[OFFER] Var. ASUS Sabertooth X79 BIOSes (NVMe/Bifurc./uCode/OpROM)

^Both are “OK” on uCode version. However I don’t have Sandy Bridge E to test newest uCode :frowning:

Yes, I can switch between IRST and RSTe in UEFI (after picking RAID mode).
However… I didn’t saw any EFI specific option available (or Disable OROM option for IRST) :confused:
Is it only enabled when CSM is Disabled ?

As long as whatever CPU you have is using one you updated then it’s OK. Mainly this issue = brick, more than non-loading ucode, when it’s going to cause an issue. Obviously this instance it doesn’t, so you’re all good
Yes, EFI would only be available for you to choose when you enable Secure Boot / UEFI mode (Thus CSM disables by default I think)

i see all of these posts between @Lost_N_BIOS and @agentx007
i have asus sabertooth x79 with the latest 4701 with nvme mod from post #60 of this thread(from @Lost_N_BIOS ).
i see that you guys make update again with more mods…
can someone of you sent me or upload here a stable version of 4701 with all of these mods of (@agentx007 ):
NVMe support : NvmeExpress_v4 ("fat") present,
uCode update : Done*
ROMs : iRST (w/RAID TRIM), RSTe, and Marvell all updated
Bifurcation and hidden controls : Enabled (Pic : LINK).

@Ntrako Latest BIOS 4701 I got (this time with ALL ucodes updated), is the same one as in my #97 post (and I attached it to this post).

It DOES NOT have things Lost_N_BIOS pointed out in #98 post of this thread.
Because of this, I would recommend waiting for Lost_N_BIOS version of said BIOS.
However, if "stable" for you means it works, then yes - my version does work (tested on my board with E5-1680 v2).

SABERX79 (4701 bifurcation).zip (4.92 MB)

@agentx007 as i saw @Lost_N_BIOS post #98:
" Also, have the above two BIOS been flash tested? If not, I would advise not testing them unless you have flash programmer, or I guess you could always recover via stock BIOS and USB Flashback.
The microcode updates were not done in a safe way, missing padding files vs stock in a few volumes, this often = brick but not always."

i have a question for @Lost_N_BIOS :
can u take bios from #60 post and do these things as @agentx007 did BUT correctly??
i mean correctly because you say that the microcode is not done in a safe way
here are the things:

NVMe support : v4
uCode update,
ROMs : iRST (w/RAID TRIM), RSTe, and Marvell,
Bifurcation and hidden controls : Enabled

also if you get answer about this :

@Fernando - this is possible, correct? BIOS contains 1x EFI RST, I want to add second EFI RSTe (updating both) So I need to find BIOS w/ similar RSTe module, replace it’s PE32 body, then insert, or can the current RST module be copied, and RSTe be placed in instead of RST, then inserted?
This BIOS, pick either of above if you want to look, has EFI RST at GUID 43A0A7B3-1E92-42EF-A46D-DDC03E52CB5C and it’s name is not exactly SATADriver (it’s SATADriver_12_7_1036), so I assume the new one I insert can be named SATADriver
Or, is this kind of secondary EFI RST addition just not possible due to BIOS and other areas that would allow selection of which EFI RST/RTSe also need changed by manufacturer?

This question only about the EFI modules, orom is not an issue here as both RST/RSTe are in there by default and I can update those without a problem.

can u make a complete asus sabertooth x79 4701 bios with all of these things above?? my processsor is i7 4960x.
i have no idea about bios editing btw…if you have time, i will appreciate if you will make it for me.

@Ntrako It has all of the above (just without EFI RSTe).

@Ntrako :
It should be possible to insert a natively not present RSTe EFI SataDriver module into the Sabertooth X79 BIOS. Although I don’t have any own experience with an X79 chipset BIOS, I propose to search for an ASUS BIOS with a separate Intel RSTe EFI RAID module, to extract it “as is”, to replace its PE32 body by the desired *.efi module and to insert it into the “DXE Driver Volume” of the Sabertooth X79 BIOS similar to the NVMe module.
Good luck!

@Fernando Didn’t @Lost_N_BIOS try that, and it could be done only with replacement of IRST EFI ?

@agentx007 :
I don’t know, because I didn’t read all posts written by Lost_N_BIOS.
You you give me the ink?

@Fernando Sure, here you go (bottom part) : LINK

@agentx007 :
Thanks for the link. I have read it, but didn’t know, that Ntrako has just copied and pasted Lost_N_BIOS’s post.
As Lost_N_BIOS I don’t know whether it will work, but I am pretty sure, that the RSTe EFI SataDriver needs another GUID than the RST one. That is why I gave the advice to search for an ASUS BIOS with 2 EFI SataDriver modules (one for IRST, the other for IRSTe).

I see. Either way, thanks for straighting it up :slight_smile:

@Fernando - Thank you, I thought it might be possible. I doubt if it fails that it would brick the board, rather just failed RST/RSTE loading when that method select if it’s going to fail, anyway they could recover via USB Flashback after a quick test if it fails
** Fernando >> FYI >> Source = Asus PRIME X299-A 1401
Intel RST GUID 91B4D9C1-141C-4824-8D02-3C298E36EB3F
Intel RSTe GUID A0AD1682-AE5C-4A9C-9195-F271585CE07E << Do you think that odd GUID would matter, or it’s OK to try/test?
I expected it would be similar 90 or 91, just with one letter/number different, however in the X79 BIOS the stock EFI is at 43A0A7B3-1E92-42EF-A46D-DDC03E52CB5C so it’s not using 90/91 either
I now noticed this is same GUID as RSTe 43A0A7B3 - v3.8.0.1029 that comes with header (I use without anyway), but in stock BIOS for this X79, that GUID is standard V13 RST - alllll very confusing, it’s too bad these boards are worth so much or I’d still have one to test this kind of thing myself, I had 5 at one time, but sold them all now


Please wait, I need to find an Asus donor BIOS to have one of you test EFI RST and then EFI RSTe. Once we are sure that is OK, or not, I will finalize new mod.
* Edit - <<< This is proving to be an issue, I’ve looked through 20+ BIOS now and none have this so far Never mind - found one! [thumbs-up] But it’s Aptio V BIOS, hopefully that wont matter

This will be my new starting source BIOS (once I get into final mod), due to stuff I mentioned at post #98 - [GUIDE] Adding Bifurcation Support to ASUS X79 UEFI BIOS (3)
What Marvell Marvell version do you guys want put in there?

* Edit - Someone please test, in Boot >> Secure Boot Menu >> OS Type >> Windows UEFI Mode (Set this ONLY)
Can you now, at Advanced >> SATA >> Intel Rapid Storge Technology - << They spelled that wrong >> Choose and use RSTe?
And, due to below comment, go back to the OS Type setting after you choose RSTe and make sure it still says Windows UEFI Mode

Additionally, go to Boot >> CSM and disable CSM for both of these tests.

Anyway, can you choose and use/load windows with either IRST or RSTe? Both options look to be visible by default, which can’t be possible with UEFI Mode and stock BIOS, since stock BIOS only contains legacy RSTe, so I’m not sure what’s going on there!?
Unless it kicks Windows UEFI Mode to Other OS, if selected. Different drivers will be required for both of these modes, using RST or RSTe, so not sure how any of you can easily test this, unless you have a few spare drives to setup an OS install in both manners.
You will also need video card with UEFI vBIOS on it, and install the OS from GPT partition, to GPT partition. If neither of you can test in this manner, there is no way we can confirm the validity of this modification.

This is not a mod BIOS, this is a TEST! NO ONE use this file unless you are testing and understand that means, risks are be present here, this is only meant for testing addition of EFI RSTe
If you have a RAID array, I suggest disconnecting it for this test and test in single disk mode only, especially if you setup new OS install for the test
If not, backup your array before any testing, or create a new OS install on two drives you don’t care about wiping out if it fails and breaks the array

http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…254994577095492 << Flash with USB Flashback only, do not flash with FPT!

Intel RST GUID 43A0A7B3-1E92-42EF-A46D-DDC03E52CB5C
Intel RSTe GUID A0AD1682-AE5C-4A9C-9195-F271585CE07E << Added insert

EFI IRSTe RAID for SATA - << Added insert

@Lost_N_BIOS :

Thanks for having found what we were searching for.
Since I have never seen, that a mainboard manufacturer has changed the GUID of a specific BIOS module, I think, that it is ok to try it.
Nevertheless I doubt, that an Intel RAID user with an X79 chipset mainboard will get any benefit by having the option to choose between an Intel RST and RSTe RAID EFI module.
Reason: According to the feedback I got until now from X79 chipset mainboard users the performance of their RAID array was much better, when the on-board Intel SATA Controller was running in RST (and not in RSTe) mode.

For now let’s use Marvell from UBU ( + ?). We can try EFI AHCI from my earlier post when RST/RSTe mess is sorted out.

OK. So I tested test BIOS : There is no RST/RSTe option after Disabling CSM :confused:

Regardless of what type of OS setting (UEFI Windows/Other OS) is set :frowning:
Here’s default (ie. with CSM Enabled) :

RSTe v3.8 works fine with CSM enabled as well.

PS. With CSM disabled, I only get this lovely tab with RST (no RSTe), but this RST tab is present on stock BIOS as well, so nothing new here:

@Fernando - thanks for your thoughts and info on that! I agree, it may not be better for RST/RSTe and letting user choose, but at least if we can make it work then the option is there for them to make/test/decide for themselves.

@agentx007 - you mentioned three different Marvell, so that doesn’t help at all
Thanks for your test, this either confirms this is not possible to have both in the BIOS, or it needs to be inserted in some other manner. Or, you/users need to choose which EFI they want and then only one inserted at the original module location.
We’d have to test/confirm that actually works too, not just visibly looks correct, install + Driver install for each would be needed.

In the original BIOS, the only RSTe module in there is legacy, thus cannot be used to fully load a “Secure Boot / UEFI Mode” BIOS, (Or Windows UEFI)
I am not sure the effect or use of CSM, does that allow you to boot full UEFI Secure mode with legacy (non-UEFI) modules too? If yes, that’s dumb thing, it’s not secure that way, nor is it full UEFI Mode, so it should not be allowed to be used a "Secure UEFI"

As for the option disappearing after you disable CSM, that is good, and how it should be, since there should be no user option for a non_EFI RST, and forced UEFI/EFI module loaded, instead of letting user select legacy options
For testing though, this can be made visible all the time, if you want?

Good test, however, I’m not sure we have any answer here? Can you set Windows UEFI Mode, disable CSM, and then install windows onto a RSTe loaded driver?
This is where you’d want that setting always visible so you could see visibly what it’s selecting once you disable CSM, and or switch RST/RSTe (since we put both in BIOS now)
I guess my question at start of this paragraph may only be possible if I force that visible for you always, so you could switch it away from the default EFI RST and change to the new EFI RSTe
Here is that BIOS, please test as time permits (if still not always visible let me know! AMIBCP type edit needed if it’s still hidden) - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…153215097515739

Actually, looking at this now and your images, I think this setting always hidden from you until now (where you can select), the one you show above is informational only and not a “Select this or that” like the one I just made visible for you

Good news : RST/RSTe option is indeed always present.
Sadly : It only works under CSM (like original was) :confused:

In short, menu with CSM disabled, looks exactly the same under UEFI’s Intel Rapid Storage tab (utilises RST 13.1).
Not sure if under these circumstances, forcing RSTe driver will work (I did set “RSTe” under not hidden option now).

I could try installing OS… but not today.

can u take your bios from post #60 and do these things:
1)Update uCode to latest,
2)Update NVME ,
3)Fully unlock the bios,
4)Add Bifurcation and all hidden controls + PCISub, SystemAgentSwitch,
5)update iRST (w/RAID TRIM), RSTe, LAN and Marvell to any "safe" version you want(i dont have knowledge of versions so i cant tell you version, just update it with newer versions you want).

I can confirm the x79 deluxe with 4801 “beta” bios does not work with the cheap 16GB UDIMMs on eBay labeled for “AMD” only. Also I can’t day I’d want the modded BIOSes with uCode update… 20% performance loss for sandy/ivy bridge… No thanks! I see jumping ship to 3950x in the near future, F Intel!!

@agentx007 - Yes, I assumed you could only use certain RST options with CSM enabled (Legacy mode), this was point of test BIOS I sent you.
Test OS install is required for this test >>> set Windows UEFI Mode, disable CSM, and then choose RSTe and install windows onto a RSTe loaded driver

@Ntrako - this is the BIOS you wanted, not the one you mentioned at post #60 - [GUIDE] Adding Bifurcation Support to ASUS X79 UEFI BIOS (3)
However, it does now need microcodes updated again. Please wait on progress above, then I will redo in full again, with RST/RSTe options once we sort all that out.

@Black6spdZ - that would be a given, since this is Intel system