Hi all.
I’ve a Dell Precision Tower 7910, actually corrupted BIOS / bricked.
I need someone to dump the original BIOS.
I saw an old link on this forum that is no longer available. HERE
If someone can help me, it will be insane
Hi all.
I’ve a Dell Precision Tower 7910, actually corrupted BIOS / bricked.
I need someone to dump the original BIOS.
I saw an old link on this forum that is no longer available. HERE
If someone can help me, it will be insane
A user…maybe just like yourself, that will never use this forum once served…5 yrs ago, in a private shared service and you still think that he’s waiting here for you, to leave his files around all this time…
Dump yours and merge/swap from the Dell files, you can’t ask users to share their own dump with his original mb data or to clean themselves.
Dell Precision T7910 no bios, no post after applying SAS/RAID setup - Badcaps
I have already used the files from this post, without success.
I have already done a lot of work before coming to post here.
Then keep working.
Post a link to or attach your own dump
You want me to dump a corrupted BIOS ?
Ok then : 8 MB file on MEGA
And, here, all that i’ve try already : 109.68 MB file on MEGA
Service tag? any other bios that are 4mb or larger??
I can’t find the service tag, i’m dumb or there is none on this Workstation, don’t know.
What type is the SPI flash memory?
(There’s not a single bootable binary in your collection)
I guess we can only find “BIOS Update” on Dell Website, not the original one needeed.
Chip :
MXIC MX 25L12873F
M2 - 10G
That’s 128 Mbit / 16 MByte chip, but your dump has just 8 MB. Please read the chip again- this time completely- and post a link to / attach this new dump.
I know.
But I cant do a correct dump, my BIOS is CORRUPTED, this is why i’m here.
I only get a 8Mb corrupted BIN.
Actually, the motherboard dont boot properly, no POST, only LSI_HB_LED is blinking.
Go read the damm linked thread on Badcaps…what do you see there???
EDIT: I can see why you “dont get”… weaker brain mass or poor translator…
What does this “I’ve also dumped .bins from mobo chips SLI1 (16 mb file, chip MX25L12873F) and UL3 (4mb file, chip MX25L3206E)” means to you…
I hate all users that are lazy when help and data is offered, with you or any other user.
You look so angry … wow.
What do you mean ? what do you want for me to do with his post, thats is not my issue, not solved.
→ I’m not sure that i’ve the same motherboard, I will check at work tomorrow.
I dont get you.
Oh… now after all this time you don’t know what you have, that’s great… and i’m the angry one, nothing more to add, cheers!!!
That should have been your task…before started this thread, providing correct and enough info, to users willing to help…not wasting their time, thats how a forum of this kind works.
There 2 versions for the T7910
How do you think you’d write the complete firmware if you can’t even read the complete content properly? It doesn’t matter if the content is corrupted, it still can be read!
No use in giving you anything until you get your flashing gear working properly.