction, notice in the chip itself there is a divot, this will match with same divot in the socket, chip must always go back this same way divot/divot always matching up.
Divot side on chip is also side with pin one, so chip will go into programmer in middle socket, with divot facing back end where lever is (but not all the way back in the side nearest to lever, it goes into middle of socket where you’ll see many guides showing cable going instead.
Third link above “Beginners Guide to Using a CH341A SPI Programmer/Flasher (With Pictures!)” has an image of chip in programmer properly

Tools arriving soon quick question the bios you’ve provided does it provide the advnaced\platform misc configuration? Because once this is working I will need to change the pci express native power management

@zsurfaraz - The BIOS I sent you is edited as I mentioned at post #2 + your board specific details now added in.
However, to fix BIOS to before recent AFU usage, I will have to make you a new BIOS using your dumped BIOS region from post #13, and then you program that back in, and restart all we’ve done recently with your board specific details and unlocked BIOS etc.

You are ignoring what I’ve been asking you past few posts, please show me expanded device manager image (at network), and run IPCONFIG /ALL from CMD prompt and show me image of that as well.
Also, did you look in BIOS, do you see serial now?


Apologises didn’t intend to ignore you, got carried away. I have attached screenshots. I cannot find serial number anywhere is bios in both ez mode and advanced mode. But if I run from cmd wmic baseboard get product,manufacturer,version,serialnumber I can see this. But can’t see this info in systeminfo .exe either. The network card does not display apart from the tp link network card.

motherboard and network info.zip (99 KB)