[Request] How to Access Locked/Hidden BIOS Menu Settings

Ok. Please just have a look at the list to ensure USER access in those settings is required for visibility.

Regarding NVMe, my understanding is that if a BIOS supports NVMe boot, nothing special is required to boot from NVMe disc. Just UEFI boot is required and SATA mode should not be set to RAID (it can be AHCI) and that’s it. What else is to be followed?

Please leave MEBx as it is and do not remove it.

As you can see in the first BIOS screen, it is 1.05.01. In CPU-Z, I will check and confirm.

Oh! Sorry about that!

Yes, BIOS is 05.01 only. It looks like just a cosmetic glitch.

See edits above, thanks! I don’t have time to open 4 BIOS, cross-compare and do that for 9 rounds of first BIOS edits vs new BIOS.
I am fine with editing as we go again, but trying to compare to the changes as we made them first time around, and then trying to see how that stacks up against images as you sent them is far too confusing and time consuming.

You’re understanding of NVME is not correct for all instance, that only applies with some new current BIOS, already enabled for NVME from manufacture. If you insert your own, you have to follow the guide - [Guide] How to get full NVMe support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS

Just surprised me on the images, I didn’t need high res images of BIOS settings

We will start over tonight with new BIOS, enable root menu access again and go from there. Much easier that way.

I see that in DMI tables! That’s messed up, wonder how that happened! Checking stock BIOS Now! Yes, it’s there in stock BIOS from manufacturer! I’ll fix for you

I have no problem with that, but I believe all that is not required. If you just look into the settings I mentioned in my list, I believe all will be taken care of. And besides my settings, you can perhaps also look into where USER access is forced in Boot Menu and its sub-Menus (I was not sure there and therefore, did not include the settings there in my list).

For me that’s more confusing, since you want this, don’t want that, think this should be hidden, this should not etc.
Best to enable root menus, then you cans see what all is not shown to you which is plenty, thus hidden and not due to “Compatibility” or safety etc. Sure there is some I enabled that might not apply, or might not need user set, but many will be hidden without that, no matter your hardware or if you think it applies or not, hidden anyway even if it does apply.

I’ll go ahead and do this, maybe it will cut down and not be as confusing as I thought. I will take last 314 BIOS edits open side by side with new BIOS x2, and put those into new latest and we can go from there.
Updated ME, disable High Precision Timer in hidden section only no change to default setup module’s hidden enabled option since it’s working in new BIOS/disabled as set, enable chipset menu, update microcodes, then set all settings to user per what we had in final 314 BIOS.

That way I think all you wanted further was C8-10 which you now say you don’t need. So maybe that will get us there quicker, and wont have so many forced USER settings applied.
Ohh yeah, set back to default any “Recovery” section changes since we couldn’t get that enabled anyway.

I had a look at the NVMe thread that you linked. After reading the opening post, I have this understanding that once you have added the NVMe module to the BIOS, the system will behave like a modern system and basically 4 things needed to be taken care of so as to boot from an NVMe disc (copying from that thread):

The desired OS should be Win10 (due to its native NVMe support).
The mainboard BIOS should offer the required UEFI boot settings.
It should be possible to get a modded BIOS successfully flashed into the system’s BIOS chip.
The on-board Intel SATA Controller should not been set to “RAID” mode within the BIOS.

That’s some of it, much more in BIOS settings and how disk reacts/looks is required knowledge (ie it will be PATA, not AHCI, wont be shown in boot menu etc). Lots of quirks to learn about, vs thinking it just works easy and would be obvious how to choose/enable/setup.
Sounds like maybe opening post hasn’t been updated with many user experiences, or only applies to that users experience etc. I am not sure, only going on what I see posted by users with issues relating to this every day.
It’s not as straight forward easy as you’re thinking, I think. But, like I said I’ve never used or setup, so I could be wrong and only “Some” users have issues?

I agree. I just wanted the NVMe module so as to have that possiblity at least. But there is no problem if you think there could be any issues or the modding process is cumbersome.

Whenever I order an NVMe drive, my priority anyway will be to order one which is natively bootable in Legacy Mode and has its own NVMe supporting Option ROM, like Samsung 950Pro, so that I don’t need to bother with UEFI installation.

Fair enough. Let’s go this way then. But still, have you had a chance to see my list? I have simply pinpointed the settings where access change may be required. I feel like we are 95% there and just 5% needs to be checked. So, redoing seems a bit unnecessary, but I have no problem if you prefer to do it the lengthy way.

Yes, I looked at your list, and your thoughts on what should be vs what is visible by default without USER set we’ve already went through on first BIOS so not really needed. There is no ACPI entry to expose, that’s why I’ve never exposed, would have liked to enable too I looked a few times about that one.
Performance tuning, CPU, almost all of those are empty for you unless I set to User, from past round experience. Chipset SA, I already know from past mod, most is hidden unless set to user (only skip external GFX, Primary display PEG/PCIE, Internal graphics)

See, this is what’s time consuming and confusing, I’m looking at your list, our discussions, past BIOS edit, BIOS images before and after, ect and then have to have two windows open on new BIOS to make changes. It’s all too much to do that way, too many things open and switching back n forth ect.
Your thoughts on the list vs what we already did, is why I thought it’s best to start over again, but I think going from 314 side by side will be not as bad as I thought. It’s much easier to enable all as I did, then pick and choose here and there, that will take forever, as you can see by this threads length and where we are now with me wanting to start over again.

But we can do it like I mentioned above, that wont take too long I think. You can do this on your end too if you wanted, other than enabling the chipset menu availability (And ME/microcode updates) nothing special is done regarding these settings.
You can take current BIOS as it is now, and all changes are made with AMIBCP, same on your end as I would do, other tricky stuff that’s edited outside of AMIBCP is done already and does not need redone each time… If you wanted to test thing your way one by one, per your list etc.
All you do is open two instances of AMIBPC, one with each 4MB/8MB BIOS, make same changes on each one, save as new file name and then flash.

I see what you are saying makes complete sense.

If a BIOS file after making changes with AMIBCP is successfully saved by AMIBCP, can there still be a risk of file/data corruption caused by AMIBCP?

Yes, it’s that easy really! The only things needed to be done outside of AMIBCP are already done, and wont be undone by futher editing in AMIBCP.
But, check final edit with EUFITool NE Alpha and make sure FIT tab shows up correctly (enabled, selectable) and that microcodes are shown in top area (more than one, and not blank entry fields - should show microcode revisions, dates locations etc)

Once you made one change with AMIBCP and it was OK for flashing, all other settings changes like that should be OK too, it’s usually only that first change./test where risk is unknown.
The only that that can happen, only sometimes, is the above mentioned about CPU microcodes and the FIT table. I can’t remember if I have to correct that every time or not, I don’t think so, but it’s possible and I’m just used to doing it so it’s not registering to me now.
You can check, open BIOS I sent, before you edit, with UEFITool NE Alpha and see the FIT tab on bottom, see how it looks etc. You can even leave it open like that while you edit BIOS, then open new BIOS in another instance after you edit and make sure it looks the same.
If it doesn’t, then FIT Table would need fixed again each time. I could do that for you if you wanted, but then we’d still be doing a “Here’s file, wait, here’s file back again” dance I’ll do quick change test here now, I don’t think it needs fixed every time, maybe only first time around.

Damn! Yes, that needs fixed each time too after AMIBCP change, sorry I forgot about that since I’m so used to doing it. That’s kind of involved, using several tools, with several (2-3) extract/insert/check/hex edit insert/check etc, I could show you if you want but you have to do many things it’s not point and click.
We could do this, since your original BIOS had broken FIT table by default, it should be OK. You get BIOS how you want it with AMIBCP, then send me your final BIOS files and I will fix the FIT tables for you, that should be fine to do!

Don’t forget to correct that DMI field BIOS version entry

All right. I have shared the files here.

Can you please do the final touching (FIT tables/microcode update etc.) so that I can flash them? I am eager to see if the results are as desired.

Did you test them, flashing and checking the settings all appear how you want in BIOS? If not, please do that now, and then only upload for me to finish once you are all set and everything is exactly how you wanted it to look in BIOS.
Yes, that is what I meant before, and now, it will be fine, broken FIT table is how the manufacturer sent BIOS to you so it will be OK to use until you are done testing your changes and have everything all set perfectly.

Then I will finalize BIOS for you.

I am almost done. I will share the files finalized on my end shortly.

I had one confusion about a BIOS Setting which is there in Boot Menu -> UEFI Setting and it is named "UEFI Setting". It has two options: "Windows 8" and "Others". I am not sure about the two options. Are there two kinds of UEFI modes, like for Windows 8/10 and maybe Windows 7?

OK, I will fix FIT table once you have it all how you want it!

That setting works like this Windows 8/10 (Same=UEFI) or other=legacy/CSM (Non-UEFI)

Ok, thanks!

I have shared my finalized files here.

I found that in order to expose all the settings (supported on the given hardware), just the hidden settings and Menus need to be exposed which are there in a Page’s root.

Out of curiosity, I wanted to know that if you were to expose the hidden settings/Menus in the root of a Page using some other method (other than AMIBCP), would you have to expose the settings individually or you would do something and all the supported ones would unhide automatically?

How can you know “depending on hardware” vs not visible at all to you or anyone/any hardware? That can only be verified with hardware switch out to confirm.
I get what you mean in general, but that only applies to some specific settings like the C-states appearing/disappearing with enable/disable, that is generally done with the options to appear/disappear set to “Supervisor”, which I know from editing BIOS for many years.

On your question, that all depends on the BIOS, original coding etc. I used method (x2) other than AMIBCP to enable chipset for you, Chipset can be set back to default in AMIBCP now I believe, but as we found most was blank until further enabling.

Yes, this time I only changed High Precision Timer in that hidden folder to disabled. Before I did that, and disabled via IFR/Hex edit on the setup module too, but I think I/we tested both methods separately and combined on that last round and it never worked, so I think they had bug in the other BIOS version.
We did not test both methods here, only the hidden one in AMIBCP. Other method alone may work as well, from my knowledge it would be the one that should supersede anything set by AMIBCP anyway, but we tested AMIBCP first this time because it’s the easier edit and I wanted to start there alone first this time.

So, you are 100% BIOS above is ready for FIT table correction? If yes, I will fix shortly!

I found some things by searching on the net regarding Haswell platform. But I agree with you.

I was asking that question in respect of 05.01 BIOS.

It is final but let me see the answers to the above questions as well.

ON User/Supervisor, it all depends on the general coding of the BIOS by the OEM. In general yes, that is often how many OEM set those type of settings, but some have it coded to act that way with all set to default per AMIBCP

It all differs in this BIOS, per what’s available when you enable a root folder, many/most settings may be hidden still, as you seen in the first round of 314 editing.
During those tests, I specifically only enabled the root menu at first, then each subsequent sub-menu, and there was still many settings hidden from you until further enabling by setting User.
That’s why I said not all is hidden just because it may or may not apply to your hardware, many settings are still hidden until set to user no matter the hardware