[ARCHIVE] Outdated UBU Tool related Questions, Reports and Suggestions

I would like to update my laptop bios. Actually, arrandale microcodes are not listed on UBU. It is possible to support it in the future ?

MC fail.jpg

Thanks for all your work !

@BrN - only microcodes you see are in your BIOS.

For norebook optimal use option "M - User Select only 1 Microcode File"

Thanks for the new UBU v1.70.rc20.
As you already have predicted, the new feature of the UBU tool may be misleading, because some mainboard manufacturers obviously use internally other version numbers than what they give to the public.
The latest BIOS for my ASRock Z170 chipset mainboard is officially named by ASRock v7.50, but the UBU tool has detected, that within the BIOS itself the version is named v5.11.
Here is the related picture:

UBU v1.70.rc20 shows wrong BIOS version.png

By the way: When can we expect the UBU tool v1.71?

Merry Christmas and a wonderful, healthy New Year!

There is a problem with "cecho.exe". )-; It happens to be the only x86_64 .exe file.

Vacuum:UBU_v1.70.rc18.5 nms$ file $(find . -name *.exe | sort)
./Files/Workfiles/GenFfs.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
./Files/Workfiles/GenSec.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
./MCE.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
./SetDevID.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
./UEFIExtract.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows
./UEFIFind.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows
./UEFIReplace.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows
./UEFITool.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows
./UEFITool_NE.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows
./VBIOS2Pad.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
./cecho.exe: PE32+ executable (console) x86-64, for MS Windows
./drvver.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
./findhex.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
./findver.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
./ifrextract.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
./mCodeFIT.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
Vacuum:UBU_v1.70.rc18.5 nms$


Strange. It seems to have always been x32. Perhaps mistakenly replaced.
Archived x32 (PE32).

cecho_x32.rar (25 KB)

Hello @Fernando. :slight_smile:

In general, all information about the BIOS version, manufacturer and motherboard is usually located in GUID AB56DC60-0057-11DA-A8DB-000102EEE626 (FreeForm section).
And usually almost all manufacturers follow this rule.
At ASRock probably their opinion where to store the BIOS version. Therefore, we see such a result.

I initially tried to display the version, but then refused the idea. Since it is impossible to predict where the real version of BIOS will be located.

So now I will make the rc20 as the rc20.1, with an ASRok check. If there are problems on other BIOS files, then this function will be under ‘REM’.

Thanks for skipping this point with ASRock mainboard BIOSes.
Now I get this:

UBU v1.70.rc20 shows no BIOS version.png

I can not say anything yet.

@SoniX - any negative reports on Asrock J4105B (BIOS in question here)?
Asking because I used UBU_v1_70_rc12_3 to remove Asrock Protection only, and then moved 4 bytes to unsuppress something and seems to have bricked users board.
I know it could just simply be a bad flash too, but wanted to ask if you’ve have any negative reports on this model, or if you could check it’s BIOS and see if the area UBU FF’s is indeed the protection module on this board or not.
Since it’s not mainstream model I thought maybe it could be different and wrong thing got FF’s (I know it’s probably not likely)

Typical BIOS, there is nothing like that.

Try a minimum:
- Restore BIOS.
- UBU -> Removed ASRock Protect (only) -> Flash
If everything works, continue modifying.
If it doesn’t work, let me know.

Thanks @SoniX - we found later, the file he downloaded I modified did not have same MD5 checksum, he used VPN to download so I think something happened to the package mid-stream
I will let you know once he recovers if all is OK, thanks again!

I’ve found a bug with latest UBU:

I was trying to update microcodes in this BIOS: https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/nb/G53SX/G53SXAS209.zip


Use MMTool v5.0.0.7


Line 1335

if %mmtool%==0 if %aa% neq 0 cecho {0E}Recommended. It is recommended to use MMTool.{#}{/n}

{/n} -> {\n}


I have MMTool v5.2.0.24 in the UBU folder.
Can we have MMTool v5.0.0.7 and v5.2.0.24 at the same time (maybe with renaming one of the two) ?

MMTool has not a complete patch for Aptio 4.

It is possible to support two versions at the same time.
- MMTA4.EXE (for 4.50/5.0) for Aptio 4
- MMTA5.EXE (for 5.2/>5.2) for Aptio V
But keep both versions in the same folder? It’s easier for me to rewrite the files of the desired version.

But if UBU users vote for this opportunity, then I will implement it.

I always keep all three in the folder, and rename the two not in use at any given moment as MMTool.exe.4 or MMTool.exe.507, MMTool.exe52 etc. Then rename whichever I want to use to the regular MMTool.exe name before starting UBU
If you implement something for all three or two that would be great, then I wouldn’t have to rename each time to change. It would also be great if during this implementation if you could also add an option when more than one MMTool version is compatible with BIOS for user to choose which version is used


All success and happiness in 2019!

I would need a verification and confirmation of the work done, using UBU v1.70.rc20.1 and I would have some questions to ask. The MoBo is Gigabyte GA-Z97X-UD5H-BK rev 1.0 and procio is i5-4690K. Bios of start is F9b, beta version posted in tweaktown forum and running from two year in my PC. Now I would like to update it

versions before the update

In the LAN section I have doubts, before updating I find these entries:

I select to update Intel (1) and then the recommended option (1)

the entries for Intel chips have completely changed, correct?
Also in the update of the Killer module, UBU indicates me an update related to OROM QCM-Atheros PXE version does not do it

Here followed all the updated versions that the UBU software has replaced me, are they correct or is there something more updated?

I would like to change the version and date of the new BIOS, I read in these pages that all information about the BIOS version, manufacturer and motherboard is usually located in GUID AB56DC60-0057-11DA-A8DB-000102EEE626 (FreeForm section). Using UEFITool.exe I find these entries, how can I change them?


EDIT by Fernando: I have put the details and the pictures into a “spoiler” (to save space within this voluminous thread).

Why do you want to give the BIOS a wrong version number and a wrong date?
Even if you replace a few specific Controller modules by other/newer ones, the stock BIOS code will not be changed at all.