@superb123 :
1. Our BIOS modding Guru is Lost_N_BIOS. If you want help from him, you should start your post with "@Lost_N_BIOS " (without quotation marks).
2. What do you mean with "BIOS Setup"? A BIOS can only be flashed (and not installed like an OS or any Software).
@superb123 - What you are extracting is the entire BIOS rom/bin, this is not HDR. After checking, these are not HDR/PFS on both 8930 and Aurora R9, not sure what this format would be called, or how to edit it like this.
In this format it cannot be properly modified for a normal BIOS mod, nor can it be programmed in with programmer, so toss this and go about what you want in a different way (ie dump BIOS, then edit, then flash/program back)
If you are looking for “Setup” module inside that BIOS, it would be in the main DXE volume, which you can usually find with MMTool or UEFITool etc.
But, AMIBCP has nothing to do with editing “Setup”, unless you are going to change the name of a menu item, then it would update setup module.
Also, sounds like you may not be using correct AMIBCP, or AMIBCP is not compatible with that BIOS or the file in it’s current format (It’s this!), or you may have to use a modified AMIBCP
I would not use AMIBCP to edit this BIOS, generally speaking I don’t use AMIBCP for any edits, other than to change a menu’s name sometimes.
I do all edits manually, but if you want me to check if AMIBCP breaks this BIOS, or what’s version is compatible, please tell me what model. to check.
Honestly, the way you are talking about stuff, it sounds like you are looking to do something without any guidance, and may end up bricking the machine, if you can even flash in the modified BIOS.
It may be best for you to ask for a mod BIOS instead
OK, I checked both BIOS you mentioned above, both extracts are non-standard formats (not PFS/HDR), and neither can/should be edited with AMIBCP.
And, neither contain setup module in a manner you can edit in these files as-is. You’ll need to dump the BIOS off the motherboard, then edit that, and flash/program back. Are these AMD or Intel systems?
If Intel, use FPT, and dump as noted below for each, send me the file created at step #1 for each, and then tell me what error you get at step #2 for each, and then I can tell you how to proceed after you edit
I know 8930 can be dumped/edited in this manner, due to helping another user with this model here - [REQUEST] Unlock options and Remove Dell SupportAssist detection from Dell XPS 8930 bios *** See below
But for Aurora R9 I can’t find any thread here, or a dump/bin online, so I can’t check it to answer further until you send a dump.
*** Also, please note, at the above thread for 8930, we found Intel Boot Guard enabled at the PCH, so assume yours is as well (read - IT IS), so no BIOS settings changes can be made in normal mod BIOS manner (ie edit of setup, or AMITSE, nor use of AMIBCP) or = brick!
The only thing you can do on this BIOS in regards to settings, is to change the actual current applied value of any setting (hidden or visible) via NVRAM edit using grub/setup_var or RU method, NVRAM is not covered by boot guard.
Additionally, please remove all BIOS passwords, disable secure boot, and disable TPM or Encryption if you have enabled. Do this before moving on to below
If you do not have Intel ME drivers installed, install them now from your system driver download page, then start over here after reboot.
Check your BIOS’ main page and see if ME FW version is shown. If not then > DOWNLOAD HWINFO64 HERE <
Once HWINFO is open, look at the large window on the left side, expand motherboard, and find the ME area.
Inside that section is the ME Firmware version. Take note of the version. (ie. write it down or get a screenshot)
Once you have that, go to the thread linked below, and in the section “C.2” find and download the matching ME System Tools Package for your system.
(ie if ME FW version = 10.x get V10 package, if 9.0-9.1 get V9.1 package, if 9.5 or above get V9.5 package etc)
> DOWNLOAD " ME System Tools " packages HERE <
Once downloaded, inside you will find Flash Programming Tool folder, and then inside that a Windows or Win/Win32 folder (NOT x64).
Highlight that Win/Win32 folder, then hold shift and press right click. Choose “open command window here” (Not power shell! >> * See Registry file below *).
If you get an error, reply to this post with a screenshot of it, OR write down the EXACT command entered and the EXACT error given.
((If “open command window here” does not appear, look for the “Simple Registry Edit” below…))
Step #1
Now you should be at the command prompt.
You are going to BACKUP the factory un-modified firmware, so type the following command:
Command: " FPTw.exe -bios -d biosreg.bin "
>> Attach the saved "biosreg.bin ", placed into a compressed ZIP/RAR file, to your next post!!! <<
Step #2
Right after you do that, try to write back the BIOS Region dump and see if you get any error(s).
Command: " FPTw.exe -bios -f biosreg.bin "
^^ This step is important! Don’t forget! ^^
If you get an error, reply to this post with a screenshot of it, OR write down the EXACT command entered and the EXACT error given.
Here is a SIMPLE REGISTRY EDIT that adds “Open command window here as Administrator” to the right click menu, instead of Power Shell
Double-click downloaded file to install. Reboot after install may be required
If the windows method above does NOT work for you…
Then you may have to copy all contents from the Flash Programming Tool \ DOS folder to the root of a Bootable USB disk and do the dump from DOS
( DOS command: " FPT.exe -bios -d biosreg.bin " )
For Dell XPS 8930 bios here is only bios region BIN file dumped via FPT above 8MB total size
and here is full dumped bios BIN file above 16MB total
Interesting this is, when I flashing moded BIN file to the Bios region only(not ME gbe etc section becuase those sections are protected can’t be flashed using FPT)It successfully flashing!! and also all changes done in moded bios image file successfully get flashed to bios region, BUT AFTER PC REBBOT, all changes made in bios just restoring back to its original default settings. Interesting!! I never saw that kind of behavior after successfully flashed the moded image.
for R00 extracted file from stock bios exe file using AMIUCP. 1.07 , it’s total size around above 12MB, neither above 8MB no above 16 MB. but that 12MB R00 file is opening via AMIBCP BUT just setup section not showing in AMIBCP, so that extracted file from stock bios exe is total useless or we need newer version AMIUCP where it can properly extract R00 file from stock bios exe file.This AMIUCP. 1.07 is 2011 version tool which is too old.
thanks I get it.
@earthoo7 - Two PM’s about this and you erased the post??! Do you still need help with that, or did you sort it out?
@superb123 - What did you dump the 16MB file with?
And yes, this is normal, sometimes if there is no BIOS/SMI/SMM lock on BIOS region, or system has FD/ME/Service etc jumper, you can dump BIOS region with FPT, edit, and flash it back.
What do you mean “restore” back to original? Sounds like a failed BIOS edit, so no changes visible.
OR, do you mean you see some kind of BIOS auto recovery? If yes, in that case, it could be failed edit and it soft-bricked so auto-recovery kicked in, or no edits are possible so that would always happen (Never seen with Dell, only HP)
Looking at another 8930 thread where I tried to help user - [REQUEST] Unlock options and Remove Dell SupportAssist detection from Dell XPS 8930 bios
We found Boot Guard was enabled, so any edit of the main BIOS region where you’d do menu edits cannot be done or = brick.
Please check with MEINFO and see if boot guard is enabled on your system, see end of the report from this command >> MEINFOWIN.exe -verbose
If you see Measured or Verified Boot enabled at left/FPF side, you cannot do menu mod or use AMIBCP etc. But, if needed, you can still change any setting, hidden or visible, via NVRAM edit
What is your goal here?
Yes, as mentioned many times over in this thread, the extracted files from EXE cannot be used directly to recover/rebuild a BIOS usually, at least not as they are or whole etc (you have to know what you are doing, extract and use only certain portions etc)
AMIUCP properly extracts this file
It’s just not something you can edit in AMIBCP as it is, can only be used to rebuild BIOS when you know what to do.
If you want to edit BIOS, you edit your FPT or programmer dump. But, do keep in mind what I said above, boot guard is probably enabled on your system too, so anything you edit in a yellow/cyan/red region will = brick (open file with UEFITool 51-57 NE Alpha to see these Boot Guard covered colored areas I mention)
This means you CANNOT edit this BIOS with AMIBCP, at all, anything you want to do in there is covered by Boot Guard and will = brick.
If you need to change some settings, give me a list of exact setting by name you want changed, and what you want it changed to, and I will do NVRAM edit on your FPT BIOS region dump above.
I dumped 16MB file with FPT
Yes Measured or Verified Boot both are enabled, even bios lock also enabled. see the full MEINFOWIN report attached with this post
interesting thing is, bios lock enabled, but bios region only still flashing by FPT without any 167 or 380 or protection range register errors!!. When it flashing, I thing it doing partially flash maybe.
Yes only way to do is NVRAM edit to fully remove bios lock and boot guard things, then I think it will normally flash everything. I know GRUB and RU method can do that, But I don’t wanna go that rout because it needs USB drive which I don’t have right now.
I already tried to extract NVRAM.txt + Hii.db and used any version but its not extracting any information, showing "ERROR:4 - BIOS not compatible"
so only way is, edit NVRAM’s bios lock, RTC lock, boot guard to disabled all in bios.bin(dumped from FPT) and change these settings to enabled all(pictured)
I don’t know how to edit those settings from NVRAM inside bios.bin and where those Hex values are available.
MEInfo.txt (7.69 KB)
After bricking my Inspiron 7567 after an unsuccesful attempt of BIOS update I need .ROM and .HDR files from .EXE file below. Can anyone help me with this?
None of the Recovery Modes are working for me so my only hope is to reach to ROM and HDR files so that I can force flash BIOS via using "End" button.
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
it is bios of dell if i extract it i found 2 bios region, 2 me rgion.
both me region are same & both bios region are different.
i need to change my bios region so i tried but here is somthing different are as following…
only bios region size same if i directly replace it with uefitool it will show no display bcoz if you drag its
bios region in uefi tool you find 2 paading file extra.
so i replace one by one from new bios region to oldbios region & flashed it but will not worked.
so i decide to change with other bios region (as i mention above got 2 bios region from .exe) but it did not worked means no display.
note-my backup bios is working only need to change its bios region.
if i replace only large file of new bios region it did not worked.i download .exe with sevice tag so .exe is ok.
i also tried all above mention method with fitctool with me region which i got from .exe but it also not worked.
if i use new me rgion only with my old bios it worked okay so no problem on me region side.
what should i do next…
i am uploading .exe which need to extract & second which need to replace bios region with working backup.
please replace new bios with backup bios in right direction & make bios.
i will flash it & report it status.
first download files which i upload then extract only 1.exe which are not extracted with dellpfs extractor
in second folder files issue as i mention in my post
@superb123 - What exact setting do you want changed, and what do you want them changed to? I assume the two settings you showed in AMIBCP image, correct? What do you want them changed to.
Yes, Boot Guard is enabled here, so you cannot do menu edit or flash in any changes made by AMIBCP. You cannot disable boot Guard, without replacing the PCH with new clean one without key burned into fuse
So only NVRAM change of live/current settings can be done, via grub/setup_var, RU method, or by directly dumping and flashing NVRAM ONLY with FPT
Please dump NVRAM for me via next two commands, and send me this. This we can edit/flash without violating Boot Guard or BIOS lock etc
FPTw.exe -a 0x802000 -l 0x20000 -d NV1.bin
FPTw.exe -a 0x822000 -l 0x20000 -d NV2.bin
@earthoo7 - Link me to the Dell BIOS download page for this model, then I will check. But yes, as mentioned above you extract with PFS Extractor, if other methods do not work
Sounds like you already can extract, so all you need to do is find which BIOS applies to your exact system by comparing FPT or other dump directly from the board.
You cannot usually directly swap anything as a region only swap, from the exe, you need to extract volumes manually and replace them one by one in hex editor (not all volumes in the exe extracted BIOS will go into target BIOS)
If you are needing to fix laptop, link me to the Dell BIOS download page, and give me a link to download your programmer dumped BIOS from board only (no other files, I am on limited internet and this is all I need)
i replace its each section with uefitool after analyze its hxd value & size as much i can.
but not worked
here is its .exe
backup file here
@earthoo7 - You linked Dell Studio 1458 above in first link, and then under that Optiplex 3050??? What model are you working on here?
@earthoo7 - For 1458, sorry I don’t know, can’t get this to run properly and no methods I know to extract work. Run this on the 1458 system and then once winflash is running you should find BIOS files in %TEMP%
For 3050, I will fix for you tonight, I ran out of time to do right now, sorry.
i do not understand what you want to say
okay but how to extract it
some description
these are offsets (in hex) for EC and BIOS and their size (in hex) in exe-file for Dell Studio 1458 BIOS.
Use any hex-editor