[Offer] P9X79 PRO BIOS Modded for NVMe SSD

I had only inserted the NVMe module - nothing else.

Hi :slight_smile:

Thanks for this great thread.

Q - I have a P9x79 that I would like to do this with, so I can boot off of my nvme. If something gets screwey, is there a way to revert back to the current BIOS? If so, how do I do that?

Thanks in advance.

Asus Bios Flash Back…ring a bell???
U can also read the motherboard manual for details/operation.

Ah, so it’s just as simple as doing a BIOS flashback/upgrade? Wasn’t sure if anything were different when going one way, and then back. Thanks.

So, I have the CAP file on a FAT32 USB FD, plugged it into the BIOS FB port, pressed the BIOS FB button for three sec, it flashed a few times, and then went solid. Been solid for over 20 min. That doesn’t seem right. Did I miss something?

Yes…it takes some time but that’s the correct procedure. The flashing LED will increase the blinking rate till it gets solid.

Thanks. Not working. The blinking rate didn’t increase. Only flashed at the same rate a few times, and then went solid. Left it for an hour. I then tried the BIOS that I already have on another FD (d/led from the ASUS website) and the same exact thing is occurring. At least nothing bad is happening, as I can still boot.

IMPORTANT…better no apply the mod bios if the system still has very old bios revision, apply official bios updates/instructions from ASUS to ur system first, then the one ur modding from same version.
That usually means not a good USB for the motherboard pleasure…change to another…always the smaller that u have and only with the cap inside P9X79P.cap or P9X79PRO.cap…don’t remember the rename procedure, its in ur manual.
UBU can rename it also in correct name.
If the file is wrong named it also doesn’t work.
Once i did to a non-pro, this mod, but i had to use FAT16…

Greetings everybody.

I’ve been reading you since last five years, here I am, finally decided to make a thread.

Got a P9X79 PRO with xeon e5-2680 v2 @ 114FSB + turbo 3533mhz all cores, 1 core - 4.2ghz approx. 32gb geil evo veloce 2400 on quad @ 2127 mhz 11 12 12 30 2.

I’ve managed to successfully run 3 nvme’s on pcie slots ( in order gpu to run on 3x16 it has to be on last slot)

Also if i run all my three nvme ssds with wifi card on x4, bandwith drops to gen3 @ 8.

Overal im very happy with the machine, it was even bricked for abouth three weeks before I’ve managed to resurrect it with bios usb flash method AND MOST importantly - the first 4 digits of the serial number of the mobo are the bios which is made the mobo with. remove everything - literally everything, including processor and ram. and only then when you put the exact bios version mobo was made, the magic goes on. ( fat, small flash aint exclusion)

That’s a small part of my vintage x79 lovely pc experience i’ve been running last 8 years, hope info would be helpful for someone.

I’ve bought a Asus hyper m2 v2 card, pcie x16 one, but unfortunately my current bios does not have bifurcation added and therefore i can only see one nvme in the card.

I think I’ve managed once to see 2 nvme ssds putted in slot 1 and 4, but actually now im thinking i’ve been hallucinating… 4 am… plenty of storages… :)))))

Saw the [OFFER] and read the whole 18page thread but i am still not sure there is bifurcation in the bios.

P.S. My bios is showing SS PATA crazy bug, like some people here, but no performance drop.

my pm961 used to show me 33300 read 2700 write, now strangely is 2600 read, 1600 write, its 94 % health rate, and may be fuller then before, idn… not a problem for me.

Kindly asking for a bios for the lovely p9x79 pro, with bifurcation support along with the nvme. And everything updated :- ))))

This is my only pain considering this retro machine still makes me smile :))

P.S.2. before the xeon e5-2680 v2 was with i7-3820, looking forward for chinese x79 with nvme bifurcation and unlocked multiplier for the xeon. :PPP

Best Regards you maniacs!!!


Hi. EM error is this error?
After flash the BIOS with Nvme, Windows Works Fine except this error, and the boot of Windows which takes at least 2 minutes to start.
The tool for ME detection show this:
I’m looking for reflash EM firmware, but I can’t find the version firmware and tool for flash it.

Ed: Flashing with 8.1.70 I get this:

Ed2: Ok, it work.

Sorry for my english.

Bump please.

Id be really grateful if you help me.

Tried everything, but the card is only reading one of the nvmes at a time.

I could make paypal donation as an express of my appreciation.

Thank you very much.

Best Regards.


I would like to ask that someone mods the latest 4801 BIOS with the latest NVME drivers. As a new member I can’t post the link to the ASUS download web page but you can get the BIOS from there.

I followed [OFFER] P9X79 PRO BIOS Modded for NVMe SSD (sorry I can’t link the topic) but the BIOS from OP is already from 2018. @Fernando 's BIOS was removed from post #239 and the one that @Lost_N_BIOS mentions in post #256 has a non-working URL.

Thank you so much!

@st0nedpt - Merging with the main thread. Please tell me the post # of the BIOS you need working link for, I will add mirror (tinyupload has been down for week+, otherwise URL would be working )
BIOS from post #115 has NVME mods ONLY, you want one with bifurcation. I will try to find in thread which post # has PRO BIOS w/ bifurcation and add new mirror to that post

@strijem - PATA SS means NVME mod was successfully flashed, you just then need to follow step #4 of this guide to install OS to NVME - [Guide] How to get full NVMe support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS
But you need NVME + Bifurcation mod BIOS from this tad - [OFFER] P9X79 PRO BIOS Modded for NVMe SSD
On ALL Asus X79 you can only run x3 NVME on any slot, some limitation
Merging your posts to that thread now - I will link you to PRO NVME + Bifurcation mod BIOS as soon as I find it in here and add a mirror link to the post


@st0nedpt @strijem - I could not find the post where I’ve added this here, but I know I posted sometime in April due to the date?
Anyway, here is Asus-P9X79-PRO-Asus-4801-NVME-SASwitch-Bifurcate_Mod - Follow guide above at step #4 in the “This is what you should do” section after you install BIOS
Flash via USB Flashback only - https://www.sendspace.com/file/asav9r

Thank you for reacting to my request. I have been running the board for a long time on Bios 4801 without any issues, so if you could mod that one (or point me to where I can get it) that would be great. Meaning the vanilla BIOS just with the ability to boot from NVME added to it.

I really don’t know what bifurcation is so I will pass on that. if you could provide me a link to where I can read further on it I would be very thankful.

@st0nedpt - You’re welcome! See my edit above, I added new link for 4801 NVME mod BIOS (+Bifurcation mods) before you posted that reply
If you just need NVME mod, no bifurcation, then you want this package instead, sorry for any confusion above! (Flash via USB Flashback ONLY) - Asus-P9X79-PRO-4801-Stock-NVME-Mod-ONLY
Bifurcation has modified BIOS menus, so you can control use of more than one NVME on a single PCIE adapter card

@Lost_N_BIOS HI, I’m looking to mod my P9X79 PRO with the 4801 build but the last link you posted doesn’t load, can you please link again?
Also this is the SSD and adapter I’m looking to get, will these work ok?, Thanks for your help

Vantec M.2 NVMe + M.2 SATA SSD PCIe x4 Adapter (UGT-M2PC200)
Samsung 970 EVO Plus SSD 1TB - M.2 NVMe Interface Internal Solid State Drive with V-NAND Technology (MZ-V7S1T0B/AM)

@iNinja - Sorry about that, if you meant link in post #274, I fixed it now (it was OK link, just badly coded in there, I switched URL and text) @st0nedpt
Yes, UGT-M2PC200 will work for a single NVME, make sure you put the NVME into correct slot for NVME not AHCI/M2 type - You want to put 970 into bottom NVME slot

@Lost_N_BIOS Thanks for getting back to me so quick, would you recommend another adapter? as the UGT-M2PC200 will come from another country which will take some time.
Here are a few others i can choose from,

Is post#249 the best guide to use when i receive the parts?

Thank you

@iNinja - These are the ones I use From Amazon, just as good and much cheaper, maybe you can find?

What you linked, 1st and 3rd is same, but both of those would work too but that is way overpriced.
Ohh! you are in AU? If yes, sorry, not sure where would be quick place to get an adapter, maybe what you linked is best option to get fast?
Or, maybe you can find ones like I linked at some shop you know there? You can get those I linked on ebay for $3 from China too, but you know, 3-5 week wait

Any will do, just make sure it’s PCIE and allows NVME x4 speed through it.

Yes, Post #249 will help you do USB Flashback. File should already be P9X79PRO.CAP, this is the only file name it will read/find. If you have never done USB Flashback, you may need to try a bunch of USB drives before you find one that works, not all are compatible.
Smaller, older, cheaper = better for this. 128Kb-2GB, USB 2.0, formatted to FAT32 - If you only have larger/newer USB, sometimes if you format down to 1GB it will work, but generally digging around in a drawer to find old, lost/forgotten USB will be the one that works

You also need to follow info at post #4 of this guide in the “This is what you should do” Section
[Guide] How to get full NVMe support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS

Yeah I saw that and just copy & pasted the actual written part and I was able to download your file. Just this weekend I had the time to install the 970 Evo that I had ordered and get the new BIOS update in. Everything worked like a charm, lucky me that I also keep a very old 8GB flash drive on hand.

I kept the default BIOS settings for the windows installation, and disconnected my two other drives (RAID0 SanDisk Ultra 256GB SSDs). I used the drive as it was delivered and I was able to install windows 10 to it without any hassle. Once that was done I enabled back RAID support, and I am able to boot from the NVME while having my RAID drives working without any problems. This was very nice surprise, since lots of the guides mentioned to keep raid disabled, so I could restore some files from my previous windows install.
I then changed the BIOS setting back to my OC (1680v2 @ 4.4Ghz + 0.005v with 2133 CL9 RAM) and everything kept working the same as it was before the NVME drive and BIOS update (as expected).

@Lost_N_BIOS thank you very much for your support!

EDIT: I briefly tested the NVME SSD speed and I was able to get around 3.5GB/s reads and a bit lower than that writes. So I expect it’s working at full speed. I did notice that one of my GPUs dropped from PCI-E 3.0 16x to 8x, I would have expected the PCI lanes on my CPU to be enough to keep the two GPUs at 16x alongside with the NVME drive but that was not the case. I am not much troubled since I am still in the process of updating the 2012 system, and the two 7970s are awaiting replacement.

@st0nedpt - Nice you noticed the link error and were still able to grab the file
You’re welcome, great to here the install went smoothly!

Sounds like good NVME speeds to me As for the PCIE graphics card lane width, move your NVME to another slot that is not shared with the graphics card, then it will go back to x16