Hello guys
im new to this forum.
Im sorry if i posted in the wrong section
my story in a nutshell is that i bought “GDC V8 Mini pci-e” and a 1050 Ti graphics card
i connected it instead of the wireless slot in my laptop
when i login to windows it shows me that there is a 1050 card, but it says windows stopped it code 43
i searched online and they told me that i need to “Mod my bios” to enable "Advanced tab " “Hot-plug” option
So please could anyone help me ?
this is really my last hope Sad
This is my bios read from "Bios backup toolkit"
and this is the original rom from the asus website ( i dont know if this helps ):
Thanks alot
You probably mean the Hot Plug option in Chipset - PCH-IO Configuration - PCI Express Configuration
Yes, thats what i need thanks alot.
i flashed it and it succeeded, but i cant find the Chipset tab :\ … do i have to do something else to unlock it?
thanks alot
@Ferrous ,i’m little bit off topic here but by any chance you know a way to unlock the CPU multiplier as well as the DRAM options in similar ASUS laptop bios?
How did you flash the modified bios?
How did you flash the modified bios?
Using AFUDOS.exe and Rufus to make the usb bootable
did i do something wrong

What parameter(s) did you use with AFUDOS?
Only the Main Block is modified, so it should be Afudos filename /p
Aha, i see.
i wrote "afudos bios.rom /GAN"
i will try /p now and tell u what happens
Now when i try /p i get this error:
"Reading flash … done
FFS checksums … ok
Erasing Main Block … 0x00000000 (0%)
3 - Error : Problem erasing flash"
It seems that your BIOS is somehow write-protected.
Try Intel Flash Programming Tool v8 instead.
fpt -f filename -bios
EDIT: Have you tried the “Easy Flash” option in the BIOS settings?
Easy flash doesn’t recognize the modded rom :(, i have tried to rename it to the original name and still doesnt work
About the “Inter flash programming tool” could you please give me some tips? like what to download or if there is a simple video to watch? i got lost in this huge post
Maybe Easy flash only recognizes capsulated bios. Try the attach capsule bios instead. (PS: DO NOT flash a capsule with FPT!)
K55VDAS_mod_cap.rar (2.57 MB)
It recognizes it, but it says "Old build press Enter to return"
My current version is 411 and the one that im trying to upgrade to is 411 too
The FPT (With the old rom) isn’t working too :S
it says" Error 367: [FPTw64.exe cannot be run on the current platform."
The version of FPT you used doesn’t match your current platform. It should be v8 for Ivy Bridge platform.
fptw64 -f K55VDAS_mod.rom -bios
OMG, it worked thank you so much you are a GENIUS !!
i never thought it would be that easy !!! Thank you thank youuuuu!!
Just one last silly question please ! where do i have the option to enable the "hot-swap" \ "hot-plug" in the Chipset tab :D?
Chipset - PCH-IO Configuration - PCI Express Configuration - PCI Express Root Port X - Hot Plug
X means you should determine which port the PCIe Wireless NIC used.
Don’t try disabling iGPU on a Nvidia Optimus (MSHybrid) equipped laptop, which relies on iGPU for video output. In most cases there’s no direct connection between the dGPU and the monitor.