AHCI & RAID Option ROM Modules

Unfortunately I cannot test the differences between the Intel AHCI ROM v1.20E and v2.00h with my wife’s Intel P55 chipset system, because the stock BIOS doesn’t contain any Intel AHCI ROM module.

Howdy fellows :slight_smile:

I have one of These PCI cards, Its flashed with 0.951 from station drivers, however I see main post has newer rom, but cant flash it via that tool since these are for Motherboards with built in chipset?

Anyone know of any standalone flasher or knows how to flash this newer FW into the PCI card?

The Option ROM modules, which I am offering within the start post, are only usable with on-board AHCI resp. RAID Controllers, not for PCI card Controllers.
Why do you want to flash a newer Firmware? I ask this, because you should not really expect a better performance and stability by doing that.

According to Station-Drivers (look >here<) there is no newer Firmware of the 0.95x series for your ASMedia 106x Controller available.

i have an x58 ud5 with the old ahci 1.20e.
I can try the new one! my bios : http://www.uploadmb.com/dw.php?id=1467155400

Ich10R : PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3A22&SUBSYS_B0051458&REV_00\3&13C0B0C5&0&FA

@boombastik :
Thanks for your great offer to test the Intel AHCI ROM v2.00h with your X58 chipset mainboard.
Attached is the download link to the BIOS, where I have replaced the Intel AHCI ROM v1.20e by the much newer module v2.00h. The module has been customized by me for being used with an Intel ICH10R Southbridge AHCI system.

Since I don’t know, whether the inserted modded AHCI ROM module will work with your system, I recommend to prepare a second USB Flash Drive with the original BIOS.
You may flash the modded BIOS at own risk, but if you should do it, please give us a feedback about your result.

Good luck (finger crossed)!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

EDIT: Attached modded BIOS removed (didn’t work)

My motherboard is a x58 chipset not p55 is tha a problem?
Also my motherboard has dual bios so if it fails it will be resored from backup

While writing my last post I made a mistake - my bad. Meanwhile the mistake is corrected.
I have added the DeviceID DEV_3A22 to the AHCI ROM, which means, that it has been designed for an Intel AHCI system with an ICH10R Southbridge. So it should work with your X58 Chipset.

That is fine!

I tried it but it didnt works. It stays at a black screen when it tries to load the ahci rom.
If u want to change something , to try again , i can do it!

That’s a pity. Thanks for your test and the report anyway!

Thanks for the offer. Maybe I will post tomorrow a BIOS with another variant of the Intel AHCI ROM v2.00h.

The required modification of the Intel AHCI ROM module seems to be more difficult than I thought. Furthermore I found out, that the original AHCI Option ROM is located above a sensitive module, with the consequence, that the update cannot easily been done by using CBROM32_198 and the usual command.

@boombastik :
I am sorry, but I am not able to update the BIOS for you.

Thnks for the try.
So only a gigabyte technitian can modded it?

No, but you need help from someone, who has an advanced knowledge about the special procedure, which is required to update an Option ROM, which is located above a sensitive module of an Award BIOS.
Please look into >this< thread. There you can find a lot of informations and the nicknames of some experts. Maybe you will get support, if you send SummoneR, Modfreakz or someone else a PM.
Good luck!

The 2.00h AHCI module comes from Intel Server boards, specifically I found today a 2.00h with different contents at Intel S1200SP Server board which is SKL C236. The only mention at the BIOS log is “AHCIOR.BIN - sata AHCI Oprom”. I do have a 2.00b from 2011 and another 2.00h (same you have here) so such AHCI 2.xx modules have probably been used in server platforms for some years now. They are probably not related/compatible with the old AHCI 1.xx consumer releases but if someone can test all of them maybe we’ll find out. I think 2.00b is a better candidate as it does have a 2822 DEV_ID even though I don’t know where I got it from anymore.

Intel AHCI 2.00.rar (14.2 KB)

@plutomaniac :
Thanks for the download link (the included files are obviously the same as those, which you had already attached >here<) and for giving us a detailed information about their source.

@boombastik :
@plutomaniac :
Since the most recent discussion has nothing to to with the topic “ASMedia AHCI Option ROMs/Firmware”, I have customized the title of your posts.

Thank you, can you please advise on how to do it?

As you state , from what I could gather here,
the newer compressed modules cannot be used as is - true ?

ie for bios that load compressed modules from holes
Looking into the compressed misc file in AMD_MISC-BIN_DEV-4393_v3.3.1540.19_non-UEFI.rar,
I assume even uncompressing it and using it will not work?

I do not remember, it was a version OROM IRST v11.0.0.1339 or not.

8086-2822-282A Intel RST RAID (63.9 KB)

Yes, your attached package contains the original Intel RAID ROM v11.0.0.1339, but the archive is not proper. WinRAR and 7-Zip gave me an error message.

@ Fernando
I downloaded and checked, the archive is unpacked without problems.

By the way, long ago I noticed that if downloading attached files from the forum, the file may be damaged. When re-downloading the files are no longer corrupted.

@SoniX :
You are right. I just have re-downloaded your attached package and didn’t get any error message while using the same WinRAR and 7-Zip versions (the latest available ones).

The only possible explanation for such behaviour is, that the error occurs, when the attachment has been downloaded too early (directly after the upload). The attachment may need a certain time to get properly stored at the hoster’s server.

I generally have various such old OROMs and branches which are not found at the OP but I haven’t posted them because I assume they are not interesting? If that’s not the case, let me know and I can upload them.

The corrupted download issue is not time-related, just luck. I agree with SoniX that it’s often. The downloaded files are sometimes corrupted and need to be redownloaded. It’s probably some problem with the hoster which has been a thing for as long as I’ve been a member here.