HP 250 G7 Unlocking for Read-Write flash Bios or MPM mode

Greetings Dear Members!

Notebook HP 250 G7 (Intel CPU Core i7-8550U )

Full dump my 8Mb version F.20 Bios (through the programmer): http://dionis.net.ua/bios/hp.bin

Official 8Mb bios ver. F.21 HP 250 G7: http://dionis.net.ua/bios/084A6.bin

I checked both versions and they are working if flashing through the programmer.

I want to modify DMI section this BIOS. (serial number, SKU number etc).
But FPTW access denied read\write.
For Unlock this bios - must be:
- empty DMI section and the bios will then enter recording mode (service mode MPM)
- Enter HP “Manufacture Programming Mode is in unlock mode” and via Bios Configuration tool edit DMI settings/

Very Super interest manual for unlock from Lost_N_Bios:
[GUIDE] Grub Fix Intel FPT Error 280 or 368 - BIOS Lock Asus/Other Mod BIOS Flash

But after carefully studying the instructions Member Lost_N_Bios, I can not find the keywords “Unlock” or “MPM mode” or “Manufacture Programming Mode” bit for changes to 0x00 .
To unlock the ability to record BIOS firmware via fptw or enter MPM mode.

I ask for help where to look or help find the right bits for correction.

Interested only in changing the DMI area or RW flash bios mode or enter the MPM mode (for edit dmi section via HP Bios Configuration utility)
without programmer.
20 pieces of this Notebooks. it is very difficult to flash everything through the programmer.

Excuse Me For my bad English!
Appreciate Any Crumbles of Tips,Hints and Help!


I worked on the search today and so far I can’t understand

1. Search phrase “bios lock” in uefitool. Result found:

2. Extract ifr extractor 0.3.6 (ifr extractor7 from archive crash). Result very good:

But!! Address 0x17 is not real. And why is there a value of 5? It should be 0 or 1. And when searching for 0x17 addresses in a TXT file, there are many of them and they contain different data. Somewhere there is a mistake. What’s wrong?

3. Disable uefi security in bios. And boot from uefi file (shell.efi). Check command and address 0x17. But offset 0x17 is 0 and error set variable. As expected, the command does not work and identifies a strange bios section (another guid identifier).


Help me please.

Try this HP Sure Start RSA signature protection theory of Zbooks - #37 by x0rzavi