AHCI & RAID Option ROM Modules

Where did you see that statement? Please give me the link to it.
The Intel RST v16 platform drivers and BIOS RAID modules are designed only for modern Intel Chipsets from 100-Series and X299 up.

If you should mean the RST v16.0.x.xxxx series, I do not recommend to use any Intel RAID driver or RAID BIOS module, which belongs to the v15 or v16 platform. Although the external DeviceID DEV_2822 (visible within the Device Manager) seems to match your on-board Intel SATA RAID Controller, the internal DeviceID (only visible within the Hex Code) doesnā€™t.
My suggestion: Use the latest available Intel RAID driver (v14.8.18.1066) and RAID BIOS module (v14.8.2.2397), which belong to the Intel RST v14 platform.

How much difference does an AHCI module make, and ā€œif it ainā€™t brokeā€¦ā€ one worry, would changing the BIOS screw up the Windows 10 activation?
Particular case, I already want to mod my BIOS with JMB363_1.07.28.multi (an edit which makes the controller into AHCI, rather than defaulting to SATA IDE legacy if you donā€™t use their driver.
http://blog.stuffedcow.net/2012/08/jmicrā€¦card-ahci-mode/ - has link to the JMB module

AMD 4391 AHCI, currently 3.0.5 - and thinking, is it worth replacing that as well - Windows driver is currently on Standard AHCI, as while I can force the AMD driver, itā€™s not actually provided in the AMD download/setup under Win10, so it seems AMD are not recommending it, and it predates Win10 by some margin.

Just for luck, it DOES have crashfree BIOS 3, so there is a way out if things go wrong

If the system drive and the boot sector is on a HDD/SSD, which is connected to a SATA Controller running in AHCI mode, the PC may not be bootable without the related AHCI Option ROM within the BIOS (only valid for old AHCI Controllers).

The in-use Windows driver doesnā€™t matter at the beginning of the boot process.
An update of the AMD AHCI Option ROM is a good idea, if you want to shorten the boot time.

Ah, 890GX / SB850 chipset - will I get away with the most recent 4391 or is the older or middle one a safer bet.

Also has the quirk of having both 4392 and 4393 for RAID - I know I donā€™t need to touch those, but 4393 looks like it may tag it as ā€œnewerā€

@Matth79 :
1. The latest AMD AHCI Option ROM is obviously the best.
2. An update of the AMD RAID Option ROMs is not as easy as doing the same with the AHCI module. If you donā€™t use the RAID mode, I recommend to let them untouched.

Success (eventually), after a couple of restarts, enabling the (updated) ATA ROM, and using a CTRL-J at the prompt (though nothing happened), my JMB36X controller is now available under standard PCI IDE and standard SATA AHCI (must check if hotplugging works) - previously the SATA side would be in IDE mode (no hotplug) or allow hotplug if the Win7 era JMB driver was used (which appeared under ā€œstorage controllersā€) - and I gave it the latest AMD AHCI as well - the modded JMB ROM may be worth collecting.

Correction: FAIL

With ATA ROM enabled, IDE works, SATA works, but hot plugging doesnā€™t

With ATA ROM disabled in BIOS, IDE is missing, SATA is present, hot plugging still doesnā€™t work
So nothing gained compared to the original, in fact, not as good as original with JMB driverā€¦ guess Iā€™ll be swapping it back to the original (or later) ROM, unless I can find some way to force hotplug - have tried device manager search with no effect

Intel RST(e) RAID ROM v16.5.0.3492

8086-2822 Intel RST RAID (65.6 KB)

@ all:
Update of the Start post

  • new: Intel RST RAID ROM v16.5.0.3492 for the latest/upcoming Intel SATA RAID Controllers

  • The Intel RAID ROM platfom v16 has been primarily designed for the Intel 200/300-Series Chipsets.
    It has to be tested, whether this Intel RAID ROM module works with Intel 100-Series Chipset RAID systems as well.
    Thanks to Pacman resp. Station-Drivers for the source file.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Intel RST RAID ROM v16.7.0.3513

8086-2822 Intel RST RAID (65.6 KB)

@ all:
Update of the Start post

  • new: Intel RST RAID ROM v16.7.0.3513 for the latest/upcoming Intel SATA RAID Controllers

  • The Intel RAID ROM platfom v16 has been primarily designed for the Intel 200/300-Series Chipsets.
    It has to be tested, whether this Intel RAID ROM module works with Intel 100-Series Chipset RAID systems as well.
    Thanks to Pacman resp. Station-Drivers for the source file.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Which ROM is best for PCIe SATA/IDE card with JMB363 chip?
Is v1.0.7.28 official and v1.0.8.01 unofficial?

@RiP :
If you are using an add-on PCIe card with a JMicron SATA Controller, you should not insert any JMicron Option ROM into your mainboard BIOS.

I donā€™t know it, because I never have compared them.


Hello Fernando, as usually iā€™ve integrated these latest RST RAID ROM on ASRock Z170 OC Formula but i can confirm that they didnā€™t work as expected, so the latest working on Intel 100-Series chipset are the V.


Hi Fernando,

Iā€™m confused with this. You said in your post here: AHCI & RAID ROM Modules that this is the recommended for 300-series boards:

Intel RST(e) RAID ROM v16.0.2.3402 or v16.5.0.3487 = best option for Intel 300-Series Chipset RAID Systems (matching RAID drivers: Intel RST(e) v16.0 resp. v16.5 series)
But then I donā€™t see v16.5.0.3487 so I did a search and came up with your post in this thread that Iā€™m quoting. One post above your post is Pacmanā€™s post with the download link that Iā€™m looking for but his filename starts with ā€œ8086-2822ā€ and 2822 (according to the Readme file in the UBU Tool) is for Intel RST. My board (ASUS Maximus X Code) uses RST(e). So which is which? Did Pacman make a mistake of naming the file 2822 when itā€™s really for 2826 or something?

Also, when I put the files in the Files\Intel\RSTe folder, the UBU tool doesnā€™t work and does not detect these new versions. It only detects them when I put it in the Files\Intel\RST folder. So does my board really have Intel RST or Intel RSTe? Iā€™m really confused.

Please confirm.



@kevindd992002 :
I expect, that experienced Forum members like you read, before they write.
All your questions are answered within the Forum and the latest Intel RST RAID ROM of the v16.5 series is offered within the start post of this thread.
By the way:
1. According to your signature your mainboard has a 6-Series and no 300-Series Chipset. It wouldnā€™t make sense to insert any v14/15/16 platform Intel RAID ROM into its BIOS.
2. As long as your on-board Intel SATA Controller is running in AHCI mode, no Intel RAID ROM BIOS module will be used.


Iā€™m always reading before writing. But nobodyā€™s perfect. When someone is ā€œconfusedā€ about something, they post. This is why we have the forums. Based on what I wrote earlier, you canā€™t honestly say that I didnā€™t read. If I didnā€™t read, then I wouldnā€™t be able to post those questions. My questions are still valid though:

1. Why is there no link to v16.5.0.3487 in the original post of this thread when you clearly said you updated the original post when Pacman uploaded the file? And yes, the latest 16.5 RAID OROM is uploaded in the first post but why do you specifically recommend using a lower version ( instead?
2. My signature is outdated. Iā€™m using an ASUS Maximus X Code (z370 chipset) now with Intel RAID. I know my questions wouldnā€™t make sense if I use a 6-series chipset board. Iā€™ll update my signature now.

The link to the meanwhile outdated Intel RAID ROM v16.5.0.3487 has been removed from the start post, because Pacman had posted at 07/03/2018 a better/newer one v16.5.0.3492 (look >here<).
Why should I offer links to outdated BIOS modules?

@Fernando :
Why do you recommend an older version for the 300 series? Thatā€™s the real question here. 3487 is older than 3492. I understand that newer doesnā€™t always mean better but if you recommend an older version that performs better, doesnā€™t it make sense to include a link to that version in the original post too?

Iā€™m not sure why is it that when you reply to me, you always take the aggressive route. Iā€™ve been out of your forum for a few years now and now that Iā€™m back Iā€™m trying to read everything again. But everytime I post, you always make it look like Iā€™m a stupid member that presents non-sensible questions with the aim of being spoonfed.

Because I forgot to update the related recommendation at the bottom, when I updated the start post at 07/03/2018. I am sorry about that.
There are too many threads I have started and there are too many details I have to think about, when a new driver or BIOS module is available. I do urgently need somebody, who exculpates me from the support of all threads, which have been started by me. Maybe I should remove all my recommendations and concentrate myself on the update of the download links to the latest/best drivers/BIOS modules.
By the way: Meanwhile I have updated the related recommendation and hope, that everything is ok for you now.

I beg your pardon, if you felt personally attacked by me. It was not my intention to insult you. According to the feedback I got from other users I seem to be very patient, especially when I get a request from newbees.
From an experienced Forum member like you I expected, that he/she
a) found out him/herself the reason (look >here<), why the Intel RAID ROM v16.5.0.3487 isnā€™t linked anymore within the start post (a remark, that my recommendation for 300-Series chipset systems at the bottom of the start post didnā€™t match the main part of the start post, would have been better than the request of the ā€œmissingā€ download link to an outdated version) and
b) updated his/her Signature before posting a request, where the currently used mainboard model/chipset is absolutely relevant.

@Fernando :
No need to apologize, I canā€™t imagine how much time you invest in updating all of your threads. I just wanted clarification, is all. Thanks for updating the thread, btw.

Well, I consider myself an average user (not a newbie and not a totally experienced one at that too, but I am technical).

a) Iā€™m used to checking your forums and remember that you always donā€™t recommend the ā€œlatest and greatestā€ drivers/firmwares/etc. After all, thatā€™s the reason of having recommendations. If the latest driver/firmware is the best one, then yes, the recommendations arenā€™t needed at all. This is why I thought that the older one was better and asked why it wasnā€™t linked in the start post.

b) As for the signature, thatā€™s my bad, I totally forgot about having signatures here.

EDIT: Btw, you forgot to edit the accompanying "recommended Intel RST(e) drivers in the start post, theyā€™re still at 16.0 and 16.5, respectively).