[Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions/Reports/Suggestions


Kindly comment on your words more specifically.


That’s an English idiom (expression) that say something like “Exactly Right” or “Exactly Correct”: https://www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_boar…ssages/436.html

hancor might wanted to say that UBU beats the motherboard bios and microcode function method he used to mod so he could flash

For prize competitions, a coin would be set at the middle of the target and the archer whose arrow landed closest to the coin would take the coin as the prize.
Therefore right on the money would mean the center of the target (dead center).

Practice of shooting the coin with arrows is still used today.
DERIVATION: This expression derives from an old English sport, bullbaiting dogs try to pull a bull by his nose to the ground. Gamblers would place a bet “on the bull’s eye” if he wished to make a bet. Crowns, an English coin, were used to bet so frequently “on the bull’s eye” that the coin itself came to be called a bull’s-eye. Later, the term was applied to the black center of a target. The idiom right on the money is also derived from the ancient interchangeable use of a coin, bull’s-eye and the center of a target.

Thus the idiom “Dead on the money” is interchangeable with “right on target, a bull’s eye!”; indicating an extremely high degree of precision.
eg. In high school metal shop class I built a 45 calibre black powder muzzle loader rifle. We would set up targets on the shooting range (eg oil tins filled with water) at various distances 300m, 600m, etc. and watch with glee at the explosion of water as the hydrodynamic effect of the bullet passing through…thus the accuracy of being “dead on the money”.
I once hit a golf ball set up on a golf tee at 100m with the same rifle, while dialing in the sights. This would be described as “dead on the money” indicating a high degree of accuracy. The implied is a compliment to the recipient of such accolades…


@Lost_N_BIOS @SoniX
From Asus’s own webpage:

Version 2001
2019/08/085.61 MBytes
1 Improve ezflash functionality
2 Improve memory stability

I would certainly agree that Asus improved the ezflash functionality; given my microcode update!
The only remaining question is whether that was intentional on the part of Asus!


@hancor - Nice find! Don’t ask them about it, or they might “fix” I doubt it’s intentional. The bad thing here is, usually EZ Flash/Flashback module is per BIOS/model, well at least has target BIOS name in it (that can be edited without issue)
So, you can extract that module, maybe two, I forget and would have to look. And then it can be flashed into other boards, if you edit the name of target BIOS. I’ve used this method to make crossflash possible along with other edits in those instances.

In this BIOS, hard to tell, since many of the modules are not labelled. Maybe 7ECD9C20-68B9-4A6F-B515-D64FF500B109, or one of the ones below, you’d have to remove them one by one and see if EZ Flash or Flashback works still after that
Or - 97AF1D95-203C-42DE-8D6B-D13EB7E5A55A, or 2FAB50B8-AE15-4219-BAA0-E8CA23E57A1E

Can i mod bios Gigabyte H110-D3A motherboard run i3-9100f?

@hanh007 :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
I have moved your post into this much better matching thread.

Yes, but it may be not as easy to get the modded BIOS properly flashed into the BIOS chip of your mainboard.
Dieter (alias Fernando)

@Fernando - Gigabyte usually all unlocked (FD unlocked, no BIOS or SMI lock etc) - So user easily flash if dumping by FPT and mod then reflash, or mod stock BIOS and flash with Qflash. Occasionally mod BIOS to flash by Qflash needs this one byte edit done before Qflash will accept

@hanh007 - you need to use one of these tools, and be sure to look at the CPU pin images on the first pages and or in the download areas where the files are hosted, since you usually have to tape off some pins
svarmod’s tool (CoffeeTime) - [GUIDE] Coffee Lake CPUs on Skylake and Kaby Lake motherboards (66)
Revlaay’s AIO Tool - [TOOL] Easy automated Mod tool for Coffee Lake bios

@SoniX @Fernando
Can you extract both files for use with UBU and post link ?
EFI Intel Gigabit UNDI - 0.0.24
Intel Boot Agent CL - 0.1.15
source: https://www.supermicro.com/Bios/softfile…X11SCQ9_918.zip
Thanks to frwil for info


When updating https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/LG…E-ASUS-2002.zip
with EFI Intel Gigabit UNDI - 0.0.24 & Intel Boot Agent CL - 0.1.15 both files give error > parseSection: PE32 image with invalid DOS signature
need fix or ignore and flash ?

cosmetic, one more space needed between platform and -
<nul set /p TmpStr=BIOS platform -




Sorry. I forgot to clear the FFS sections. Fixed.

You should better ask @Phoenix48 , because he offers such BIOS modules within >this< thread.

Today I am updating my ole MSI Z97 MPower Max AC with UBU and would like to know what option I should rename to updated bios file as for it to work to flash.Should I choose mod bios bin. The stock bios is named E7888IMS.1B0.Can I rename the mod bios bin to E7888IMS.1B0 for it to work or does this damage the file.Also I am using MSI bios flash tool that prepares the USB for flashing if anyone has herd of it.
I got it to work with mod bios bin using the msi flash prepare tool.All is good in the neighbourhood.

@NIK1 - usually, you simply rename to stock BIOS name and extension, then flash via M-Flash. Some MSI BIOS do not allow mod BIOS flash, but the ones that do (most), this way works

EFI AMD RAIDXpert2-Fxx 9.2.0-00127 (>9.2.0-00120)

raidxpt2_C74F06D2-ED92-489B-879C-C0E428A22167.zip (122 KB)

@SoniX What happened on latest version of UBU?
Asus FX505GE



Attach BIOS file.


BiosDumpFX505GE.rar (4.14 MB)


Replace UEFIFind and UEFIExtract with version A55. Now, by mistake, in the kit A56.

@SoniX Thanks , it back to normal.