Realtek network problem on Fujitsu a532

Good morning at all

I have a problem with a notebook, a Fujitsu LifeBook A532.

After being given to me from a friend, because initially, the machine, NOT boot (only power, Black screen),
i have try with a ch341 programmer and a clip, do a backup of the 2 chips near ram slot
(of the main 4mb bios, i have 2 copy, the second have serial numbers of the machine, the first the same seem be corrupted,

the notebook model, have 3 rom chips, that i suppose the configuration:
1st, near wlan card, named U24, is for EC firmware (1MB)
2nd, near 3rd, and near ram slot, named U35, is for main Bios(4MB)
3rd, like 2nd, is for Management engine (2MB)

My problem is:
the first try, i reprogrammed me chip, without success,
after the first try, i try to flash the main chip, with a 2.01 version, found online, without serial numbers,
at boot, appear the realtek undi page after loading hdd(windows).
now, on windows, i cannot use the wired network, because isn’t available.


no one can answers me? thank you

anyone can help me?

hundreds of views…

read HERE ([Updated] Latest ROM Modules (Not AHCI/RAID related)),
but i don’t find the hex code EC 10 68 81 or 10EC 8167 and 10EC 8169

like yesterday, many views, no replies…

@Lost_N_BIOS for try

@Lost_N_BIOS and others



waiting for a reply from 24th of december…

4mb.bin no valid data, no modules or efi/dxe drivers, smaller than4mb w/serial
4mb w/ serial, no modules or efi/dxe drivers
2mb MEI 8

Almost sure its a mess of dumps, not dumped correctly, i doubt it that some1 can do anything about it in this state of the files.

many thank you for your reply

the first try, with an image found on web, after loading windows(from hdd),
appear a screen of realtek undi.

i don’t remember what of these image (found on web) give me that screen:…iew?usp=sharing

A532 and AH532 are similar, with the only difference that AH model have a second video chip, nvidia GT 620M or similar with optimus.
mine is A532, with only intel graphic.

I have a doubt: can be in the EC bios?

How can u talk about EC if no relevant bios data is present in any dumps…
Did u verified correctly the model of the spi chip, to dump correctly?
Present here a full original dump and verified…but u cant because u flashed already and didn’t verified before erase and flash, right?
Only way now is flash the OEM bios file if valid/full for it and edit the hw ids/sn

thank you for reply

EC found on web…iew?usp=sharing

i have do 2 backups, but actually i don’t have do the verify that you say.

Sorry, not sure I can help, I don’t see any question here?? No, EC FW would not have anything to do with Ethernet functionality.
RealTek UNDI is for Wake on LAN or Boot on LAN, this also has nothing to do with LAN functionality and if you do not use those features you can disable this in the BIOS/

If you cannot use Ethernet, then you need to put correct LAN MAC ID into chip that contains FD/ME/GbE region
This ID is usually on a sticker on the board, may be ON the metal LAN block, look on top. sides, bottom. Or may be on a sticker on the board, check side of 24 pin, top/bottom sides of PCIE slots, front and back of board.

If the BIOS does not contain GbE region, then you may need to program LAN MAC ID directly into the LAN chip FW via manufacturer tool for the LAN chip (whatever that is, no ID of LAN chip given, so can’t comment further)

What is the ID of the 4MB chip? Both dumps you made of this chip are corrupted, so if you have already erased or written to this chip then you will need to rebuild BIOS from stock files or use dump from internet + Stock files to make a valid BIOS.
2MB + 4MB files should be appended before working on them, and then split back to 2MB/4MB once done.

This BIOS does not have GbE region, so MAC ID is stored in the FW of the LAN chip itself. You’ll have to give me the chip ID and then I may be able to give you tool to write in the correct MAC ID once you find it.
If you cannot find the MAC ID on the board on a sticker, then you cannot use Ethernet on this system and will have to use PCI/PCIE or USB WIFI card.

If you have an image of the BIOS Main page before you did anything to BIOS, “sometimes” MAC ID is last last 6 bytes of UUID
It may be that ^^

You may just need a proper non-corrupted BIOS, written to chip properly (both chips), and then everything will work.
If your dumps of 4MB chip are corrupted, which they are, it’s very likely when you write to the chip it’s corrupting too, that may be the cause of the problems here.
Not all software/versions can read/write to all chips properly.

very many THANKS for your reply.

in this moment, pc start and boot correctly (on bios, serial and model appears, only MAC not appear, attach photo)
the problem is that Ethernet NOT appear on “device manager”, therefore lan not work
(sorry for photo quality, taken with a old phone, nokia 5800).

in the file named “with machine serial”, it contains serial number, and MAC adress.
i attach image of serial and mac adress, but i repeat, i found it on the bios image, that is the same on label.

info written on bios:

info labeled on notebook:

i remember when i try to rebuild ME region,
with FPT found HERE (Intel Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware & System Tools)
(using the correct ME version, found with ME Analyzer),
once builded, software create 2 files, a 4mb file(Empty, full of FF), and the build with ME.

the file obtained, flashed on dedicated ME chip, laptop only power, but no screen/boot.

if i try to load on FPT the 2 files, it open only the image with ME, the other not open.