[Request} Need BIOS Dump from Someone for P9x79LE

@zsurfaraz - I was wondering if you were already gone on holiday or something Anxiously awaiting results on that to see if you get to save that cheap thought dead board
Let me know once you get back, hopefully it revives the board for you

Thank you! Happy holidays to you too, and hope you and your family have a great new year as well!!

@Lost_N_BIOS just got back from holiday, will try the new bios tonight. Also received my magnifying glass with light through the post, due to the fact I suspect there may be a couple of pins bent on the cpu socket.

Welcome back! Hope you had a good time over the holidays, and Happy Late New Year to you and your family!

Good luck on the board recovery, hopefully that’s all it needs and you’re now $200+ richer

What magnifying glass did you get? I’m always looking for a good one like I see in science/FBI labs type TV shows,but I can never find one that looks similar (big as an average clock face almost, with lighted LED Ring around it)

@Lost_N_BIOS Happy late new year to you too and hope you have had a great holiday too.

I got the magnifying glass that you basically put on your head and has a light and its like glasses. Does the job, but not so great. So bios has been uploaded to the board and still no luck. Checked cpu pins noticed 1 pin bent that was an easy fix and literally 4 pins are completely missing. will mess around a bit more this weekend to see if I can get it up and running and will post a further update.

I tried a few of those too, not so great for many things, but do work well for something you can look at really close to your face.

Bummer about the missing pins That’s probably the issue then, some are OK to be missing, but you know how luck goes, it’s probably 3 would be OK to be missing but there is one critical to function missing as well
I can look up what each if for you if you want? If you do, take some images from off to the side for me without flash in a bright room, and zip them up, I’ll look em up and let you know.

@Lost_N_BIOS re #2 | RE: [Request} Asus P9x79le I have been tring to download your modded BIOS with that has NVME Mod, BIOS Bifurcation menu mod + Updated all microcodes


but it is no longer available. Would you please make it available again or the latest working version if possible. Your help would be gratly appreciated.

Not possible, this is private links and Lost has been away since January.
If u want ill make the mod, but no Bi-F, this ull have to do it urself.

EDIT: Here u go NVMe, mcode, lan, rst MOD 4801, for USB BFB ONLY, no EZ or OS environment.

EDIT: @bmeirelles Its up.

Thank you

Hi friend, can you repost please? Thanks