AHCI & RAID Option ROM Modules

Hello Fernando.

I hope you can tell me if I am in the right forum right now.

I’m looking for the Z97 OROM-Asus Maximus VII and Im unable to find it.
Been advised in other forums that the 13.x.x OROMS for the Z97 chipset are located in your website.

Would you be kind to point out the right place to find them?

Also, as per my current knowledge, are the 13.10.1058 drivers from intel the most up to date for either Z87/Z97?
Intel(R) RST/RSTe Drivers (newest: v13.1.0.1058/v4.1.0.1046 WHQL)

Thank you.

@ Safado2:
Welcome at WinRAID Forum!

There are no specific Intel RAID ROM versions for specific mainboard available. That means, that your RAID system can use any of the Intel RAID ROM version, which have been designed and optimized by Intel for Z97 mainboards.

The latest Intel RAID ROM version, which has been optimized by Intel for Z97 chipset RAID systems is v13.1.0.2126. You can find the download link within the start post of >this< thread.

Yes, the Intel RST(e) AHCI & RAID drivers v13.1.0.1058 WHQL are the latest and recommended for being used with Z97 AHCI and RAID systems.


@ SoniX:
@ lordkag:
New ASMedia 106x AHCI ROM?
Today Station-Drivers has presented a new ASMedia 106x Firmware v3.70 (look >here<).
After having downloaded and opened the package I found a file named ahci_370.rom dated 01/20/2014. This firmware can be flashed by the attached installer, but seems to be usable as well as AHCI ROM module after having removed the header.
If anyone wants to look at it, here is the download link: >ASMedia 106x AHCI ROM v3.70<

You still have to boot to DOS to flash it, right?

Thank you. :slight_smile: Already added to UBU v1.6.0.

No, the .bin file I have uploaded and linked has been designed for being inserted into the mainboard BIOS.

RAID + MISC.SIG 3.3.1540.14 for 1002-4392 found in MSI 970A-G43, BIOS 10.3. Only for AMI boards, since MISC.SIG is compressed.

Not tested!

1002-4392 3.3.1540.14 AMI.rar (102 KB)

Meanwhile I have inserted the ASMedia 106x AHCI-ROM v3.70 into the BIOS of my ASUS Z77-V. The insertion of the module and the flashing of the modded BIOS were fine, but the ASMedia 106x Utility doesn’t popup while booting, although I have done the needed BIOS settings (CSM enabled, “Option ROM Messages” set to “Force BIOS”).
Note: The original BIOS of my ASUS P8Z77-V doesn’t contain any ASMedia 106x SATA3 OROM module, although the MB has an ASMedia 106x SATA 6G AHCI Controller (DEV_0612) on board.
Since I have been successful with the insertion of the ASMedia 106x AHCI ROM v0.954 (the Utility popped up), I think, that the new ASMedia 106x AHCI ROM v3.70 is not usable with my system.

I had updated my PCI-E card with the updated ROM ASMedia 106x AHCI-ROM v3.70, but in my case the rig didn’t boot any more. Flash was successful and ever displayed the version number and that it uses PCI Gen2 with connected CD-ROM, however the Gigabyte P67A motherboard was unable to load operating system. It simply showed loading operating system, cursor blinked for a second, and gray screen. So I had to flash the older version back on the card, but here the problems began. At first I had to remove the card to get to the operating system in order to store 0.951 version ROM on the USB stick. The inserted USB key had an FreeDOS installed, which had displayed that there is an MCB chain corrupted with system halted. Even BIOS itself had problems. If you did a force shut-down, then all settings were completely lost (only the first time - Dual BIOS). What I had to do, is to set SATA mode from RAID to AHCI, so the FreeDOS was able to boot. The flash went back to version 0.951 with no problems. Does anyone have the 0.954 version ROM not just BIN file? I will try this one too.


@ kulica:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Please explain, how you did it. Which Firmware pack and which installer did you use?
It makes a big difference, if the Controller is on-board or just attached by an inserted PCI/PCIe card.

It is fine, that you got it working again.

I am sorry, but I don’t have the complete Firmware update package for that version. According to my knowledge the v0.954 has a lot of issues. Many users, who tried it, returned to v0.951.


All I did was download the whole package from station drivers. Inside their exe extractor there are two files and two batch files, that just run 106spi. I don’t think there is such a difference between on-board and add-in card, because this installer queries the appropriate micro-controllers in your motherboard. The procedure is very simple. What you need to do is to create a bootable thingy (I prefer USB stick, as they are lying on my computer table), and run the appropriate batch file. Before doing that it is wise to open it, just in case you are not left in blind, and the only thing that it does is to call external flasher 106spi -u ahci370.rom. Which version in appropriate, you should be able to see at a POST Asmedia screen (AHCI or IDE).

The whole flash process is done in a matter of a second, as it only flashes 32 KB of raw data. Fernando if you are going to flash this way, be prepared with a few installer versions. The first step is clearing memory, which is followed by program and verify stage. If the first step is performed, and somehow interrupted in the following steps, you are still able to recover your controller. Once the PC is rebooted, only God or JTAG can help you

About the difference between bin and ROM, I think the ROM has some sort of address table, that is needed when flashing with the 106spi flasher. After all, it’s SPI interface that definitely needs an address and chips select signals. Maybe the whole BIOS structure has a predefined address space stored somewhere inside it, thus not needing the ROM header and using the raw micro-controller data.


Hi all,
hope I’m not wrong section, but, seeking two files and the web often refers to me here.
Looking for Bios 1402 with Marvell 91xx Sata module Bootloader file and Firmware for a Sabertooth X58.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.
Piero da Italy

@ Piero911:
Welcome at WinRAID Forum!

We do not offer and don’t have an archive with already modded BIOSes, but maybe someone will help you to get the Marvell 91xx AHCI/RAID ROM inclusive Firmware and bootloader into your ASUS Sabertooth X58 BIOS.


Hi Fernando & all user,
here is the newest AMD RAID ROM module v3.3.1540.14 for the AMD RAID Controller
with the Hardware-IDs VEN_1002 & DEV_4392 (UEFI):
-AMD RAID ROM v3.3.1540.14 for DEV_4392 (60kb)
-AMD RAID MISC.BIN v3.3.1540.14 for DEV_4392 UEFI BIOS (9BD5C81D-096C-4625-A08B-405F78FE0CFC) (22kb)(compressed)
-AMD RAID MISC.BIN v3.3.1540.14 for DEV_4392 UEFI BIOS (9BD5C81D-096C-4625-A08B-405F78FE0CFC) (23kb)(uncompressed)
(extracted by myself)

best regards

@ Fuxxer:
Thanks for the links to the newest AMD RAID ROM + MISC.BIN for DEV_4392 AMD RAID Controllers.
Our Forum member lordkag had already posted the AMD RAID ROM module v3.3.1540.14 for DEV_4392 and the related MISC.BIN file >here<, but until now I haven’t gotten a confirmation, that the update really works for the AMD DEV_4392 RAID Controllers.
Did you test the new AMD RAID ROM v3.3.1540.14 yourself? If yes, did you succeed?

@ Fernando
Tested on M5A99X EVO R2.0 Biosversion 2501…
regards Fuxxer

@ Fuxxer:
Thanks for the confirmation, that the AMD RAID ROM v3.3.1540.14 and the related MISC.BIN module definitively do work with DEV_4392 AMD SATA Controllers.
Meanwhile I am offering them within the start post of this thread.
Additional question: Are tese modules usable for UEFI or non-UEFI BIOSes?

They should work for both, since they are legacy modules. The difference is in location: for legacy it is OROM.bin in 1002-4392 and MISC.BIN in F0 (or another module); for UEFI it is OROM.bin in CSMCORE as link 1002-4392 and MISC.BIN.ffs as GUID 9BD5C81D-096C-4625-A08B-405F78FE0CFC. I have uploaded all three with the right extension.

Please note the the MISC.BIN uploaded by Fuxxer it is actually a ffs module, working only in UEFI. For legacy you need to cut the header.


There is something wrong with the MISC.BIN uploaded by Fuxxer. While it has the right header, the content is something else, no MISC.SIG signature, nothing compressed. Maybe if he would post the BIOS from which he extracted them, to compare?

Update of the Start Post


  1. new: Intel RST(e) RAID ROM v13.2.0.2134
  2. new: “Universally TRIM modified” Intel RST(e) RAID ROM v13.2.0.2134

Thanks to lordkag for the source file.

@ users, who always want the latest BIOS modules:
According to my knowledge it doesn’t make much sense to insert this brandnew Intel RAID ROM version into the BIOS as long as no matching Intel RST(e) RAID drivers v13.2.x.xxxx series are available.
The upcoming RST(e) RAID drivers v13.2 are obviously primarily designed for the upcoming Intel X99 chipsets. Nevertheless I have added a TRIM-modded variant of the new Intel RAID ROM v13.2.0.2134 for Intel chipsets, which natively do not support the TRIM in RAID0 feature. You should decide yourself, if the update is useful or not.

Just my observation:

I updated also with ROM’s today and somehow my stable setting became unstable (often BSOD),so I flash back with
13.1 …so far as before…stable.