The current version of UBU makes replacing an empty (Dummy) file with another empty (Dummy) file with a new GUID.The next version of the UBU will change the GUID immediately in the BIOS file, without replacing the file itself.
That is, the structure of the DXE volume will not rebuild.
But this solves old problems, but does not solve new ones.
Thank to all staffs here, For my opinion Shamino and his teams locked microcode revision by update RC (Revision Check). If we trying to update microcode that newier than 0200004D directly by UBUTool you’ll get “ 4F CPU Check “ error when ASUS Flash back finished. By Sylar76 method the RC will check sized of bios file. If we consider 1603 original bios file size and 1503 or older there were a bit different. This was the new trick they’d play with us all.
If we could remove RC code above by next UBU, It will be very easy to use our existing UBUTools to modded next BIOS.
Does it work with latest cpu microcodes ? Which method has been used ? (MMTool I suppose).
With microcode 57
But could I use the hex editing method extracting the microcode GUID file, replacing all needed cpu microcodes, fixing the FIT problem, and then replacing it with MMIT ?
MMTool work with this bios and microcode (for open the bios and update microcode, not tested fo flash)
I do not know. I did in UBU 1.71, which is still being finalized, with MMT
MMT does not work with container OROM/EFI GUID A032…
Now we know what the problem is, we will look for a solution.
I’ve made 2 different mods using MMT
Could you try these please ?
I’ve extracted cpu microcodes from mmtool, updated the old ones, deleted all of them and reinserted in the same order mmtool shows.
Then I’ve fixed the FIT offsets in order to properly point to the exact memory address of each cpu microcode.
In the second file I’ve used a different technique. I’ve extracted the GUID with MMTool, replaced the old cpu microcodes with the new ones,
and replaced twice the GUID (always with MMTool), then fixed the FIT area in the same way as explained before.
It would be nice to flash both files to see if these methods work, so I can use them for further bios updates if needed.
PXE ROM code 3.00 2019/01/24 79KB
RTEGPXE_300.zip (78.2 KB)
Only for 2.5G chio Device ID 8125
Please download UEFI Driver 2.047.