Booting ISCSI works, version 2.2.33, and i can press ctrl-D to enter iscsi configuration menu
When i enable PXE on lan1 it says: “Network: IBA GE Slot 030 v1322” in the list of boot priority devices.
I reflashed the latest supermico firmware 1.2a.
Loaded optimal defaults.
Using IBAUTIL (2002!)
ran IBAUTIL.EXE => no adapters found
enabled both lan option roms in bios, and ran IBAUTIL => no supported adapters found
I think my IBAUTIL.EXE is too old, but could not find a newer version.
Then tried BOOTUTIL (IBAUTIL’s successor):
It sees 2 lan interfaces.
But i cannot flash them (also confirmed earlier in this thread).
In first image, it looks like you are using wrong file format? I see wrong file name entered, at least for what I sent you. I sent 10EF.lom (rename to .bin and try as well), you have entered .flb
So, after checking all the images, I don’t see any attempt to update with the file I sent you, with either IBAUTIL or BOOTUTIL
Wouldn’t this be more correct >> BOOTUTIL.exe -ALL -UP=PXE -FILE=10EF.LOM
Or, in case .LOM is not valid with this app, rename to .BIN and then >> BOOTUTIL.exe -ALL -UP=PXE -FILE=10EF.BIN
I also just noticed this on the document page linked earlier >> Other tools, like Intel PROSet, can only be used to upgrade the Boot Agent image and change Boot Agent configuration settings
So, maybe it’s possible to update it with that as well?
In the first image i try to update.
BOOTUTIL did not accept .LOM so i renamed it to FLB (BOOTUTIL -? says it will take FLB, that’s why i renamed to .FLB instead op .ROM or .BIN)
intel proset requires windows, these systems dos no have hard disks in them, might take a while for me to get back on that.
BOOTUTIL does not find a Boot ROM to flash, so I don’t think it is going to work.
Based on all the screenshots, LAN 1 is at position 3:00.0, has Device ID 10D3 (not 10EF), MAC ending is 3C, and is used by Boot Agent GE 1.3.22. This is consistent across the screenshots.
Unfortunately I don’t know where the Boot Agent GE 1.3.22 Option ROM is being loaded from, but changing the iSCSI Option ROM is worth a try in my opinion, because that has the correct Device ID and the loaded version is the same as in the BIOS image.
@basco - Thanks, I never used so was unaware flb is OK extension. Maybe you can find quick spare old HDD/SSD to use as quick Win7 setup so you can see the outcome of trying with Intel ProSet.
@Ethaniel - Boot Agent GE is only in the BIOS as 10EF DeviceID, that’s why I kept saying 10EF before. The modules configured as 10D3 is this >> iSCSI Boot version 2.2.33
Latest stock BIOS has v1.3.40, maybe in a previous BIOS, that was configured correctly module-wise, the 1.3.22 version was there, so it was updated into the rom as we’re expecting this updated version (or stock version) should too, but it’s not
Here is the stock rom’s configuration/versions from latest BIOS for 10EF and 10D3
10D3 is in BIOS twice, duplicated, 10EF is in there once.
Are you saying, I should swap in PXE Rom in place of ISCI rom and give it 10D3 PCIR ID too (times two), as a test? If that is done, and works, then ISCI booting would not be possible anymore, and PXE boot is still not updated or configurable, at least not that original module.
I was thinking we see 10D3 here, because we are using that module and it’s configured that way, booting to ISCI etc, instead of booting to the PXE, which also shows the 3C MAC id (Show on page 3), but we can’t enter PXE config section to see any info in there.
I’ll inspect some older BIOS once I have time, and see if I can find the first and last ones that have PXE 1.3.22 and see if those are configured differently
Yes, I expect this to work when iSCSI is selected in BIOS setup.
10D3 is the Device ID of the actual network card by model name and according to screenshots too. 10EF is a different card’s Device ID and that Option ROM does not seem to be used at all.
As I understand, @basco does not need iSCSI, the only thing needed is PXE without displaying anything.
Yes, i only need PXE (in dark mode ;), so ISCSI can be overwritten.
I’m willing to give this a try!
Ive found these, so just curious to see what windows does…
@Ethaniel - this is what I tried to explain, 10EF module IS used, see page 3, post #34 - this shows the Intel Boot Agent GE module being used at PXE Boot.
That particular PXE Module may not be compatible with 10D3 ID, I will check and update with test BIOS shortly.
* Edit @basco - Only one instance of the 10D3 module can be replaced, at least with MMTool anyway. The second one appears to take the replace, but the module is not changed.
I could “maybe” do this via hex to replace the stuck one, but unsure if it will create brick or not. basco would need flash programmer to test that, if he wants me to do it next so both are replaced. Or maybe best to have @MiesMosel do that.
Here is files with the one that can be replaced, replaced with v1.5.85 & v1.5.62 (all original previous edits in place, including the update to 10EF PXE Module)
@Lost_N_BIOS :
I understand that you believe that 10EF is being used, but unfortunately I think that this is not the case, because a different version is being used and it has the wrong Device ID.
I however believe that we were able to uncover the mystery: We were under the impression that both 10D3 modules have the iSCSI Option ROM, but in fact the second one has Intel Boot Agent GE version 1.3.22, the same version that was seen on the screenshots, we just were unable to extract it previously.
You being unable to replace it made me think; I deleted the first 10D3 module, then I was able to extract the second one. It has the correct version and Device ID so I am pretty sure that this is the Option ROM that is being used.
I was able to replace the second 10D3 module using the following steps:
1. Open the BIOS in MMTool
2. Extract the first 10D3 module (iSCSI) so that you can re-insert it later
3. Delete the first 10D3 module (iSCSI)
4. Re-insert the previously extracted iSCSI module as 8086:10D4 (use different a Device ID just in MMTool, don’t change the Option ROM file)
5. Replace the remaining 10D3 module (PXE) with the new PXE (Intel Boot Agent) Option ROM
6. Check that 10D4 is before 10D3 (needed for replace in step #10 to work on the right module)
7. Save the BIOS and close MMTool
8. Replace 86 80 D4 10 with 86 80 D3 10 in the BIOS using a hex editor (start over with a different Device ID for iSCSI if there are multiple matches)
9. Open the BIOS in MMTool
10. Replace the first 10D3 module with the same iSCSI Option ROM file (this will fix the checksums)
11. Check that the first 10D3 has the Source Size of the iSCSI Option ROM file and the second 10D3 has the Source Size of the PXE Option ROM file
12. Save the BIOS
@basco :
Note that both iSCSI and PXE are used for network boot, and neither one of those is required for booting from a local drive (including SCSI).
Could you please confirm that you want to use network boot.
If you are not using network boot, then disabling the Option ROM in the BIOS setup or changing the boot order will make the PXE prompt go away.
@Ethanial - What then, do you think is being used at the PXE boot screen? I agree with this, the 10EF module in the current BIOS is not being used, as even the stock BIOS has a newer version than what is shown and it’s not used either (before I updated it I mean)
Both 10D3 modules in the stock BIOS are exact same copies of iSCI rom, NOT the Boot Agent GE 1.3.22. At least tnot that I’ve seen in the BIOS at all, I’ve dumped all the modules and looked, before I did any mods for him originally.
Wait! Scratch above I guess, so you found this out, and when I dumped both and they are exact copies, it didn’t actually dump the second one?? If yes, then that is the key! I will find a way to replace that locked in place version then!
Ahh, sounds like you’ve already sorted this out! Please feel free to do the mods as you mentioned, and thanks for your help to find this solution
Be sure to use one of basco’s dumps for the edit, so he has the previous edits I made for him already in there (updated microcode + Blacked out logo)
@Lost_N_BIOS :
Even when you click the second 10D3 module, MMTool exports the first one. After you delete the first 10D3 module, you are able to export the actual second (now only) 10D3 module. It has the exact same version as seen on the screenshots. And I think that the 10EF module is not being used for anything because the motherboard has no such device.
I also provided a detailed step-by-step guide on replacing the second 10D3 module in my previous post.
Unfortunately I don’t know how to perform the silent Boot Agent mod requested. @basco could you please try both mods by @Lost_N_BIOS with updated Boot Agent versions and see whether you are able to configure silent Boot Agent with those? Note that you need to use “Onboard LAN1 Option ROM Select: iSCSI” because the iSCSI ROM is replaced with Boot Agent in those.
I am happy to create a BIOS image with the second 10D3 (PXE) module replaced if @basco & @Lost_N_BIOS , you are able to figure out the silent Boot Agent thing, but I think that this advanced mod does not make sense until then.
I’ve tried the mods made by @Lost_N_BIOS , they both boot silent (because logo is blacked out), but (non upgraded) PXE text remains visible.
I think it makes sense to try upgrading the PXE itself before hacking furter to silence it.
So yes, i would like to try an updated rom with a new PXE bios as you mentioned (don’t quite get it, but i’m trying to keep up here )
I now have one system running W10.
But cannot find intel proset software to write firmware. I just find a bunch of drivers on the intel website.
Do you have it? thanks!
@basco :
Please see the attached x8sil2mntpxe.rom.
It is based on x8sil2mnt.bin fom post #23 with black logo and updated microcode, and has Boot Agent GE v1.5.85 from bage-isci-1.5.85.rom in post #68 as the 10D3 PXE ROM. The 10D3 iSCSI ROM and the 10EF PXE ROM are the originals.
x8sil2mntpxe.zip (897 KB)
@Ethaniel - Thanks, I did see your outlined method and get it all now, but since you were that far I left it for you to finish the mod since you figured that out
What needs done for “Silient Boot agent” thing/mod? I can do whatever mod you guys want, I just don’t understand what you need there.
@basco - I believe it, about Win10 and whatever software, Win10 sucks But no, sorry, I don’t have that, try Win7 instead if you can’t find Win10 version (or compatibility mode maybe)?
I flashed it with ami.bat (default supermicro settings)
I tested 2 cases, 1 PXE enabled on LAN1, 2 iSCSI enabled on LAN1
See pictures, is this what you 'd expect?
I still cannot enter the pxe configuration menu by pressing CTRL-C, nor is there any visible text/prompt to do so.
Hey - It finally updated!!! Nice work Ethaniel
I think it’s control+S to get in there isn’t it, but it may need enabled by one of the utilities you guys were using before. >> -STE (Enables Setup Menu)
Ohh! The silent boot agent thing, I think he meant something you need to do from this guide, with the tool you were using before (and also add the -STE too at first if you want, so you can get in there)
Maybe not , I don’t see anything about “Silent” in there, you guys will have to explain, if the above doesn’t get things going
Woohoo!! In my hurry i forgot too look at the version numbers myself
I pressed CTRL-S (not C, typo)
I will try the -STE now…
-STE doesn’t work, bootutil just does not work…
-TITLEENABLE OR -TLE Enables Initial Title Message.
-TITLEDISABLE OR -TLD Disables Initial Title Message.
Would there be a PXE bios that already has CTRL-S enabled?