Update of the start post

  • new: “pure” Intel RST EFI “RaidDriver” v17.5.4.4296 (without header)
Note: Thanks to westlake for the source file.

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

The latest UBU tool ( has this GOP driver for my system:

EFI GOP Driver SKL-CFL - 9.0.1086

In the first post, I see 9.0.1090 and 9.0.1092 as the latest GOP drivers for 300-series systems. Does that mean that the GOP drivers included in the latest UBU are outdated and that I should replace the IntelGopDriver.efi file in the UBU directory with the 9.0.1092 one I download from here?

@kevindd992002 :
Due to his PC problems SoniX hasn’t yet been able to update all components of the UBU tool.
So you should either wait until a completely updated UBU tool is available or replace the related GopDriver manually.

Ok, thanks for the confirmation.

Btw, does Sonix always include the latest OROM/EFI modules in the latest UBU? Or he only includes stable ones?

@kevindd992002 :
Only SoniX himself can answer your question.


In UBU, I did not update the PPO, as it was necessary to update DrvVer first.
DrvVer is now updated and in next release UBU will be updated by the GOP until 2001. Since it has many positive reviews.


Ok. Then I guess there’s nothing wrong with going with 1902 now, right?


What is ‘1902’?

I’m sorry, I meant 1092. gop driver version 9.0.1092.

If you do not use the integrated video, then it makes no sense. And if you use, then at your discretion.

Right. But will you be including 1092 in the next UBU for CFL?

Intel EFI "RaidDriver" and "GopDriver" BIOS Modules (50)

Oh ok "until 2001", got it. Thanks.

EFI GOP Driver Intel 10.0.1037

EFI_GOP_Driver_Intel_10.0.1037.rar (39.5 KB)

@westlake :
Thanks for having uploaded this new Intel GopDriver.
Do you have an idea, for which CPU platform this GopDriver has been designed?

@Fernando :
UBU said: Broxton / Apollo Lake

Intel® NUC 8 Rugged Kit NUC8CCHKR and Intel® NUC Board NUC8CCHB

@SoniX ?

Yes/ This is APL (Appollo Lake).

Update of the start post

  • new: “pure” Intel EFI “GopDriver” v10.0.1037 for ApolloLake iGPUs (without header)

Note: Thanks to westlake for the source file.

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

EFI GOP Driver Intel 13.0.1018 (Gemini Lake)

EFI_GOP_Driver_Intel_13.0.1018.rar (44.2 KB)