AHCI & RAID Option ROM Modules

Have you ever done a look into the start post of >this< thread?
The manual TRIM test by using a Hex Editor is much more sensitive than the automatic TrimCheck Tool method.

Sandforce Controller SSDs usually have a very effective Garbage Collection. That is why the TRIM support is not that important for such SSDs.

Hi! Iā€™m Back!
Well. Right now Iā€™m testing the TRIM with the Hex Editor. I searched all the SSD with the Hex Editor to be sure that it is not a duplicate code, and after the tests, it confirms that TRIM is not working :frowning:
The Hex codes remains the same after the file been deleted and recycle Bin erased. even after a System Reboot!

This is so puzzling! May I be doing someting very wrong in my RAID?

No, unless it is not an Intel RAID0 (Striping) array.

An Image just to show some information.

EDIT: I found some people saying that Windows 8 does not support TRIM in RAID0, just Windows 7ā€¦ Its not true Right!?


Right - this is not true.
The difference between Win7 and Win8 regarding the TRIM in RAID0 feature is, that Win7 just supports the TRIM command, whereas Win8 additionally supports the "Unmap" command, which is able to pass through SCSI Controllers. That is why Win8 doesnā€™t need and doesnā€™t install the Intel RST(e) SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys.


I wanted to modify bios for my friends motherboard. Itā€™s P55-UD3, latest bios version is F9.
Inside are two modules pchraidr.bin and pchahci.bin. Which new modules should i use to update? I donā€™t know the current version of those modules.

Thanks for any help.

Current version for F9 is:
Intel RAID (pchraidr.bin)
Intel AHCI 1.20E (pchahci.bin)
P.S. I already updated and tested modules on BIOS for Gigabyte GA-P55-UD3:
Bios version: F10a
Intel RAID: from to
Gigabyte (JMicron) RAID: from 1.07.06 to 1.08.01
Realtek LAN: from 2.33 to 2.60

@ Jest:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

@ KRyouCK:
Thanks for your prompt and perfect help!


@ Fernando
Thank you and thank you for your hard work.

Thank you very much.
Which IRST driver do you use?

To be honest, I do not recommend to insert any Intel RST RAID ROM of the v13 series into the BIOS of an Intel 5-Series chipset mainboard, because they have not been designed by Intel for being used with old Intel chipsets.
Furthermore the Intel RAID ROM v13.5.0.2118 is not the latest and best OROM of the v13.5 development branch.

For users with an Intel 5-Series chipset RAID system I would prefer either
a) the Intel RST RAID ROM v11.2.0.1527 in combination with the Intel RST RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 (if you want the best RAID0 performance) or
b) the Intel RST(e) RAID ROM v12.9.0.2006 in combination with the Intel RST(e) RAID drivers v12.9.4.1000 (if you want the latest Intel RST driver/OROM versions, which fully support 5-Series Chipsets).

iā€™m using Intel AHCI/RAID WHQL (official) in RAID mode (P55-UD3 AHCI mode not supported by 13.x drivers / use drivers or older if you want AHCI)
How to set RAID: BIOS-> Integrated Peripherals-> PCH SATA Control Mode-> RAID

If he would set the Intel SATA Controller to "AHCI" mode, the Intel RAID ROM of the BIOS doesnā€™t matter, because it will not be used by an AHCI system.

There is a missing link for nforce 4 rom at NVIDIA nVRAID ROM v10.0.0.35.

Thanks for the info.
After having done a deeper look into the start post I have realized, that it has been cut by the Forum software, because it was too long.
Meanwhile I have set some "spoilers" into the post with the result, that you and the other users can see the full text and all download links.
Furthermore the new compact structure of the start thread wll make it easier for the visitors to find what they want.

Thanks again!

As I just have realized, the reconstruction of the start post didnā€™t solve the problem, that the last lines of the thread have been cut by the Forum software.
I will try to repair it as soon as possible.

The problem was not the length of the start post, but the amount of characters within it.
So I could at least solve the problem by deleting some links to meanwhile outdated or less interesting AHCI/RAID ROM modules.

Hi people! Iā€™m back to say that in a strange way, the TRIM seems to be workingā€¦ Iā€™ve executed the TrimCheck Tool, and after two days (with low Write in SSD) Iā€™ve executed the Tool again and it shows that TRIM seems to be workingā€¦
Look the Pictureā€¦


@ robsonsirena:

Thanks vor your report.
I suspect, that it was the low TRIM activity, which previously prevented the detection by the TrimCheck tool.

First of all Merry Xmas to all of U
in second instance Iā€™d insert nvidia raid rom (right now Iā€™ve 9.87) plus others oroms ie vga and nvidia boot agent in this main board bios M2N68-AM PLUS http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/sockā€¦S_Plus_1804.zip is this safe? Or should I change DeviceID in hex and if so where should I watch in hex to do this thx in advance

You probably have to change the hex code of the RAID ROM module.
Please post the DeviceID of your on-board NVIDIA nForce SATA RAID Controller. Then I will try to do the modification of the ROM module for you.

You probably have to change the hex code of the RAID ROM module.
Please post the DeviceID of your on-board NVIDIA nForce SATA RAID Controller. Then I will try to do the modification of the ROM module for you.

I Fernando Iā€™m sorry for the delayā€¦ well Iā€™m looking for an empty hard drive and install so win7 but if itā€™s usefulā€¦ reading in mmtool pci option rom related to nvraid rom the DeviceID I read itā€™s: (10DE:03EB)
Thanks so much for your effort and in the mean time HAPPY NEW YEAR to U and to all win-raid forum


Attached you can find the NVIDIA RAID ROM v10.0.0.35, which has just been modified and checksum corrected by me for being usable with NVIDIA nForce 430/405/400 (MCP61) chipsets.
Before you are going to update your currently working NVIDIA RAID ROM module, please extract it from the BIOS, open it with an Hex Editor and search for the hex code ā€œDE 10 EB 03ā€. If you should not find such code, please let me know it and attach the nVRAID ROM, which you are currently using. In this case you should not modify your BIOS.

Good luck and Happy New Year!

EDIT The attached modded nVRaid ROM v10.0.0.35 has been removed, because it probably would not work for HAZArDā€™s nForce system.