[Request] Unlocked BIOS for Framework Laptop 13th Gen Laptop


So I have been reading a bit on these forums, and I can’t quite get the idea of modifying this BIOS out of my head. Although many of you will know Framework and know their approach to hardware is fairly open, however their stance thus far on software is that they will only update things like the BIOS or firmware for security and bug patches, with no indication of directly enabling modifications of the lower level firmware/software. They have stated that they intend to add no additional functionality beyond what was stated at launch - likely meaning no updates to enable ReBar, XMP or anything else.

The primary things I would love from a modified BIOS are to unlock ReBar (if possible) and XMP. As well as allow the modification of the boot image.

The other Framework topic here did not end well, and although I can see that the act of re-flashing a bricked machine is possible… there are no guarantees, and it takes a fair bit of learning and understanding.

Given all of the above, I am just wondering if there are any UK based members who would want to/be happy to help me unlock this BIOS, either in person or by post (if such a member were established enough) - not sure if this is an unusual/unfair ask, but before I really consider doing this myself (very much as a n00b) with the associated (and n00b amplified) risks I thought this may we worth an ask.