[Request] Unlocked Acer Aspire Switch 10E SW3-013 BIOS


yes that’s exactly it … so I could put another windows and remove this 8.1 32x and install the latest version 10 64x that the notebook accepts and has support I’m grateful for your attention and I leave the bios I use on the notebook

bios.zip (3.4 MB)

Ok. Unlocking consists of copying your current BIOS, editing it and writing back to the device. It means that we cannot install an unlocked BIOS as if it were that BIOS downloaded from support page. So it requires to run the BACKUP_Tools to obtain a backup of your BIOS (it’ll create results.rar archive on desktop). Also, I need a copy of your BIOS variables. (run "GET VARS.bat" from this archive and share with me the output file "vars.txt"). As soon as I receive these files, we will try to unlock the BIOS without using the SPI programmer.


here are the files you asked for and i’m sorry for the delay as i was working

Var+Results.zip (1.82 MB)

No problem. I can be a little busy too, so sometimes I can’t give a reply promptly.
DOWNLOAD: helviio.zip. Extract its contents to a separate folder. Next, run "SET VARS", reboot your device and then run 'FLASH". Lets see if it’ll work out.

gave error in flash.bat because the file is in 64bits and the system is 32bits of windows

Ah! Sure. You could change the name of the executable file in the script, or dowload my archive again. I have updated it.


I did the procedure you said and this error occurred

You have completed step one, rebooted and launched FLASH32, right?

exact, redid 3 times and the same error continues

This will not work. Although we even turning off bios lock in the first step, BIOS does not allow writing for some reason. I said that we would try, we were in for a failure. Im sorry, it seems that there is no other way than SPI flash memory programming.

I’m heartily grateful for your help brother! …
I read the bios from the manufacturer’s website and switched to version 1.10
for 2.00 i went into flash mode but gave this error

This is because the Switch 10e lineup includes different revisions, whose bios are not backward compatible. And this error occurs due to mismatch with the device.

but still thank you very much <3

Sorry for writing on this old thread.
Are there any new tools that allow you to unlock this bios in order to boot uefi64? thanks

Intel don’t release any flash tool other than FPT. And FPT doesn’t work due to SPI lock. We should find a way to bypass the lock. Or you can use an external flasher.

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Thank you for your reply.
what can I try to do to bypass the this spi lock?
I tried the version you made for the helviio user but it gives me an error about spi locked

Don’t know. Each error needs a separate approach. Had not found any info about error 286. Maybe you could go through the process described in posts 314-321 and share a screenshot?

No wonder. Same for helviio.

I think I should’ve deleted the archive.

In device manager I don’t see any spi controller. In the PCI section of RWE I only see these peripherals :sob:

Me neither.
Seems to be a different lock. A lock by efi driver. Don’t know what to do about this.

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damn Acer :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:.
Thanks anyway for your availability