The post said"manually clean their initialized File Systems (MFS, EFS) by replacing those regions with the same stock ones.",Can you tell me the detail?I unpacked the bin file and get efs and mfs,can you tell me then what to do? I found the Corp H file like follow. efs& (309.7 KB) CSME 15.0 COR H B v15.0.41.2158.rar (5.4 MB) (1.0 KB)
I unpacked the CSME 15.0 COR H B v15.0.41.2158.bin file, get the efs/mfs, copy and replace them in 7090mff.bin,and then how to package to one file?
Thanks for your reply.
I use UEFIToolNE to found the start adrress[00410000] and length[00010000]
FPT partition | Data | 00410000 | 00010000 | ABDD254D | — EFS
But I don’t know what to do after this…
I will looking for the method to replacing EFS region.
Thank you anyway…
Delete the block in firmware
Select all in the stock EFS (Ctrl-A)
Copy (Ctrl-C)
Paste into firmware at 0x410000, cursor should still be in right position
But no influence,I flash it back to mainboard and succeeded!
Is it necessary to run [fpt -greset] command?
Thanks for your selfless help!
It is because of you and other selfless people that this community is so popular!
A payed tool with component/modules/tools from this forum/devs… thats great! You the seller owner?
Really not my concern but i wouldn’t do such post in respect to the forum/devs.