[OFFER] Var. ASUS Sabertooth X79 BIOSes (NVMe/Bifurc./uCode/OpROM)

@Lost_N_BIOS “RSTe loaded driver” part is tricky… how do I know if Windows is using RSTe drivers ?

I tried Windows 10 x64 1903 install on RAID0 volume, good news - it worked :

Default driver used :

I can force 3.8.1 RSTe driver installation (using recommended Win8.1 version from RSTe driver section).
Which still works after restart :

So, what now ?

That’s good it works on forced install and reboot, I assume that means it’s only using that. And this is in Secure Boot Mode correct?
RSTe loaded driver install would be manually giving the installer the RSTe driver when you choose disk to setup the install onto whatever drive/partition you choose.
Additionally, this should be the only possible driver that would work, if you set BIOS to this only. Seems that was not done in advanced, since RST driver was loaded post install (ie your second image)

Your middle image is RST, last image is RSTe of course.

@Fernando - is there a tool, or method, user can check in windows, which BIOS oRom/EFI module is currently-in-use/loaded for RST?
Or, is above forced load of RSTe driver, enough to confirm the RSTe module is now in use? And, if yes, how is this possible, when initially this install was installed with RST driver (assuming no BIOS settings changes between RST driver auto-loaded, and then forced change-over to RSTe driver)?

I can pick up RSTe from unhidden option, but does it change anything ?
I still get only default RST module being loaded when I go into UEFI tab about RAID (as can be seen in my post :

@Lost_N_BIOS :
Since there is no big functional difference between RST and RSTe RAID drivers, it is possible to get an RSTe driver installed onto an Intel RAID system, whose Intel SATA RAID Controller has the DeviceID DEV_2822, and vice versa it is possible to get an Intel RST RAID driver installed onto a DEV_2826 RSTe SATA RAID Controller.
The easiest way to find out the in-use Intel RAID BIOS module version is to join the Intel RAID Utility (either via CTRL+I while booting or from within the BIOS). Alternatively you may find it out by running the Intel RST resp. RSTe Console Software.

Thanks @Fernando !

@agentx007 - post 115 has nothing to do with BIOS I sent you last, in that post I unhide the option for you, for another reason/test etc.
Now, we want to see if forced RSTe + Secure Boot /UEFI Mode is possible or not (since this is not possibly by default, due to hidden option, and no EFI RST)
That is point of current testing. Once this is confirmed usable, in that manner, I will make final BIOS with RST/RSTe Legacy + RST/RSTe EFI - this way user can choose either RST/RSTe in legacy or UEFI/Secure mode (Originally, RSTe was only possible at legacy mode)

Additionally, please see Fernando’s comments above + method I wanted you to test at 122

@Lost_N_BIOS All good friend? I’m using the bios you edited for me a while ago and I’m here to say that so far everything is working perfectly. I kept an eye on the last comments and saw that you along with other users are implementing more new things at bios. I saw that the main changes do not serve me because it is geared towards raid. But I was in doubt about these 2 changes and was wondering if you can tell me what they are and what is it for?

1) Fully unlock the bios,
2) Add Bifurcation and all hidden controls + PCISub, SystemAgentSwitch

@sergio987 - Yes, all is good, thanks for update! Great to hear all is still working well for you with the BIOS too
1 is similar to 2. Unlock BIOS would be to reveal any/all hidden settings, and #2 is just mentioning some directly revealed some originally hidden submenus and settings that deal with / allow better control of NVME devices on PCIE card adapters.

@Lost_N_BIOS Thanks for the explanation. I will follow and hope that you can finish this bios successfully.

@sergio987 - I can mod BIOS fine here, just waiting on test report still I think, so we know if both EFI/Legacy can be used as intended for either RST or RSTe too.

so, @agentx007 can u see post #125 and do the test that @Lost_N_BIOS recommend you?
i cant try it as i dont have other hard disk

Just a quick question. Anyone having problems with onboard sound?

@Lost_N_BIOS Took a bit, but here’s the result :

Secure Boot works under RSTe driver.

However, Windows doesn’t want to use RSTe driver when installing (regardless of UEFI setting).
Still, since you can change driver after installation, I don’t see a problem.

Hello @Lost_N_BIOS , how are you? User @agentx007 ran the tests and wanted to see if these were the tests necessary to complete the BIOS edition?

@agentx007 - Thanks! Looks like a failed insert or some other reason @ UEFI mode + RSTe (This only thing meant to be tested), since you cannot install windows with those drivers.
Did you test installing windows without inserting a driver? I’d expect you to be able to load RSTe driver at install, in legacy mode with RSTe selected in BIOS, since that rom is included in stock BIOS

So, I think this means in UEFI mode, you can only load RST module, not RSTe (I inserted). I think you could always use RSTe driver once in windows, that works with either ROM RST/RSTe in either default BIOS UEFI or legacy mode
Original BIOS only has legacy RSTe module, but I am pretty sure you can use RST or RSTe driver with legacy or UEFI RST rom, doesn’t have to be RSTe rom
So I guess this leaves us at a No to your original question posed at post #92-94 - it can be done, but for no valid reason and no usable method

* edit - @sergio987 - Here is 4701 w/ NVME mod (+bifurcation mod et all) + updated microcodes, updated RST/RSTe as presented in stock BIOS layout, updated Marvell (versions noted below)
EFI IRST RAID for SATA - >> Update to >>
OROM IRST RAID for SATA - >> Update to >> TRIM mod
OROM IRSTe RAID for SATA - >> Update to >>

EFI Marvell SATA AHCI - >> Update to >>
OROM Marvell 88SE9130 - >> Update to >>

*link to BIOS removed, for everyone’s safety and sanity - BIOS fixed now at post 173 *Lost_N_BIOS

Yes, I did NOT insert driver before installing Windows.
I agree that adding it before should work fine.

@Lost_N_BIOS So… can I have 4801 (w/Bifurcation) ?

@agentx007 - So you tested UEFI mode set, RSTe set + load windows with RSTe driver and without a driver, and neither would let windows install in that configuration?
Yes, sorry, I will do 4801 tonight too

No, I didn’t tested driver added installation.
I only tested what you mentioned with Windows using “default driver” of what ever device he thought was there. That didn’t used RSTe for default.

I agreed to your suggestion that adding RSTe driver before installation should work in this case.

I never said limit anything to “Windows drivers” I assumed you’d know, that you may need to load RSTe driver during install. I’m not familiar with RSTe, so it may be something you do have to load the driver for during install.
So if you want to be 100% sure that what you originally want done then you need to make a new test and install in that manner >> UEFI Set + RSTe set, CSM disabled and or all “Storage drivers in BIOS” set to UEFI Only + Windows load RSTe driver at install time

Yes, if you cannot load RSTe driver at point of install, in UEFI mode or in legacy mode in original BIOS, then either RSTe BIOS module is never actually loaded or you need to find the proper pre-install RSTe driver.

@Lost_N_BIOS I have a massive performance drop with this BIOS, compared to your previous one (4701 + bifu). Windows is much slower than usual but it’s most noticeable with my GPU, where I get ~12% less frames (current:124fps, previous:141fps). Any ideas why?

@chi - possibly microcodes? Is your ME FW in working condition (ie you see ME FW version, not N/A or Or, could be RST changes if you are using RAID
Probably the microcodes though, I’ve seen reports of performance loss at GFX, HDD/SSD and GPU with the Spectre/Meltdown patched microcodes