@Fernando : Thank you for fast replay. I upgraded with UBU without any problems. Seems that everything works. Once again thanks.

Update of the start post


  • new: Intel RST(e) EFI ā€œRaidDriverā€ modules v14.8.0.2377 for GUID 90C8D394, GUID 91B4D9C1 and without header (thanks to plutomaniac for the source file)

Note: These BIOS modules have been designed by Intel for the upcoming Intel RST(e) drivers v14.8 series. Currently these matching Intel RAID drivers are not yet available.

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Both what?

both files.checksum is same
also i have compared the files and program said files are same
excuse me fernando but if comparison result is same (f8) can the newer one be used ?

i could not find any useful articles about checksum-8 at web :frowning:

Yes, if the newer EFI module has the same GUID (first hex code numbers) as the original module.

This is no surprise for me, because this is one of the mainboard manufacturerā€™s secrets.

Do you mean first line of hex code with first hex code numbers?


@ all users with an X99 mainboard:

Update of the Start Post


  • new: Intel RSTe EFI RaidDriver v4.3.5.1000 GUID-1C7B9598
  • new: Intel RSTe EFI RaidDriver v4.3.5.1000 without header

Thanks to Station-Drivers for the source file.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

IntelĀ® RAID ROM (EFI SataDriver)

Latest Intel EFI Driver without header. :slight_smile: (84.2 KB)

Update of the start post


  • new: Intel RST(e) EFI ā€œRaidDriverā€ modules v14.8.2.2397 for GUID 90C8D394, GUID 91B4D9C1 and without header (thanks to Pacman resp. Station-Drivers for the source file)
    Note: The GUID 91B4D9C1 module has been checksum-8 corrected by me (to F8).

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hey Everyone,
Have a small problem and was hoing I could ask for some help. I have an M18XR2 Alienware Laptop and Iā€™ve been able to update the bios, but am unable to get the GOPDriver to install. For some reason, my GOPDriver is a little different as it is showing ā€œSandybridgeGOPDriverā€ and ā€œIVYBridgeGOPDriverā€ and the version info shows differently, too. SandyBridgeGOPDriver version Iā€™d like to update to the latest version, but the GOPDriver Modules that are on here will not allow me to do so. Also, the module starts off (in a hex editor) with the following: C8 D0 06 and the GUID IS: F706D0C8-F6FC-4F7A-AC98-96BA5CC43AAA
Can anyone help me?

@swick1981 :
I recommend to update the GopDriver modules by using CodeRushā€™s UEFITool and by choosing the ā€œReplace bodyā€ option.
This way the GUID header of the modules will stay untouched.

Tried that and for some reason it still gives me an error stating:
parseSection: section with unknown type 5Bh
parseSection: section with unknown type 8Dh
The module seems to be slightly different, but I could be EXTREMELY wrong - as usual.
Any other suggestions or tricks up your sleeve?

Any other suggestions? that didnā€™t workā€¦ tried, but for some reason it doesnā€™t like those modulesā€¦ perhaps Iā€™m doing something wrong?

So, I used phoenixtool 2.66 and it allowed me to replace the modules, but it changed the GUID (The long string of letters & numbers that the module sits in). Is that okay?
Cause everything else seemed to work just fine. Just that the GUID changed after putting the new GOP modules into it. UEFITool didnā€™t work, sadly.
Can you let me know when you get a chance, if this new GUID is okay - or do I need to do something else?

EDIT by Fernando: Merged the 3 originally separate posts (to save space and for a better clarity of the thread)

How did you try to replace the GopDriver module body? The exact procedure is very important.
According to my knowledge the UEFITool will be the best choice for your task.

You should not change the GUID header, because this is the mainboard vendor specific part of the module.

So, I guess i was screwing up, AGAINā€¦
I went under the plus sign to the PE32 image section, clicked on replace body, and then inserted your GOP Fileā€¦ Looks like that worked, at least I donā€™t have any errors when I open up the bios file in UEFITool.
Thanks for the helpā€¦ Can you confirm I did the mod correctly with UEFITool?
Thanks again!

Yes, this is the correct procedure, when a user wants to replace just the body of an EFI BIOS module by using the UEFITool.

THANKS A TON! Now On To the SataController EFI moduleā€¦
Iā€™m running an HM77 Chipset and using the Legacy Intel RST on my bios mod. But, the EFI version of RST is using 11.6ā€¦ Do you happen to know where I can get EFI, or should I upgrade to v13 or v14. Iā€™m just concerned that if I upgrade to 13 or 14, some support may be removed for my RAID being itā€™s a series 7 system.
THANKS AGAIN! Youā€™re my freaking HERO! LoL


You can find the answer within the start post of >this< thread.

That info is about the drivers - I was talking about the Firmware / OpRom / SataDriver EFI Modules In the bios. (Sorry for not being specific, that was my fault).
Does that info correspond to the firmware / oprom / efi module, too?
Also, the EFI SataDriver that I need does not have the same GUID as I have in my bios. Is there a ā€œGenericā€ SataDriver Bios Module for version I have the OPROM (Legacy Mode), but the EFI version that you have posted does not share the same GUID as the one I have. Can I still use it, or do I need to use v13 where there is no GUID.
Let me know when / if you get a chance.
THANKS again for the help! Youā€™re amazing!

The "best matching" Intel RAID BIOS module version depends on the Intel RAID driver version you are using. Please do another carefully look into the post, which I have linked within my last post. The latest Intel RAID driver version, which natively fully supports Intel 7-Series Chipsets, is v13.1.0.1058.
ROM/EFI RaidDriver

You can find the "pure" (without GUID header) Intel EFI RaidDriver module named RaidDriver.efi within the Modules\IRST\12_9 folder of the UBU tool. Nevertheless I will add it to the start post of this thread as soon as possible.