p8h77-vle make AHCI default ?

Ami uefi bios. Is it possible to make default mode of sata controller to AHCI (default is IDE). I just want to boot from GPT disk, and dont worry that my comp will not boot when its 3.3v battery will dry out on BIOS, and its Sata controller mode will get back to "IDE". Or it is bad and too complex idea, and has too many risks ? Bios from official Asus site in attchment.

By the way off pdf of p8h77-vle says that:

P8H77-V LE SATA 6.0Gb/s connectors
"These connectors are set to [AHCI] by default. If you intend to create a Serial ATA RAID
set using these connectors, set the SATA Mode Selection item in the BIOS to [RAID].
See section 2.5.3 SATA Configuration for details"

Maybe i just need to try out old Bioses.

@viktoroven - Please link me to your BIOS Download page, not the direct BIOS link, and tell me what version you want me to edit for you.
Then do below, this is only (safest) way to flash in mod BIOS, since this model does not have USB Flashback. Don’t use old BIOS, those would have bugs and issues etc, not worth that for this kind of thing you need changed.

If you have already modified the BIOS in ANY way, you will need to re-flash it back to factory defaults using factory method (NOT FPT)!!!
Additionally, please remove all BIOS passwords, disable secure boot, and disable TPM or Encryption if you have enabled. Do this before moving on to below

If you do not have Intel ME drivers installed, install them now from your system driver download page, then start over here after reboot.
Check your BIOS’ main page and see if ME FW version is shown. If not then > DOWNLOAD HWINFO64 HERE <

Once HWINFO is open, look at the large window on the left side, expand motherboard, and find the ME area.
Inside that section is the ME Firmware version. Take note of the version. (ie. write it down or get a screenshot)

Once you have that, go to the thread linked below, and in the section “C.2” find and download the matching ME System Tools Package for your system.
(ie if ME FW version = 10.x get V10 package, if 9.0-9.1 get V9.1 package, if 9.5 or above get V9.5 package etc)
> DOWNLOAD " ME System Tools " packages HERE <

Once downloaded, inside you will find Flash Programming Tool folder, and then inside that a Windows or Win/Win32 folder (NOT x64).
Highlight that Win/Win32 folder, then hold shift and press right click. Choose “open command window here” (Not power shell! >> * See Registry file below *).

If you get an error, reply to this post with a screenshot of it, OR write down the EXACT command entered and the EXACT error given.

((If “open command window here” does not appear, look for the “Simple Registry Edit” below…))

Step #1

Now you should be at the command prompt.
You are going to BACKUP the factory un-modified firmware, so type the following command:
Command: " FPTw.exe -bios -d biosreg.bin "

>> Attach the saved "biosreg.bin ", placed into a compressed ZIP/RAR file, to your next post!!! <<

Step #2

Right after you do that, try to write back the BIOS Region dump and see if you get any error(s).
Command: " FPTw.exe -bios -f biosreg.bin "
^^ This step is important! Don’t forget! ^^

If you get an error, reply to this post with a screenshot of it, OR write down the EXACT command entered and the EXACT error given.

Here is a SIMPLE REGISTRY EDIT that adds “Open command window here as Administrator” to the right click menu, instead of Power Shell
Double-click downloaded file to install. Reboot after install may be required

If the windows method above does NOT work for you…
Then you may have to copy all contents from the Flash Programming Tool \ DOS folder to the root of a Bootable USB disk and do the dump from DOS
( DOS command: " FPT.exe -bios -d biosreg.bin " )

Thank you for attention,
i cant post link, i doesnt have already 3 post, new member …
I try to send you link in attachment

@viktoroven - You’re welcome! You can post links after your next reply.
Also, you can just break the link and post it >> msn . com

ok, i am trying )

Farming posts )
i use 1307 version its fine, i also tried some old versions today, not all, and still havent seen AHCI as default (

@viktoroven - Thanks, OK, best to use latest BIOS anyway
Please do stuff in spoiler, but do not send me file from #1, just tell me what error you get at step #2, and then I’ll help you bypass that and you’ll make a new #1 file after than (and then you;ll send me that one, and I’ll make the change for you)

ok i will scan this instruction, but this will take some time, because i dont know when i will be near that PC next time, but hope we can do it. Wait a minute, maybe i can still try, i will think how to do it.

@Lost_N_BIOS ok, cant be sure about 1st step (but i believe that i did factory reset of bios before) and of course it is unmoded, and dont remember about secure boot but usualy disable it.
IntelME version: 8.1, Build 1318, HF2
#1 ok https://yadi.sk/d/DiKJ7jGAHfVgpw 7zip
#2 Error 280: Failed to disable write protection for the BIOS space!

@viktoroven - I do not need #1 file right now, you can delete from yadi and or your hard drive too

First step (ie step #1) is a dump of the BIOS region, but you should do all the things I mentioned at top of spoiler first.
Then step #2 attempts to write back the file you dumpd at #1. This is done to see what error we need to bypass to flash in mod BIOS.
Then we bypass this via another method I will show you, then you dump BIOS region again (step #1) using new file name like biosregnew.bin, or delete previous biosreg.bin and make a new one, then we edit this and you flash it back.

Here, you need to follow this guide now, you can start at step #6, I’ve done 1-5 for you and the info you need is below
[GUIDE] Grub Fix Intel FPT Error 280 or 368 - BIOS Lock Asus/Other Mod BIOS Flash

Rename .efi file to >> Shellx64.efi

SMI Lock variable to change >> 0x88
BIOS Lock variable to change >> 0x89

So, at grub prompt, you will type the following, one line at a time, enter between each (case sensitive)
setup_var 0x88 0x00
setup_var 0x89 0x00

Then reboot to windows, and do FPT step #1 with new file name, and send me the file
Step #2 should now pass, if you test it, be sure you use the NEW biosreg dump made after you do the above changes, otherwise you will flash back in the locks
This why it’s best to either delete the previously created biosreg.bin, or after doing setup_var changes, make new FPT dump with new name, such as bioregnew

Hi, @Lost_N_BIOS after a year i am back ).
BIOS -> defaults
Secure boot -> other OS
setup_var 0x88 0x00 ok
setup_var 0x89 0x00 ok
FPT ok