Hello, can someone make me a modded bios with nvme support (incl. booting from it)?
I have a samsung 980 pro m2 SSD with a PCIE adapter card, which is not detected in the UEFI or in any OS.
When it is not difficult, can someone additional add other extras like All Core Turbo for non K CPUs (i have a xeon 1230v3) or update the other components?
Ive found modded firmwares for similar mainboards, maybe it helps to create a firmware for this board.
The latest released bios and since the version 1.40, for this motherboard model has already AMI NVMe support, including boot from it.
At least in an old OS running system, the NVMe has to be detected as standard storage disk or at least in HW device manager of windows.
UEFI bios detection is not always a must and some bios only present us the NVMe as a new entry in bios boot manger as available disks, after an OS installation on it…
When none is true, then the HW should be tested in another system, it may have some incompatibility from the adapter/NVMe disk or motherboard.