AHCI & RAID Option ROM Modules

I already did it that last night. I used Fernando modded drivers to replace the official drivers [device manager]. I also used his modded iRST software\program instead of the official software.

TRIM works fast and is easy to notice with Trimcheck tool when the drives are NOT in a array. Once they are in an array it is pretty difficult so I agree with you on that. As long as TRIM is working that’s all that matters to me :).

Hello, Fernando. Just curious, did you tried JMicron JMB36x RAID ROM 1.8 ? How is your results ?

Why should I?
JMicron itself doesn’t offer any JMB36x RAID ROM v1.0.8.xx. Look >here<.

Because you wrote that you interested. May be I was wrong about that. Well, ok.

JMicron doesn’t offer JMB36x RAID ROM v1.0.7.28 on their FTP too but it is here, in topic.

Well, never mind. I was just wondering.

Zitat von Gannet im Beitrag #445

Because you wrote that you interested. May be I was wrong about that. Well, ok.

I am sorry, but - to be honest - I didn’t remember, that you offered the file within this Forum.
I am always interested in new ROM modules, but I don’t have the chance to test JMB36x RAID ROM ones, because I don’t have a system with a JMicron 36x SATA Controller.

Zitat von Gannet

JMicron doesn’t offer JMB36x RAID ROM v1.0.7.28 on their FTP too but it is here, in topic.

AFAIK JMicron has pulled the JMB36x RAID ROM v1.0.8.01 and doesn’t deliver it anymore to the mainboard manufacturers. Athough I do not know the reason, I suspect, that the new RAID ROM version has a severe bug.

I was here. The thing is that on my previous P5B Deluxe mobos only 1.0.8 version worked without hands during post. And all after 1.0.16 (or something like that) caused hangs during HDD POST. So it can be helpful at least it was for me.

@ Gannet:
Thanks again for the link, which may help other users with a similar JMB36x RAID Controller.
It is a pity, that JMicron doesn’t care about their customers resp. the users of a mainboard with an on-board JMB36x SATA RAID Controller.
As everyone can see at their FTP pages, they do not offer any new SATA drivers and OROM modules since several years.

It’s a pity very much. Yes. The interesting thing that on my current P5Q3 mobo 1.0.28 works well. That’s why I asked you about how it works if you tested 1.0.8 may be on some other with JMB 36x board.

I don’t have access to such mainboard, but maybe someone else can test your linked JMB36x RAID ROM v1.0.28.01 and will report here about his/her experience with that module.

@ Gannet:

After having re-read your last posts, I decided to add your linked JMB36x RAID ROM v1.0.8.01 into the start post of this thread. This way we will have the best chances to get a feedback from the users regarding this version.

Thanks again!

Why This is version and it has been available as part of Ubu as a file jmb363_8.bin. I have not declared, since there were positive reviews. True negative reviews was not there. :slight_smile:

Why This is version and it has been available as part of Ubu as a file jmb363_8.bin.

You are absolutely right. Thanks for the info. It was a typo within my last post, which I have now corrected. Regarding the updated start post and the linked JMB RAID ROM modules everything is ok.
By the way:
1. Until now I hadn’t realized, that the JMB36x RAID ROM v1.0.8.01 was already part of the UBU tool since several weeks.
2. The JMB36x RAID ROM v1.0.8.01 source file is dated 07/12/2012, my JMB36x RAID ROM v1.0.7.28 source file is dated 03/28/2011. Do you think, that we will ever see newer JMB 36x RAID ROM modules?

@ Fernando

Lately, I’ve never met these controllers on the motherboard is. I think that most likely, the new versions will not. 2 years have passed from the last version 1.08.01 and nothing new.

Hello Fernando, This Marvell Firmware is it safe to use for my P8P67 Mobo if I replace it by using MMTools? the file is 9123.bin. while my device id 9130,9120,91a0. Just wondering if it works thanks

The UBU tool is able to update an existing Marvell AHCI/RAID OROM, but not to flash any Firmware like the Marvell one.

Since I never had a mainboard with a Marvell 91xx SATA Controller, I cannot answer your question.
Why do you want to update of the Marvell OROM/Firmware/Bootloader at all? Have you created a Marvell RAID array? Do you have any probem with the Marvell SATA ports? If yes, which one?

Nope. I don’t have any problem with my current firmware. just wondering the latest marvell 91xx Firmware would works for My P8P67LE :slight_smile: Thanks

It probably does. AFAIK all Marvell 91xx SATA Controllers are using the same Firmware.

Hello guys!

I have a problem with Intel 330 Series SSD connected to ASUS M5A88-V (AMD RS880P/SB850) motherboard. Sometimes (very rare) the whole system hangs up, so I need to hard-reset it, but then that Intel SSD either stops being detected by the BIOS or becomes REALLY slow (was stuck at Win7 booting logo for >5 minutes with no progress). Those “freezes” happens (I believe) on active disk operations last few times - patching games, copying files from HDD to SSD, even when I reinstalled OS once. The only way to fix this is to reset CMOS (with pin or by removing BIOS battery), connecting SSD to another SATA connector and leaving PC plugged out for at least 10 minutes (maybe this all is just a coincidence, because all those operations don’t have 100% results and may take several tries) or else drive is not usable.
The funny thing is that this issue concerns only SSD, HDD always works fine.

So, the question is - can AMD AHCI ROM update fix this issue? Or this is just general incompatibility of AMD chipsets and Intel drives (found some similar issues over the web)?
P.S. I think I’m running AHCI ROM 3.0.5, but I will read other posts here to find that out.

@ oxygen15:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Although I doubt, that an update of the AMD AHCI OROM will solve your problem, I recommend to do it. You will get a faster booting this way.
1. Which OS are you running?
2. Which AHCI driver do you use?


Thanks for quick response, Fernando!

1. Win 7 x64 (with all updates)
2. This happened to me with both “stock” Microsoft driver and latest AMD SATA driver (, which I’m running now (last “freeze” was ~1 month ago, the one before that in January-February 2014).

P.S. Should I also update 1002:4394, or 1002:4391 is all I need?