Modded Intel AHCI and RAID Drivers (digitally signed)

Do you know a workaround, how to avoid registry “access error” ?
Why it happens? This is interensting point to avoid such errors during “RST Software” installations.
NOTE: I never saw any errors within “SetupRST.exe” packs. Including Intel® RST (AHCI) v13.1.0.1058 WHQL I shared with you in post #878.

So, would be a good idea making your modded pack same way (using SetupRST auto-installation), may be?


I’ve read again, what I’m wrote, sorry my bad. The right message is:
“It was possible in v13.1.0.1058”, of course.

I may guess, why “SetupRST.exe” method doesn’t works:
1) The algo doesn’t searches a 7-Series chipsets in some case.
2) You have changed all the devices names to your own, so algo doesn’t able recognize a newer chipsets also.

What I’ve done:
1) Downloaded intel_rst_13.2.8.1002( and unpacked.
2) Replaced drivers with your modded v13.2.8.1002

Look at this installation’s “IntelRST.log” from the “SetupRST.exe”:

Scanning all active devices
Scanning x64\iaAHCIC.inf (Name: AHCI64, Version:
Section with the best match: INTEL.NTamd64.6.2
Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C02&CC_0106 (Intel(R) 8 Series/C220 Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller)
Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C03&CC_0106 (Intel(R) 8 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller)
Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C82&CC_0106 (Intel(R) 9 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller)
Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C83&CC_0106 (Intel(R) 9 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller)
Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9C02&CC_0106 (Intel(R) 8 Series/C220 Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller)
Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9C03&CC_0106 (Intel(R) 8 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller)
Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9C82&CC_0106 (Intel(R) 9 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller)
Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9C83&CC_0106 (Intel(R) 9 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller)
MUP OS bits: 0xB6D54
Scanning x64\iaStorAC.inf (Name: RAID64, Version:
Section with the best match: INTEL.NTamd64.6.2
Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2822&CC_0104 (Intel(R) Desktop/Workstation/Server Express Chipset SATA RAID Controller)
Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_282A&CC_0104 (Intel(R) Mobile Express Chipset SATA RAID Controller)
MUP OS bits: 0xB6D54
Scanning x86\iaAHCIC.inf (Name: AHCI32, Version:
No section match
MUP OS bits: 0x492A8
Scanning x86\iaStorAC.inf (Name: RAID32, Version:
No section match
MUP OS bits: 0x492A8
E Win32 exception occurred!!
Error code: 0x4E24 (20004)
Error text: ‘’
Extended error text: ‘Error in device matching’

EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded blank lines removed and content of the IntelRST.log inserted into a “spoiler” (to save space)

@iWARR :
Thank you very much for having taken the time for your extended tests and for your interesting speculations and advices.
Here is my comment:

  • Unfortunately I am not able to integrate the modded drivers into the installation routine of modern Intel RST Drivers & Software Sets from v12 platform up. Furthermore it has no effect, if you replace the “pure” original Intel RST drivers, which you find in the related subfolders of an Intel RST Drivers & Software Set, by modded variants of the same or another Intel RST version.
    1. The modern Intel RST Installers named SetupRST.exe cannot be completely extracted (as possible with the Intel RST Installers up to v11.7.4.1001). If you do it, you only will get the Software files named RST_x86.msi, RST_x64.msi and, but not the “pure” drivers.
    2. Nevertheless the file named SetupRST.exe contains everything, which is requred for a successful installation of the RST Software, the diffrent language files and the RST drivers). So you can add any driver you want into the same folder, but the installer will not care about them. You can easily verify it by deleting all other files from the Intel RST Drivers & Software Set folder except the SetupRST.exe and executing it thereafter. You will not recognize any difference regarding the installation routine and its consequeces (success or failure).
    3. The only reason, why some of the offered modern Intel RST Drivers & Software Sets additionally contain the related “pure” 32/64bit drivers, is to give the users the option to integrate them into the OS Image or to load them directly while doing a fresh OS installation.
  • Your reports about your “digital signature problem” with some of my previously offered mod+signed drivers were very useful for me. Meanwhile I have changed the signing procedure a little bit. Nevertheless I am not yet 100% sure, whether I was able to solve this problem completely. You can help me to find it out by testing the attached 64bit Intel RST driver v13.44.0.1026, which has been re-signed by me today by using the new signing method.

Thanks again for extremely useful support!

EDIT: The attached driver has been removed due to iWARR’s report about his problems while testing it.

  1. Agreed with all your sentences about "SetupRST.exe". Due to having some "limiting conditions" inside, it will be not hlepful much for the "universal" installations.

    2) Your drivers from "235e7a.rar" were not installed within usual "Browse…" method. I guess, they still have "sign" issue.

Not necessarily.
Even a WHQL certified driver cannot be installed via "Browse my computer … > “Browse” option, if it is older dated or has a lower version number than the currently installed one.
Please force the installation of the freshly signed driver by using the “Have Disk” button and look for its digital signature thereafter.

Within “Have Disk…” option updating driver was successful. I can see your sign.
But I’m still doubting. Previous mods have an ability update within “Browse…” method…

For example (if I’m remember right):

v13.1.0.1058 [stock] → v13.2.8.1002 [mod] … OK (Browse…)
v13.2.8.1002 [mod] → v13.44.0.1026 [mod] … NO (Have Disk…)

I’m scared to reboot… :slight_smile: Lets try?

Yes, but you should set a Restore Point before you do it.

I’m already have it, but when I’m entering "Diagnosis" mode menu, it says that there is no any "Administrator" users on my machine, but I am!
So, using "Restore Point" option is not available in some case. (Or I miss smth ???)

I guess: not available AHCI Driver = not available AHCI Disk System = not available User Account = not available Restore Point
So, it is extremely danderous.

But I know another trick entering "Unsigned drivers mode" ( F7 ). Ok. Lets try to reboot…

Reboot was UNsuccesful.
Downgraded to v13.2.8.1002 in "Unsigned mode"

As I’m said, ability of the “Browse…” updating method will be a “marker” for us, that driver is “sign-healthy”.


I recommend you mark v13.44.0.1026 [mod] as (W.I.P.) within “WARNING!” message or remove it from the head page temporary.
Or make clear instruction “How to…” boot Windows again using “Unsigned mode” and downgrade to previous version.

All users experimenting with your customized drivers (in all threads) have to know such instruction for their safety.

@iWARR :
Although you didn’t get them properly installed - contrary to me (look >here<) and to MrRhade (look >here<), I want to thank you for having re-tested the freshly re-signed Intel AHCI driver v13.44.0.1026.
According to your recommendation I have removed the v13.44.0.1016 from the recent attachment and from the start post of this thread.
Whenever I have the required time, I will do some additional tests with these drivers. In my eyes they are very interesting, because
a) they are the by far latest Intel RST drivers from the v13 platform (= the best performing and best compatible Intel RST drivers according to my benchmark tests),
b) the associated *.INF and *.OEM files have been composed by me (and not by Intel),
c) they have not been released by Intel and were not designed by Intel for being used in AHCI mode and
d) contrary to all other Intel RST drivers from v11.5 up they do not contain the additional SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys and may support even Windows XP.

Thanks again for your help!

You are welcome, my friend. I’m happy my tests was useful for you.

v13.44.0.1026 looks very promising, especially for older systems as mine.
I wish you fix this issue successfully.


Also I’m interersting in knowledges about comparison of the OROM/EFI for SATA v13.1.0.2126 (Z77 last good compatible) and, lets say, some newer variants.
In case I don’t use RAID, it’s not significally important, right?

So, I guess OROM/EFI for SATA v13.1.0.2126 + RST Driver v13.44.0.1016 [mod] + RST Software v13.2.8.1002 will be enough?

Yes, the Intel RAID module version, which is within the mainboard BIOS, doesn’t matter at all as long as the user is running the Intel SATA Controller in AHCI mode.

For Z77 RAID systems I recommend
a) for users, who want to avoid any risk: the Intel RAID driver/OROM combo v13.1.0.1058/ (classical and safe combo) or
b) for courageous users, who want the best possible performance: either the combo (difficult to manage, look >here<) or v13.2.8.1002/v13.2.2.2224 resp. v13.44.0.1026/v13.2.2.2224.

Thank you very much for sharing your experience!
Will wait for RST Driver v13.44.0.1026 (Your), New microcodes for Ivy (Intel) + New UBU (LS_29 aka SoniX).
Then I’ll update my RST BIOS module to v13.2.2.2224 also (until today I’m using “classic” scheme for Z77).

@iWARR :
Today I have totally re-composed and digitally signed a new variant of the 64bit Intel AHCI driver v13.44.0.1026, which now only supports Win10 x64 (no previous Windows Operating Systems).
Then I have installed the driver onto my Z170 system running the latest Win10 x64 RS4 Build 17110 and using a SATA connected 1 TB Samsung 850 EVO in AHCI mode (just for for data storage, not as system drive). The update from the in-box MS AHCI driver to my freshly comp+signed driver went flawlessly (without the need to force the installation via “Have Disk”).
After havig done that, I installed the “Universal 64bit Intel RST Software v13.2.8.1002” (no problem after having ignored the battery information).
Here are some pictures:

Intel AHCI driver v13.44.1026 - Device Manager.png

Intel AHCI driver v13.44.0.1026.png

Intel RST Console v13.2.8.1002 Pic2.png

Intel RST Console v13.2.8.1002 Pic3.png

Intel RST Console v13.2.8.1002 Pic4.png

Finally I checked the performance of this freshly composed Intel RST driver v13.44.0.1026. Here is the screenshot with the results (Note: The GUI of Anvil’s tool shows the version of the RST Software and not the version of the in-use storage driver):


If you or anyone else want to test this driver, please send me a PM and I will give you the link.

Will you mod the v14.8.17.1065 drivers?

Yes, if you tell me the reason for your request.
Which chipset has your mainboard and which AHCI/RAID driver are you using now?

after installing v13.44.0.1026 drivers game me infinite boot and i have to reinstall windows (since i doesn’t use system restore), but modified drivers game me best results for windows 10 RS3 (using MSI Z87-GD65 motherboard and samsung evo 840 250gb), fernando can you also mod latest WHQL Drivers, i know that it is mainly optimized for 300 series chipsets but i want to try since 15.9 drivers game me good results and they also quite stable, browsing is faster with those drivers (using opera browser), maybe they’re better optimized for windows 10 RS3 builds, i also tested but they are even worse than

Unfortunalelly, I can’t test a new v13.44.0.1026 drivers, because I’m on Win8.1 [x64] :frowning:

@george-2015 :
Just to give you some new toys to play with, I offer today modified and signed variants of the latest Intel RST drivers, which belong to the v15 and v16 platform.
Please give us your feedback about your experiences with them.

@ all:
Upon demand I have modified and signed the latest available Intel RST(e) drivers from the v15 and v16 platform to make them installable onto nearly all Intel Chipset systems from ICH7 up running in AHCI or RAID mode.
There is no guarantee, that they will properly work with older, natively not supported Intel Chpset systems.

Update of the Start Post:

  • new:
    • mod+signed 32/64bit Intel RST(e) AHCI+RAID drivers v15.9.1.1018 dated 11/16/2017, modified and digitally signed by me at 03/02/2018
    • Universal 32/64bit Intel RST(e) Software v15.9.1.1018 dated 11/28/2017
  • mod+signed 32/64bit Intel RST(e) AHCI+RAID drivers v16.0.1.1018 dated 01/22/2018, modified and digitally signed by me at 03/02/2018
  • Universal 32/64bit Intel RST(e) Software v16.0.1.1018 dated 01/29/2018

  1. The Intel RST(e) drivers of the v15 and v16 platform have been designed and optimized by Intel just for the newest Intel Chipsets from 100-Series up.
    Due to the modification of the related INF files the above listed Intel RST drivers will be installable onto older Intel Chipset AHCI/RAID systems, but may not properly work. Users with an older Intel Chipset system should better take a driver, which belongs to the v12, v13 or v14 platform. I am not responsable for potential problems they may get after the installation of these newest mod+signed drivers. It is strongly recommended to set a “Restore Point” before starting with the driver installation!
  2. If not already previously done, don’t forget to import the Win-RAID CA Certificate, before you try to get any of my mod+signed drivers installed. The Certificate itself and the related CMD file are attached to all my mod+signed driverpacks.
  3. Due to new security features of Win10 v1703 you may have to execute the CMD file from within the Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell (both options have to be run as Admin).
  4. >Here< you can get additional informations about “modded” drivers and >here about how to get them properly installed.

Good luck with these freshly modded and digitally signed Intel AHCI/RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

thanks i’ll try v16.0.1.1018 later, i installed it and they’re working fine, it has clipping on samsung F3 1TB HDD so i just added this simple fix in registry for 15 and 16 series drivers and clipping disappeared after system reboot:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

14 series drivers need following fix for some older HDD:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

this is known problem since 13 series drivers, some HDD models have clipping some don’t, rapid storage technology software also working fine, just disabled link power management in performance tab