[Solution] Win7 drivers for USB 3.0/3.1 Controllers of new Intel chipset systems

Where is the download link for the intel usb 3.x drivers? I cant see in the first post

W7 NVIDIA Mod for USB Type-CUniversal Serial Bus Controller

Could you make this public or give access? Thanks

W7 NVIDIA Mod for USB Type-CUniversal Serial Bus Controller

Could you make this public or give access? Thanks

It should be public now for anyone with the link.

Thanks for sharing. I didnā€™t have much luck with it myself for my RTX 2070 Super, but maybe it will work for someone else.

I am using it with Windows 7 and my RTX 2080 Ti. How are you not having any luck with it? Did you install using the "Have Disk" method from Device Manager and then browse to the INF files? That is how I do it.

I am using it with Windows 7 and my RTX 2080 Ti. How are you not having any luck with it? Did you install using the "Have Disk" method from Device Manager and then browse to the INF files? That is how I do it.

Yes, thatā€™s how I do it too. I have 2 things that show up with no drivers due to my RTX 2070 Super. I believe theyā€™re both related to the USB C on it. Using the drivers that you shared, Iā€™m able to get one of those devices a driver, but when I do, another device mysteriously pops up with unknown driver in place of it.

That new one, and one of two the original ones with no driver wonā€™t take any driver from the one you shared. Itā€™s not a big deal for me, as Iā€™m not using USB C on it anyway. I just thought itā€™d be nice to clear device manager of any missing drivers.

I am using it with Windows 7 and my RTX 2080 Ti. How are you not having any luck with it? Did you install using the "Have Disk" method from Device Manager and then browse to the INF files? That is how I do it.

Yes, thatā€™s how I do it too. I have 2 things that show up with no drivers due to my RTX 2070 Super. I believe theyā€™re both related to the USB C on it. Using the drivers that you shared, Iā€™m able to get one of those devices a driver, but when I do, another device mysteriously pops up with unknown driver in place of it.

That new one, and one of two the original ones with no driver wonā€™t take any driver from the one you shared. Itā€™s not a big deal for me, as Iā€™m not using USB C on it anyway. I just thought itā€™d be nice to clear device manager of any missing drivers.

Hmm, I am only aware of two items in Device Manager for the NVIDIA USB Type-C. Not sure what your third item could be, but one of the two unknown devices might not be for the NVIDIA Type-C port.

Maybe the hardware ID for the 2070 Super has a difference, but you should have Type-C Port Policy Controller and eXtensible Host Controller. Iā€™m guessing you probably do not have the Port Policy Controller. Compare the hardware ID in the INF file to the device with the unknown driver and that should lead you in the right direction.

Hello everyone and thanks for the drivers in this thread, I have managed to install a hp 800 g4 mnipc 65w, w7, with correct operation, I have everything except the bluetooth and wifi drivers.
Do you know if they have finally been achieved as usb3.1?
Thanks for the answers in advance.

Hello there! canonkong, I really need your modified driver. But I saw the reason you explained in the forum. I expressed my understanding. If possible, can I send this driver package to my mailbox? I promise that I will only use it for my own use and will not post it on any public occasions. Thank you! Email: [email protected]

Hi Guys, any update about 3.1 usb for intel I5-8265U, I still got no luck on installing windows 7 on my pc, mouse and keyboard wont work. Anyway have a great day ahead!

Hello I wanted to to know is there a guide or link of how to Install windows 7 on to a newer pc that uses Class 3 UEFI. I just bought an Alienware Area-51m R2 Gaming Laptop and here are the specs for it:
10th Gen IntelĀ® Coreā„¢ i7 10700 (8-Core, 16MB Cache, 2.9GHz to 4.8GHz w/Turbo Boost Max 3.0)
64GB Dual Channel DDR4 at 2933MHz

@Shadic12 This might help you:
[GUIDE] How to install Windows 7 x64 on Acer Spin 5 laptop (guide can be adapted to more UEFI class 3 machines)

Greetings Patrick

Hi Guys,

I am trying to get an existing Windows 7 *64 installation on SSD to run on a new Gigabyte B560M mainboard with a i5-11600KF. I could install all drivers except USB Drivers with a PS2 Mouse and PS2 Keyboard. So no USB ports. Can anybody help with suitable USB drivers and how to install into the existing windows 7 system?

I can not re-install the windows 7 operating system, because very complicated flightsim setup with lots of special USB Cockpit hardware and over a hundred flightsim add-ons. So i really need to get this existing system running on my new boardā€¦

Thanks a lot in advance for any hints!

I read this thread, but it seems everyone wants to get a working Windows 7 ISO for new installā€¦

Best regards

@Fernando Are Intel USB 3.1/3.0 drivers for Windows 10 installations anywhere? I canā€™t find them anywhere on the forum. The thread you linked to for downloading them, the OP removed the downloads for some reason.

@Coldblackice :
If you are searching for Win10 drivers, you should not post your request into the Win7 Sub-Forum.

Yes, you can find them >here<.

Yes, you can find them >here<.

Thatā€™s where Iā€™ve looked, however, the section for Intel 300+ series modded redirects one to another thread:

[[File:intel usb3.1 modded 300+ series.png|none|auto]]

And then thatā€™s the thread where the OP deleted the drivers from the OP. Is there somewhere else these are posted?

intel usb3.1 modded 300+ series.png

Could someone please help me retrieve a modded z490 driver for windows 10? Hardware IDs are


Windows 10 already has a driver for that included though.

Yes I know, but I would like a modded one since I have not seen one modded driver for z490 on windows 10 yet. The drivers microsoft provide suck too.


How exactly does the windows 10 driver suck?
and what do you mean by modded?

XP and windows7 got modded drivers because theyā€™re older kernels that lack functionality needed to make the driver work, so some code needed to be added back in - and the driver is just backported from the windows 8.0 version.