Which are the "best" Intel AHCI/RAID drivers?

This is not what I have read. They do support the Intel Rapid Storage Technology drivers and software, but not the creation and support of RAID arrays.

You should find it out yourself. AFAIK the Intel RST(e) drivers v13/14 generally give the system a better performance, but since I have newer used an “Enterprise Edition” Intel Chipset system (X79 or X99), I wasn’t able to prove it for them.

@Fernando ,
Sabertooth X99 manual says "Due to Intel chipset specification, the SATA ports from Controller 2 does not support Intel Rapid Storage Technology including RAID configuration".
ASUS site offers only (obsolete) SATA driver v WHQL.

@Fernando ,
It is very strange that this Intel X99 chipset needs 3 different drivers to handle the same AHCI functionality: MS AHCI v10.0.10240.16384, Intel iRST v14.6.1.1030 and Intel iRSTe v4.3.0.1198.


Is the remaining ‘Controleur AHCI SATA standard’ mandatory ? Is it needed (in my case) for the SM951 AHCI SSD device only ?

You should not believe everything, what is written within manuals.
All Intel SATA Controllers of an Intel X99 Chipset mainboard should support the suitable Intel RST drivers.

This is not true. All SATA ports, which belong to the Intel Chipset, can be managed by Intel RST resp. RSTe drivers.
Your Samsung SM951 AHCI is not connected with an Intel SATA port.

@Fernando ,
I have updated the 2 Intel SATA controllers of the Intel X99 Chipset with iRSTe version instead to have a mix of iRST for one and iRSTe for the other one.
I ignore if it the optimum solution to get stable performance.


To summarize we have many choices of SATA drivers: all are MS native or all are iRST or all are iRSTe or a mix of all variants…

Hi Fernando,

Thanks for the table, it IS very usefull! (The table you made to recommend drivers for chipsets, this early August)

I have one question though: is there somewhere on this forum (sorry, I have searched but not found) a table where I could see the recommended OROM for a chipset?
(I’ve Z87 and the MOBO came with 12.x, I used 13.6 for more than a year, and now I’m using 14.6, and I’m not sure it is the most stable thing, running RAID0 and RAID5)

I thought maybe you can add a column saying which version of OROM is recommended for or most stable with that chipset.

I appreciate your work here!

The choice of “best matching” Intel RAID ROM resp. Intel EFI “RaidDriver” BIOS module version depends on the used Intel RST RAID driver version and not on the chipset.
Please look into the start post of >this< thread, where I have listed all recommenbded Intel AHCI/RAID drivers. You will find the “best matching” Intel RAID BIOS module version at the end of the description of the related Intel RST/RST(e) driver version you have chosen resp. want to choose.

I think I found a typo for you. I found ".1085" when references above only refer to ".1058"

In the table under: "Intel 8- and 9-Series Chipsets (like Z87 or Z97) Intel RST(e) v13.1.0.1085 WHQL or …"


@ coconutsaregood:

Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanks for the info.
The typo is already corrected.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Fernando i am using a p6t6 board (https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/P6T6_WS_Revolution/) with x58 chipset, Based on your recommendation the is for me. I need to confirm that the >Universal 64bit Intel RSTe AHCI+RAID drivers v11.7.4.1001 mod+signed by Fernando< is the file i need to install.

I will be using a vertex 3 SSD and install win 10 in ahci mode, (no RAID) and need best performance.

@ zonkiel:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

There is no need to install the mod+signed variant of the Intel RST(e) AHCI driver v11.7.4.1001, because your Intel ICH10R Southbridge will be supported by the original Intel RST(e) drivers. v11.7.4.1001 WHQL.
If you want to use a newer Intel AHCI driver, you can install the Intel RST(e) AHCI driver v12.9.4.1000 mod+signed by me.

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Which of those 2 do you think would be better based on my hardware and intended use? BTW I have trouble finding the official intel driver, if this is one is best recommended.

Only a user with a similar system, who had compared all possible drivers, can answer this question. To be on the safe side I recommend to install the Intel RST(e) driver v11.7.4.1001 WHQL.

You can find the download links within the start post of >this< thread.

Ok thank you. One last thing, what is the difference between the driver and the software set. Do i need the software set for any reason?

The complete Set additionally contains the RST Console and Service Software.

No, since you don’t have an Intel RAID system.

You have been very helpful and quick to respond. Thank You.

Why doesn’t v11.2.0.1006 work on my Dell Vostro 1500?

To be able to answer your question I need some informations:
1. Which Intel Chipset has your Dell system?
2. With which SATA mode (AHCI/IDE/RAID) is your Dell system running?
3. Which OS is installed onto your Dell system?
4. Which variant (original or modded, as “pure” driver or as complete “Drivers & Software Set”) of the Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006 did you try to install and how did you do it?

To be able to answer your question I need some informations:
1. Which Intel Chipset has your Dell system?
2. With which SATA mode (AHCI/IDE/RAID) is your Dell system running?
3. Which OS is installed onto your Dell system?
4. Which variant (original or modded, as "pure" driver or as complete "Drivers & Software Set") of the Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006 did you try to install and how did you do it?

Win10 x64

Because the Intel ICH8M SATA AHCI Controller of your Dell system is natively not supported by this driver.
You can get the Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006 installed nevertheless, if you choose the variant, which has been “mod+signed” by me. You can find it >here<.