[Request} Need BIOS Dump from Someone for P9x79LE

I know, trying to slow you down before you brick things again or get stuck, short something out etc.

What do you mean TP link Network card? Is this some other LAN card you have? Did you try to install Realtek driver after you flashed last BIOS? If not, try now.

Your BIOS may not show serial, if it does it would be on “Main” page in advanced mode. Serial is correct one that I put into BIOS, so that is good!
I just looked, and no, this BIOS does not have a serial entry in MAIN, so you can only check in software tools like you mentioned. Did you see it before in system info??
This pulls from a different module than Asus ever uses, so I doubt it showed there before (I don’t even see “Serial” as an entry space on my system when I check Sysinfo)
Do you now see UUID too >> wmic csproduct get name,identifyingnumber,uuid

But, if we can’t get LAN working this way, it may still be due to MAC ID not in perfect orientation in system details, remember I still need to find dump for this exact model

@Lost_N_BIOS thank you for stopping me. I have attached the images I can see uuid, however lan card does not come up even after installing drivers. Would it be worth a shot me disconnecting the pci express adapter I have installed and test again. Because even though its tp link the chipset states it Realtek. Could that be causing a confusion? Or shall I hold fire and flash the bios chip and see what happens tomorrow?

uuid and network info.zip (47.8 KB)

No, the LAN adapter you have in wouldn’t matter. Probably MAC is not in correct manner in the BIOS I sent you, still need dump from other user to confirm, I only placed in there by educated guess based on all other Asus X79 but they all do it very differently so there’s like 10 possible ways to put the info in
There is nothing you need to do now, even with programmer, only wait for me to get a dump from this same exact model. If you are on computer forums other than this, make a thread and or search for users with that same model board, and ask them to send you FPT (preferred) or AFU BIOS region dump

No problems will do. So the flash programmer won’t fix the shutdown and restart issue?

edit - does it need to be this model or can it be one in the family series like p9x79 pro, ws, deluxe or even the p9x79?

I didn’t know you had a shut down/restart issue??? You never mentioned this before. Can you see ME FW version in HWINFO64? Dump FD and send to me >> FPTw.exe -desc -d fd.bin

Needs to be this exact model, otherwise problem would be solved with that by now, I have lots of dumps from the other variants

The issue is that when I shutdown its like it shutdowns, I can see the had drive has stopped and so has everything else, but the fans keep on running. And the restart problem is quite intermittent where when you restart it does the same I can replicate it once every 4 times out of 20.

I have also placed a notepad question due to the lack of my understanding.

Sounds like ME FW issue, that’s why I asked about ME FW. Please check that, and also send me the FD.bin dump I asked about.
Placed a Notepad question??? What does that mean?

sorry looks like I never uploaded the attachment with the previous post

edit - notepad question was in hwinfo64.exe iut says I have 5 pci ports, but it doesn’t state that on asus website on board spec. but that can be ignored for now. Sounds like ME issue might be the cause, whilst searching for bios dump region everyone who has me issues lose onboard nic and has random power on and shutdown issues across the asus range.

hwinfo64 and fdbin.zip (43.5 KB)

Ahh, yes, nothing was attached so I didn’t know what you meant at all
ME Looks OK, well at least you can see ME version anyway so it’s nor corrupted, but it still may be messed up and ME reflash may fix.
Please find MEInfo folder in the System Tools package were you have FPT, and run MEInfoWin.exe -verbose
Then show me entire output, you can either scroll and cut out two images, or select all and paste into text.

Good thing is your FD is unlocked, so we can write in new ME FW if needed, even if not I will make you clean new updated one after I see above report

On the text PCI/PCIE stuff, you can ignore, probably just HWINFO bug, you can look at your board and see what slots are there
Or, it may say 5 PCIE x1, because any of those slots can be ran at x1, so = 5

Please find meinfo verbose attached.

meinfo verbose.zip (1.7 KB)

Looks good, but lets update it anyway, for stability and security reason, and maybe that will resolve the intermittent issue you noticed with shutdown (that could be windows/driver issue, or memory instability too, especially since it’s not every time)
Please download this file below, and flash it with FW Update tool (From ME System Tools package) via >> FWUpdLcl.exe -f
Immediately after that, before reboot, run this command with FPT, and be ready for “Auto-reboot” (ie close all open apps etc) >> FPTw.exe -greset


I tried the stated instructions and still the shutdown issue and restart issue is still there.

edit - apologies I meant shutdown issue is still there but restart issue is gone. I have restarted the machine over 40 times and its been fine over a period of 1hr 30mins. It seems to be the ME firmware as you suggested. Is it worth removing the bios chip and wiping it clean and reflashing with bios you provided? As you stated previously in post #31 through a proper ftp

edit 2 - After reading what I wrote i realised it might be best to put up print screens and the process i followed. I did the FWUpdLcl.exe - f upgrade was successful, followed by the ftp greset command. this failed and stated system needed to be powered off, print screen with error attached. Once booted up again tried the ftp greset command again and did the same, power off and booted up again and the 3rd time it was successful in ftp greset but didn’t have enough time to print screen before reboot. hence why I am suspecting a reflash as you described in post 31 might be the solution.

Edit 3 - c341a programmer and extraction tool have arrived

Edit 4 - I have done a bios comparison in the p9x79 famil;y and only the le and deluxe have realtek gigabit ethernet. The deluxe version has a gbe region but not the le, not sure why or unless the original bios already should have the gbe region. I used fdd4 hex editior to compare. Please find attached all relevant zips

me firmware upgrade.zip (106 KB)

FD44Editor_0.9.2_win.zip (3.89 MB)

P9X79-DELUXE-ASUS-4801.zip (4.78 MB)

P9X79-LE-ASUS-4801.zip (4.59 MB)

Yes, once you get programmer, I will make you a new BIOS to put in with programmer, FPT not needed then. Yes, some systems -greset doesn’t work, and since you used FW Update tool, it may have not been needed anyway.
You can do the same manually, remove 24 and 8 pin power cable (preferred), or shut off PSU and press and hold case power on button for 15 seconds, then wait 1+ minute so the board is sitting for at least one minute with zero power in it. This resets the ME FW state = same/same as -greset

Yes, I know all the other variants have different LAN controllers, some have two as well. All are different than your model, and even on the ones that are similar the info is placed in different ways.
Only way we know it will be 100% correct is when we can find a dump from your exact model. GbE region only exists in boards than have “Intel” Gigabit LAN

Since your programmer has arrived, please pull the BIOS chip, dump it’s contents and send to me so I can make you a new BIOS to program back in. Be careful extracting your chip! Also, please tell me what your chip ID is, read it off the top of the chip.
Do not erase, or write anything to chip yet, and do not use “Auto” Function (actually, open app without BIOS attached and in “Auto” Uncheck erase and blank so nothing happens accidentally).
Without knowing your chip ID, I say use 1.30 or 1.34 version and whatever detect reads the chip as for now.

On shut down, are you sure you have windows to shut down and not sleep/hybrid sleep? Sometimes this is set to sleep somehow, check windows power settings and advanced power plan options and setting that says “what power button does” and make sure nothing is set to sleep instead of shutdown

Please find zip file attached. Need to provide a further update. Shutdown issue is no resolved as well, only pending item is onboard lan, but I can live without that for now because I have a pci express lan card. To resolve the shutdown issue I did the following;

- download stock rom and populate using fd44editor uuid, mac, and serial.
- going into bios and and disable fast boot, enable erp ready, and in windows operating system disabled hibernate and sleep and disable fast boot.
- removed the bios chip and plug into the programmer and using coderush guide link you provided in post 31, i loaded the stock rom with system info populated.
- I reinserted the bios chip and booted into windows. I update me firmware to the version
- I then restarted machine twice and shutdown. And the machine shutdown the issue was gone. So I stressed tested and confirm its shutdown properly.

Before you ask my gender is STUPID, do need a slap. I did everything then tested rather than test step at a time to see what resolves the issue.

Then I saw your message and gave the essay above . Cheeky ask, might be for later or could be done now, you’re probably best place to know this. But does the bios have the following hidden items pci express native power settings and ACS and SR-IOV? Also could you do the same thing you did with VT-D previously that worked like a treat.

bios dump ch341a programmer.zip (4.75 MB)

Now you have lost board specific details that we programmed in previously! FD44Editor only programs one module with info, so I will need to put back in the other module now, plus you lost your original NVRAM volumes and all originally contained info
Did you dump BIOS with programmer before you wrote in stock BIOS? If yes, send me that, otherwise I will use your original FPT backups we’ve been working with, that I already added corrected info into.
Above dump, I do not need or want, that is empty stock BIOS which I’ve had for years from Asus However, I guess I will grab it and use ME region since you updated that already, rest I don’t need as it’s stock BIOS missing all stuff specific to your board.

Great to hear you found settings to stop that shut down issue at least!

No way you’re stupid You jumped ahead without help, so you got things pretty good! So, what is your BIOS chip ID? And, what software version did you use to write with?

On the hidden BIOS settings pci express native power (ASPM Support, correct?) I believe is there, others I’m not sure what they are for, or if they are named differently in this BIOS or not. Can you download AMIBCP 4.55 and look through all the possible settings and see if you find those two.
If they are in the hidden debug folder (under Main, without a name) they are for debug only, and if you don’t find them in other areas of the BIOS I can only replace something else you don’t use with a copy of the setting instead.
If you find them in other areas too, then they can be made visible where they are found.

Also, sorry, what about Vt-D??

the chip is winbond 25Q64FVxxx (x=can’t read) 1049/1047 its very difficult to read without a magnifying glass and its blanked out. Unfortunately no backup was made sorry. I have the image you sent me originally I have attached that. I will look through settings and get back to you on the options shortly.

edit 1 - i used 341a programmer v1.18

zsurfaraz -Test.zip (3.79 MB)

Thanks, it’s good to know 1.18 can write W25Q64FV without failing, if you use 1.30 or 1.34 you have to choose W25Q64BV ID or all writes fail. That part of the ID was all I wanted to know.
I don’t need any BIOS I sent you, I have all that already. So, I guess that means you didn’t dump chip with programmer before you erased it?

There is a shadow NVRAM volume that is not dumped with FPT, so that and your original NVRAM volume which does dump with FPT is now lost on your current in-use BIOS, plus the additional board specific information area not written with FD44Editor.
The shadow NVRAM volume is what I was after, why I hoped you dumped chip with programmer before you erased or wrote to it. If you didn’t, then nothing we can do but move forward with what we have.

It’s too late now, but since you have programmer now, and the original cause of this thread = you’re always rushing through dangerous stuff
Please get in the practice of dumping any chip you write to, and confirm it is not blank or garbage data, and opens properly in BIOS tools, before you erase or write to the chip

Once you figure out all BIOS options you want messed with, I will make you a new final BIOS but it still will not be correct in regards to board specific info until we find a dump from this exact model.
Also, you never answered about what you meant with VT-d, please explain that in detail, with all the other BIOS settings info all in one place once you are done looking at the settings, so I can see it all at a glance and nothing will be missed when I do the edit.

I have found another backup I made but stated intel me screw up as title. I think it might have the NVRAM in it. I can’t see to find the AMIBCP 4.55 tool, I have registered with another modding site to see if I can download but have to wait an hour.

I meant the following quoted from your previous post - 'Advanced >> System Agent Configuration >> IOH Configuration >> Intel(R) VT for Directed I/O Configuration’

edit - the other settings I require are:

Pass-through DMA
ATS Support
Intel(R) VT for Directed I/O Configuration - think this and below are the same
Intel(R) I/OAT
DCA Support

These can all be found in IOH configuration. The one I can’t find is Access Control Services.

zsurfaraz bios screwed me.rar (4.49 MB)

Only backup made with programmer would have the backup NVRAM in it I mentioned, is that made with programmer before you erased or wrote to the chip?
I’ll send you a PM on the BCP sorry, I just assumed you could grab it easy in google

About Vt-D, what do you need done there? I don’t remember what we discussed before, or what I did? I don’t think I did anything actually, I think you asked me about it and I told you where it was.
If you can see all that you mentioned in IOH already, what is it you are wanting me to do? Access Control services doesn’t sound like a BIOS setting. Anyway, you will be able to look at it all, and tell me exactly what you need by name and location, once you check your PM

I have had a look through the bios, I require the following:

all pcie subsystem section and sub sections
all IOH section and sub sections
all ACPI and subsections
all System Agent and subsections
all pch configuration and subsections
all cpu configuration and sub-sections
all usb configuration and subsections

I have had a look and you’re right there is no ACS, but its got ARI.

The purpose of ACS is below (from my undertsnading it helps with gpu passthrough for vms);
Access Control Services (ACS) provides a mechanism by which a Peer-to-Peer PCIe transaction can be forced to go up through the PCIe Root Complex. ACS can be thought of as a kind of gate-keeper - preventing unauthorized transactions from occurring.

But looks like Asus never put it in on older bios versions, just newer versions. It is part of pcie specification 3.0. I can see it in the x99-a chipset asus motherboard under VT-D.

Edit - Please ignore the ACS bit. After reading into the pcie https://pcisig.com/sites/default/files/s…tion-070604.pdf and a few other pdfs this was introduced at a later stage. Its the above and ARI I need.