[Solved] HowTo unlock BIOS options of rebranded TONGFANG chassis systems?

@Lost_N_BIOS thank you for the tip.
I have a question for you. Is it possible to use bios from another model that is Tongfang on to op-lp3?
I see that the support is very slow for this laptop. I am guessing other counterparts might be pushing the bios updates more often.

@vikss - You’re welcome Yes, it’s possible to use “Some” of the BIOS interchangeably, but you need to pick one that has same GFX as your system so the correct vBIOS/GOP is in there.
And if/when you do that, would flash over the entire BIOS and EC at same time to the stock version, then if you want to apply mod BIOS do that once done with stock flashover.
See notebookreview forum for most and best up to date info on all these models, there a few huge threads in the “other manufacturer” section.

@Lost_N_BIOS do you know which bios is available for op-lp3 model? since its a bit popular here .

@vikss - The versions listed on the first page of the guide linked below for each model, I believe I have many of those stock if you need, if not I can probably find for you over at notebookreview forums.
I don’t use, have, or keep up with any of these models, so I only go by what users request or provide here, there may be newer BIOS out there for many of the models I have listed on first page of guide below, you’ll have to google around and see what you can find.
OverPowered TONGFANG CyberPower Machrevo MACHENIKE - Unlocked BIOS Guide W/ Files

For OP-LP3, I have N1.08 stock BIOS linked on first page of the guide above, but that does not contain the updated EC File to go along with it. I think @blind012 emailed them a while back for matching EC FW, but unsure if he ever received a copy or not
@pcfr33k may also be able to get us a copy of that EC that goes with BIOS N1.08, I think he can dump it if he has time.

Read online at Techwala site that there’s another way to unlock menu options. I quote:

“Press the "Alt" and "F1" keys to unlock the hidden settings on the AMI BIOS. If nothing happens, try pressing "Shift" and "F1" or "Ctrl" and "F1" instead”

Anyone try?


myquestion was can we use other model’s updated bios?

Can I use this on Op-LP3 since it is version 1.09 vs 1.08 for Op-LP3?

MACHENIKE F117-B1/2 - GK5CN5Z >> BIOS_N.1.09

@vikss - If your system has same graphics yes, this is usually but maybe not always shown via same model name like GK5CN5Z. Regarding the BIOS version 1.08 vs 1.09, yes, update to 1.09 stock, then do the mod BIOS after that.
I do not have stock BIOS package for MACHENIKE F117-B1/2 - GK5CN5Z >> BIOS_N.1.09, only the mod files to use that I created from a user dumped BIOS (I think @Fan - maybe he has) If you find the stock package with or without EC FW, send me a link to download so I’ll have for later in case someone asks - thanks

Just contact Tech Support they will email you a link to download the EC. I called them and they sent me a link to the cloud for that Bios version 1.0.8 current in my laptop but not part of their most current package online. As far as using a different Bios well there are chipset differences, processor and monitor differences in the OP-LP2 and OP-LP3 so not sure if you want to chance it?

Can anyone help me? My bios flash failed and on shutting down my op lp2 like usual and turning it back on for work I got a black screen. My keyboard leds are still on whenever I power up but the screen shows nothing at all.(Not even the logo loading)

@KenpachiKen - Please see this post #240 for links to try blind recovery methods - [SOLVED] How to unlock BIOS options of rebranded TONGFANG chassis systems? (16)
Otherwise you will need a flash programmer (CH341A) and a SOIC8 test clip with cable + Plus your backup BIOS or backed up BIOS region (and I will make you full BIOS)

YOu did see this guide correct? If yes, what happened, how did you get bad flash, or did you change wrong settings?
OverPowered TONGFANG CyberPower Machrevo MACHENIKE - Unlocked BIOS Guide W/ Files

I saw those guides yes but I wasn’t trying to unlock my bios via modded bios. What happened is that I downloaded the updated bios from overpowered website for my op lp2. I was doing it’s install on windows but it’s cmd froze and I cancelled it after that I started it again but the install would never move from the first step in the cmd so I cancelled again but this time it asked me if I wanted to cancel a batch update and I said yes. I shut off my laptop which was still operating OK and on turning it on I got a black screen with only keyboard leds on.

@KenpachiKen - I see now, sorry this happened! Your BIOS or EC may be bricked or partially written in then, so normal fixes for black screen may not apply (That’s usually if someone change wrong BIOS option, not a bricked/partial updated BIOS).
You need CH341A + SOIC8 test clip, let me know if you need links (total around $7 shipped on ebay for both items)

Yes please and can you send me a guide on how to use them as well?

@KenpachiKen - here is what you need, you can order from other sellers or other stores if you want to pay more or can get shipped to you quicker etc, this just to show you exactly what you need and what it’s called.
Be careful on the SOIC8 test clip if you purchase from other seller or place than link below, some sellers sell clip only but still show image of the cable, so be sure you are buying clip and the cable that comes with it too.

General software and main driver package - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…257455007472602

[GUIDE] Flash BIOS with CH341A programmer

https://www.bios-mods.com/forum/Thread-G…341A-programmer << Same as one directly above, but with all images expanded/visible at once
[Guide] Using CH341A-based programmer to flash SPI EEPROM
[GUIDE] The Beginners Guide to Using a CH341A SPI Programmer/Flasher (With Pictures!)

So that guide is just “see and follow”? Because I don’t know the name of the bios chip for the OP-LP2. And I see where it is shipping from China Oo. Isn’t there a link that is in the US that I could get these items from?

@KenpachiKen - yes, it’s that simple. Yes, you can order those items in USA from Newegg or Amazon, just be sure you choose a US seller or one that ships from US. There is also sellers on ebay that ship from US too, for more ## of course.

Hello there, I was wondering if you could change the Bios Logo on this laptop, and if you do, how do you go about doing so? I hope you can help me on this matter. I have the OP 17+

@mirandadnarim - Please link me to your stock BIOS (preferred) and or tell the full model and maybe I have it already, or send me FPT dump. Is it TONGFANG-OP-LP3-GK7CN6S?
Then also show me image of what exact logo you want changed. Yes, I’m sure it’s possible, it may be possible with AMI Change Logo utility, or for sure could be done with UEFITool (I would personally use this).

If you do not have flash programmer, make sure you make image exact same type, dimensions, bit depth etc
Use GIMP image editor, and make sure header/signature is same in hex editor for before/after images, you may need to export new image a few ways before you find the exact matching save/export options/method

Hey there @Lost_N_BIOS I have the TONGFANG-OP-LP3-GK7CN6S and I havent done any flashing or tinkering with the bios, my problem is that when I try to boot into the BIOS the screen does not boot up but the keyboard does. Therefore I am unable to go into the BIOS at all. I have provided my link to the stock bios I was able to obtain from Overpowered. I will always reply as soon as possible with any information you request so I would really appreciate your help with this issue :slight_smile:

Current BIOS version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7s9fep6zg8ocee…1128-2.zip?dl=0

Also can you tell me how to provide you with a FPT dump and I will as soon as possible.

@Nova.bat - that is strange Can you enter BIOS if you remove the hard drive? If yes, then this is due to Fast Boot or Ultra Fast Boot enabled.

Thanks for the stock BIOS, but I already have that one, see page one of this thread, post #2, follow that link to the final mod guide for FPT instructions.
You can try reflashing stock BIOS and see if that corrects the enter BIOS issue, if it doesn’t then the above setting may be applied by default or there is some other issue causing this.