I need ahci driver for MSI z87-g55 Motherbroad

I am running XP PRO and can boot with IDE mode but want to boot with ahci mode.

Please let know how to do this.

@tuc47 - If you mean “boot in” AHCI mode, NOT install XP in AHCI mode, then all you need to do is the changes I posted here (Then reboot to BIOS and change BIOS to AHCI) - How to switch from IDE to AHCI mode while running XP

@tuc47 :
I have moved your request into the better matching Sub-Forum about the outdated Windows Operating Systems XP/W2k/W2k3.
The method how to get the OS installed in AHCI mode depends on the chipset manufacturer (AMD or Intel) of your mainboard/system.
Gerenerally it is recommended to integrate the related AHCI driver into the XP Image.
You can find the guide about how to integrate the Intel AHCI driver >here<. If your system should have an AMD chipset, you should look into >this< guide.

Yes I want to "boot in" AHCI mode, NOT install XP in AHCI mode, then all you need to do is the changes I posted here (Then reboot to BIOS and change BIOS to AHCI) - How to switch from IDE to AHCI mode while running XP.

Simples - Enable switching between all IDE/AHCI/RAID modes by changing "Start" Values in these keys to 0 in the registry

but that did not work

Does anyone one else have any ideas?

@tuc47 :
Can you explain why you don’t want to install XP in AHCI mode?
This will be much safer than a switch from IDE to AHCI while running an OS.

I have not been able to that. I do not have a driver to add so I can not install xp

@tuc47 :
The “mod+signed Universal 32bit Intel RST textmode driver v11.2.0.1006”, which I am offering >here<, works with all Intel chipset systems from ESB2/ICH7 up to 300-Series Chipsets. All you need to know is the DeviceID of your on-board Intel SATA AHCI Controller.

How do I find the DeviceID of my on-board Intel SATA AHCI Controller?

@tuc47 :
The easiest method to find the specific DeviceID of an on-board Intel SATA AHCI Controller is the following (requires a Windows OS running in AHCI mode on the related PC):
1. Open the Device Manager and expand the section “IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers”.
2. Right-click onto the listed AHCI Controller and choose the options “Properties” > “Details” > “Property” > “HardwareIDs”.
3. The DeviceID named DEV_xxxx (4 characters of numbers or letters) is within the listed HardwareIDs.

Tips: >Here< is a table, where I have listed the DeviceIDs of nearly all Intel SATA AHCI and RAID Controllers.
As you can see, the DeviceID of your MSI desktop mainboard with an Intel Z87 chipset is either DEV_8C02 or DEV_9C02.
If your system should currently run in IDE mode, you can look for the DeviceID of the listed “Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller”. The first 2 characters are usually the same for Intel’s IDE and AHCI Controller. That means, that a DeviceID DEV_8Cxx would indicate, that the DeviceID of the related AHCI Controller will be DEV_DEV_8C02, whereas it would be DEV_9C02, if you find for the IDE Controller a DeviceID DEV_9Cxx.

I also have Widows 10 running in sata mode on this same motherboard
it says intel c220 series sata ahci

And now? What is the sense of this information? You need to know the DeviceID of the Intel SATA AHCI Controller!

If you are dual booting etc, this may be issue. Do a clean install of XP SP3, or remove Win10 drive/install and any related boot managers etc.
XP has it’s own AHCI Driver, nothing else needed other than the edit I mentioned that you posted at post #4. I’ve helped 1000’s of users make this change over past decade+ and have done the same edit myself 100’s of times in various XP systems for myself and other systems I worked on for people
Show me your edit change in registry editor, maybe you aren’t doing that correctly?

with XP running in ide mode I get 8 series c220 dev_8c08

I can not install xp pro in achi mode

This may be something @XPLives needs to help you with, some modern chipsets started blocking XP functionality, but I’m not sure where/when that happened.

@tuc47 :

Have you tried it? If yes, how did you do it and what happened?

@Lost_N_BIOS :
The XP installation problem is not AHCI driver related and Intel 8-Series Chipset systems should not be affected so severe as newer systems by the ACPI compatibility problem.

I have tried many times to install xp from cd and usb and even copied the cd to the hard drive and installed from there. Everything is fine in IDE mode but if I do the installation in achi mode I get the blue screen of death when it reboots to copy files.

As requested, show me your registry edits, maybe you aren’t getting those changed correctly? You can switch from a live IDE only install to AHCI/RAID anytime with those edits alone and then a reboot to BIOS to change the BIOS setting.
To install in AHCI Mode, you have to install the AHCI drivers via F6 (I think) during the initial pre-setup, and for that you have to have them in a specific folder layout and choose the correct driver. Fernando can help you more about that, probably already has a guide here on how to do it
Or, you can always also slipstream the drivers into a new XP ISO, but that also has to be done a certain and proper way too (many guides and tools for that in google)

Installing Windows XP on a SATA hard drive is not a straight-forward task as Windows XP does not recognize the SATA drive. In order to install operating systems such as Windows XP on SATA drives, the latest SATA drivers are required.Download SATA drivers for the motherboard from the website and integrate them with the XP installation CD using software such as nLite. SATA drivers can also be installed as third party drivers; you will be prompted during the installation process. Without proper SATA drivers, installing Windows XP on a SATA hard drive is not possible as SATA mode would have to be disabled in the BIOS to continue with the installation.

there is no sata driver from MSI for this board.

@tuc47 :
Here is my comment:

  1. It is simply not true, that Windows XP doesn’t recognize a SATA connected HDD or SSD. Windows XP has an in-box SATA driver named PCIIDE.SYS. So it should be no problem to get XP installed onto a SATA connected HDD or SSD without any third party driver. The only pre-condition is, that the SATA Controller is running in IDE mode.
  2. When you want to install XP onto a SATA HDD/SSD, which runs in AHCI mode, you have to integrate or to load via F6 an appropriate Intel AHCI driver, which supports
    a) the OS Windows XP (a file named txtsetup.oem is additionally required, the latest Intel AHCI textmode driver with such file is the Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006) and
    b) exactly the model (DeviceID) of your specific on-board Intel SATA AHCI Controller (and no other Controllers, otherwise you will get a stop: 0x0000007b BSOD.
  3. Since it is very likely, that the DeviceID of your on-board Intel SATA AHCI Controller is DEV_8C02, the risk of a BSOD due to a wrong AHCI driver is very low.
  4. The AHCI/RAID storage drivers are made by the chipset manufacturers and not by mainboard makers like MSI.
  5. It is the obligation of the mainboard manufacturer to offer appropriate drivers for all their on-board devices, but it is not their duty to offer drivers for outdated Operating Systems.