Resolving an A5 BSOD in windows7 using grub2?

look forward to canonkong’s mod for x64 win7


Any news regarding the 64-bit version?


canonkong has it

Hi could @infuscomus or @canonkong post here a link for the modded ACPI file? I would like to try it out, but the link for the 32-bit version has expired. Thanks a lot


here (126 KB)


Personally I would abandon TRX40 as target to test. Get AM4 Bristol Ridge CPU and try to modify the BIOS to be similar to AM3+. Once you get the MPS working to see all cores then you can take that over to TRX40 to modify in the same manner. Can’t think of any other way since AM4 BIOS is so foreign compared to AM3+ that only single core can work making it necessary to BIOS Mod to see all cores. Maybe Mov, AX Dead toolbox might get around this somehow? Insufficient time at the moment to invest into this. Still trying to get Intel ACPI to be 100% working and later for XP Pro 64-Bit ACPI.sys version.


diderius6 did a hack to windows7 acpi.sys so it works now.


I was thinking about XP when I wrote the response. For Windows 7 it should be much easier to work on AMD AM4/TRX40. I just don’t have a TRX40 to test out. I kind of stopped with AM4 so if you are patient enough I think the DDR5 with Intel chipset that comes out will be the one worth spending $$$ on. Also I cracked the 12 Cores on Intel and 24 Cores as well. So your issue using your 12 Core on AMD TRX40 is due to the BIOS as 12 Cores and 24 Cores works on Server 2003 just fine. I saw you had spent a lot of time trying to increase the Core limit to 64 and 128 to see if that would change anything. I might do a future test to see what happens once I break 32 Cores if it works or needs to be patched. My guess is either it will limit to 32 Cores and still function or it will work with all cores but not show all 64 Cores in the Task Manager but they are still being utilized.

I have the same problem, I can boot 8.1 but 8.0 and 7 don’t work in Gemini Lake , Intel Celeron n4000 (ACPI BIOS ERROR) but I want to run w8.0, can somebody mod 8.0 acpi.sys, please?

You can see here ACPI mod request for vga Intel UHD Graphics 600 detection (4) which 8.1 beta builds are working for me, so maybe it’s possible to port acpi.sys from beta build to w8.0 ?

or can I use any existing acpi.sys modded compatible with w8.0 x64 ?


Lot of thanks!


@diderius6 is good at this kind of mod, upload your windows 8.0 acpi sys here and he should be able to mod it for you.

ok @infuscomus lot of thanks

Hi @diderius6 , here the acpi file from w8.0 x64 attached
I hope you can help me, please

I can upload acpi.sys from first w8.1 beta build without ACPI BIOS ERROR ( 6.3.9369 ) if necessary


Please tell me the exact acpi Bsod with this win8 bit 64 acpi.sys


Here is first try for mod acpi.sys win8 bit 64

Edit by Fernando: Download link removed


Do you remember, which acpi.sys 1, 2, 3, 4 which I send to you for win8 bit 32, works for you


I don’t remember exactly - acpi88 i think?

BSOD was this - resolving an A5 BSOD in windows7 using grub2?

I mean, from the Win8 bit 32 acpi.sys.
I modded them against fail of acpi load ddb


It was this one I think

Edit by Fernando: Attachment removed (violation of the Forum Rule Nr. 17)

Yes I know ), but which one works


I’m sorry, I honestly can’t remember which one it was.