[Request] Unlocked BIOS for Acer Nitro 5 AN515-55

Hi all,

Is this possible for Acer Nitro AN515-58 with 12900h cpu?

Im extremely sorry to bother you , but I noticed you’re a very knowledgeable person and I’m a noob to this stuff, Is there any possible way for you to check my post I made today? I would greatly appreciate it, thank you!

Hi, which settings does the advanced BIOS unlocks? Is there still anyone who can unlock bios giving them the dump? Thanks!

hello, do you still have the bios download for acer nitro an515-55-59T4?
i5 10300H
bios - 2.06
with advanced mod.

I have same pc and model, do you know what does the advanced bios unlocks?

Hello. I still have it.

If I install this version, on Windows 11 Pro, will I have reboots or similar issues?

If I install this version, on Windows 11 Pro, will I have reboots or similar issues…?

Several reboots on first startup after installing this bios is a common behavior. You’d get it no matter what OS is installed. I have no info for other major issues.

My notebook it will start and it does not give a screen and turns off…

It just turns on the keyboard, and when it starts to stop from the screen, it turns off…

for those who failed to do so… there is a bios recovery method, you just need to download the bios from the acer website, and throw all the files onto the FAT32 pendrive… then you press Fn ESC with the charger plugged in, it will work at maximum rotation of the fans, then it will turn on giving the problem, then for greater precision press Fn ESC and wait … and that’s it your bios will be recovered, but don’t forget to enter the program file, and open it in the text editor… and search flag=2 and rename it to flag=0… and live happily.

How can I start learning how to create such advanced menu unlocks on Acer Nitro? I have one extremely similar to models already unlocked on this toopic, and I would like to learn how to do it myself. Could any of you guide me(documentation, tutorials, tools)?

P.S.: I’m quite experienced with RE, if it helps

Good @Sweet_Kitten would do me a big favor, deblocking the advanced options of my laptop acer nitro 5 AN515-55-53E5, I5 10300H, 3050, I want to disable the gpu and leave the dedicated to not have to use an external monitor for me to perform well, I need your help, I have version 2.06 and revision 5.0 here I leave the link of the var.


I have the same model, disabling the GPU from bios settings will not work. Sorry for the bad news but you’ll need an external monitor.

Hi, I also need a BIOS unlock of my Acer Nitro AN515-55 (BIOS v2.06), mine is Intel Core i5-10300H with GTX 1650 GPU. I followed these instructions to set vars and to dump my BIOS, I found PCHSetup at Index 053 instead of Index 052 in the Vars.txt. I uploaded my dump to OneDrive here → https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CqkPY2bhnflmceQsht1uUwII8g-f6BZs/view?usp=sharing

Thank you in advance!

To unlock BIOS you may use the tool but with the config file for AN515-55 from my repo.
GitHub - Maxinator500/SREP-Patches

But setting vars and reflashing is also a way. Mind that @JRMoore hasn’t been active for a long time.

Thank you!

This piece of junk is giving WEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR BSOD and then it freezes, other times it just freezes! I played with ThrottleStop to disable Turbo Boost, it is better, but it still freezes! Would the hidden advanced menu give me access to settings that can resolve my freezing issues?

Hi, thank for your comment!
Do you know which settings will this patch unlock?