Install of Windows XP in AHCI mode onto an Intel 8-Series Chipset system


I need to install a LENOVO T440p laptop with a XP 32bit version. ChipSet Intel 8 (C600)
Unfortunately while using the “Universal 32bit Intel RST textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 mod by Fernando (corrected at 08/26/2014)” I am getting a “File iastorA.sys could not be found” error.
Any hints?

BTW there is no option in the bios to check the SATA mode.
Latest BIOS has been installed.


EDIT by Fernando: Thread title customized

Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

The Intel AHCI/RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 belongs to conventional RST driver generation, which works without any additional SCSI driver named iaStorF.sys. That is why the driver itself is named iaStor.sys and not iaStorA.sys (regardless if original or modded).

  1. Why do you want to install the outdated Windows XP onto your new laptop?
  2. Did you follow my guide (look >here<)?
  3. Which DeviceID has the Intel SATA Controller of your laptop (open the "IDE/ATAPI Controllers" of the Win8.1 Device Manager> right click onto the listed Controllers > "Properties" > "Details" > "Property" > "HardwareIDs")?


Hi Fernando,

thanks for your quick reply and your efforts.

1. I have no other option - it needs to be XP for special reasons. LENOVO is providing XP drivers for this kind of hardware, but unfortunately not for the Chipset itself.
2. Yes I did and got stuck after the installation with the error above.
3. VEN_8086&DEV_8C03


Are you sure, that you got the error message "File iastorA.sys could not be found"? I ask this, because there is no "iaStorA.sys" entry within any of the files, which belong to the "Universal 32bit Intel AHCI & RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 mod by Fernando" (the driver of the package is named iaStor.sys and not iaStorA.sys).
If yes, then you have either integrated an Intel RST(e) driver v11.5.x.xxxx or higher or there were more than just the "Universal 32bit Intel RST AHCI driver v11.2.0.1006 mod by Fernando" integrated into the XP CD (maybe you used an already previously nLited XP CD).
Both possibilities automaticly induce a Windows XP Setup failure.
My advice:
Create a new Windows XP CD with integrated "Universal 32bit Intel AHCI driver v11.2.0.1006 mod" from scratch, but make sure, that you
a) use an original (=untouched) XP SP3 CD as source,
b) don’t load any Last_session.ini of a previous work with nLite,
c) integrate just the the modded 32bit Intel AHCI driver v11.2.0.1006,
d) choose just the option "Intel(R) 8 Series Chipset Family Mobile SATA AHCI Controller DEV_8C03 (added by Fernando)" during the textmode driver procedure and
e) burn the bootable ISO CD only with a moderate speed.


This has helped me at least to get Windows XP installed. So this means your driver is working fine after I had to create a new CD from scratch.
In order to get this running I have started the WinXP install with [F7] to get the ACPI mode disabled - otherwise it won´t continue.

Unfortunately now I am getting a BSOD when I am going to boot up the system.
It´s an 0xf789e524 error and I have no option to change the AHCI mode in the BIOS.


Thanks for the feedback. It is fine, that you succeeded at least with the XP installation onto your Intel 8-Series Chipset system.

>Here< you can get a tool, which may be able to solve this BSOD problem. I cannot confirm the effectiveness of the tool, because I never needed/used it.

I doubt, that you don’t have the BIOS option to change the SATA mode of the Intel SATA ports, but you should not touch the current Intel SATA Controller BIOS settings.

I am going through the exact same issues as Zitat, I incorporated your drivers and it let me install XP (I also had to press F7) on a Series 8 C220 Lenovo Laptop but when trying to boot I get a BSOD and stop 0x0000007B (0xBACC3524, 0xc0000034, 0x00000000 0x00000000) Which as I understand it, means boot device unavailable.

Any suggestions welcome

Big Thanks


@ Ice coffee:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

1. Did you use a "clean" (untouched) original XP CD as source?
2. Which driver did you integrate?
3. Which Intel SATA Controller did you highlight during the textmode driver integration procedure?
4. Has the Intel SATA Controller been set to "AHCI" before you started with the XP installation?
5. Which ACPI setting did you choose after having hit F7?

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Well, I feel stoopid because I pretty much did’nt do any of that. For now I will stop wasting your time and try again. If I get stuck again I will come back. Thank you very very much for your help.

Good time of day. I have a successful experience installing Windows XP 32 bit on a ThinkPad T440p (i am not topic starter). Since i have not found a ready-made installation guide anywhere, i will write here so that other people can find it. If there is a more appropriate topic for my post, please let me know or move it there.

My laptop is a modification 20AWS2H200. It does not have a discrete graphics card (only Intel HD Graphics 4600), its screen has a resolution of 1600x900 and a 2-lane eDP cable. The BIOS version is the newest, GLETA2WW (2.56).

  1. Installation
    Before installing XP on the T440p, it is necessary to switch the USB ports in the BIOS to the “USB 2.0 only” mode if the installation is performed from a USB flash drive. Despite the fact that Haswell has all the drivers for XP (including the SATA driver from Fernando), during installation i encountered a problem typical of more modern components — an ACPI error leading to a BSOD. The installation was continued by selecting the kernel for a single-processor computer with ACPI when pressing F5 instead of F6 (the Fernando SATA driver was pre-integrated into the image).
  2. ACPI
    After installing Windows, drivers for the chipset, Intel ME and power management were installed. Then, in the device manager the “Single Processor computer with ACPI” was replaced with a “Multiprocessor computer with ACPI”. After the reboot, a BSOD occurred (as it should be). The laptop was downloaded from a Live DVD, standard ACPI.SYS was replaced with a modified 7777 2023.4.6. After that XP booted up, all cores and threads of processor started working.
  3. Graphics card and screen
    After installing the graphics card driver, the screen may go off. To avoid this, you need to install the driver with the laptop’s power supply turned off. When the PSU is connected, the refresh rate of the screen with the driver becomes 60 Hz by default, which is the reason. After installing the driver, you need to switch the screen to 50 Hz in both modes by connecting the power supply to an already running laptop. If the laptop has a 1920x1080 IPS matrix, you will not be able to get an image after Windows boots. This is probably due to the fact that these matrices cannot operate at a frequency of 50 Hz.
  4. Other
    Installing drivers for LAN, sound card, camera, card reader, fingerprint sensor and TPM module is not difficult. The driver of the power management chip, i think, should be installed before replacement ACPI.SYS. Contrary to fears, both the trackpoint and the backlight on the keyboard, as well as the physical buttons on the touchpad from the T450, work normally.

However, there are a number of problems that could not be solved. I’m asking for help from local experts, that’s what I came here for.

  1. Screen
    The most basic problem is the inability to work with IPS 1920x1080 matrices. Matrices were tested, none of them showed an image after loading with the driver. Only in safe mode or in VGA mode. This is definitely not a hardware problem: on Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11 and Debian 12, all three work fine. The problem probably has to do with this and this topics. Please, if Fernando or anyone else is able to modify the driver for the HD 4600 so that it allows it to work with 1920x1080 IPS matrices via eDP, please do so. My matrix burns out my eyes, and even expensive lenses in glasses don’t help.
  2. Sound
    The second problem is that under XP there is no sound in the headphones. It is normally played by the speakers, but when headphones are connected, there is no sound in them, although they are detected in the system. As in the previous case, the problem is definitely not in hardware, because other operating systems have sound. This is not so important compared to the previous one, but if someone knows the solution or can modify the driver, i will be very glad.
  3. USB 3.0
    Unfortunately, i was unable to get the USB ports to work in 3.0 mode. The combined mode in the BIOS does not work in XP either. I don’t rule out that i was doing something wrong, but none of the known drivers helped. But since there is a 2.0 mode, it doesn’t bother me much.
  4. Wi-Fi module
    Intel 7260 does not have drivers for XP, but it also bothers me a little. When i flash the BIOS to remove the whitelist, i will put the module on the BCM 4360 chip, which should have a driver for XP. However, if suddenly someone is interested in making a driver for the Intel 7260, i will be glad not to buy a module potentially made on the basis of a used chip.