Specific BIOS modding problems with an ASUS ROG G751-JY notebook

Yes, if you have a dump or backup from before all this, best to check that. Search via hex using UEFITool Search
Or give me your MAC ID and a copy of any previous backup before you did any of these AFU /GAN flashes.

Connect a Ethernet cable to your router and test, if it works then it’s in the BIOS (maybe not in the BIOS region though) IPConfig /All from CMD Prompt will give you the LAN MAC ID too
If you see FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF or 00:00:00:00:00:00 or 88:88:88:88:87:88 then it’s invalid (later is GbE placeholder - this we’ve not touched with any tools). You can dump this via FPT too, to confirm if your MAC ID is in there, it will be at first 6 bytes in hex >> FPTw.exe -gbe -d gbe.bin


Ok my result : can find ethernet mac address in my original backup (AFUDOS). Nothing in the modded bios you done and same for the backup I did after flash your mod.

Great! So, is your AFU backup 6MB or 8MB? If 8MB, send me a copy so I can see where LAN is kept on this model. You can edit your info out if you want, just tell me exactly what you replace it with so I can find

Thanks! Yes, nothing in what I sent you would have LAN or UUID or serial, all was from stock since you were flashing with AFU.

Backup only required for FPT flashing, since it will write in exactly what you give it, in full, so you cannot write stock with FPT or you loose many important details.
That’s why when you see me mention FPT at first, I say to make a backup and send to me for editing.

I found on Amazon: MYAMIA Eeprom Bios Usb Programmer Ch341A + Soic8 Clip
Is this what I need ?

Yes sir! Thank you!
Later, I’ll read the guide several times, maybe I’ll be able to disable the locks… and flash with FPT.

@EthanWalker - you’ll be all sorted out once you reflash with AFU in the way I mentioned. And yes, later if you want to learn, it’s best to flash FPT method if you can sort it all out, I can help with any questions you have.
Once you disable those locks, I can edit them disabled into a base BIOS for you, or mod BIOS etc. Then you never have to disable them again, unless you ever reflash a stock BIOS, then they’ll get relocked.

That kit at amazon more than covers what you need and then some, has lots more than what you need, but if it’s the best kit in your eyes it’s fine and will cover any and all future boards you may get (and any older ones too)
These two things are mainly what you need, unless your BIOS chip is 1.8V then you also need that adapter that’s included (with other lever on it) in the kit you linked

Yes, I would like to flash with FPT later, I would do this right now but cannot because of locks, there are some unclear steps with the IFR Extractor and VarOffset/VarName.
I’m going to get deeper into reading a bit later, after finishing here some heavy renderings.

I chose that kit because of the Fast Delivery (1-2 days) If it is good for me, I will order it asap.

You don’t need to use IFR extractor and VarOffset/VarName, since I already gave you the variables. However, if you want me to clarify anything on using those for you please let me know which parts you need further clarification on and I can help.
You can start guide at step 6, I already did 1-5 for you

OK, then yes, that kit covers all things BIOS, except they’ve left out a U Type Flat IC Chip extractor for socketed BIOS (mainly some desktop motherboards) = $1 on ebay, order from China and forget, then it’ll arrive in a month or so and you’ll have any BIOS covered 100%

I will start with a noob list of questions before starting using FPT.

1. If I got it right: I need to flash a BIOS region I dumped with FPT… and this is the biosreg.bin attached to the post #1, right ?
2. You said that I need to disable those 2 locks, SMI Lock>>> 0xA2; BIOS Lock >> 0xA3
so, what should I type in grub’s prompt ?
setup_var 0xA2 0x00
then setup_var 0xA3 0x00
3. I did not understand in what order I must do the following steps:

Thank you!


Original bios size is 6146ko and AFUDOS backup is 6144ko (just the capsule removed I think). I changed the MAC address with Hex Editor Neo since it’s sensitive data.

The MAC address in the file is 4D-54-3C-1F-DE-FD


@EthanWalker - You’re welcome!

1. Yes, never flash stock BIOS with FPT, especially Asus BIOS as it’s in a capsule too (so wrong size). But in general this will cause you to loose all NVRAM volumes, all board specifics like UUID and serial, and often LAN MAC ID too if full BIOS flash is done.
And yes, if your initial FPT backup should be used as a source file for any FPT reflash. If you want a mod BIOS, it should be made from that file, if you are flashing with FPT. To further add here, whenever it’s possible to use FPT vs AFU, this is easier and safer (in my opinion)

2. Yes - type each command one line at a time, enter after first, then onto second one. Also, do not use capitol letters in Setup or Var, I know you didn’t above, but just mention in general as this will cause error.
setup_var 0xA2 0x0
setup_var 0xA3 0x0

3. In both instances you mention above, either way BIOS Lock and SMI lock have to be disabled before you can flash.
You can fix this with AFU, or FPT f you want, now that we know /N /GAN will correct the issues brought up in this case. But yes, for sanity and safety I would suggest you first unlock the locks, then reflash the stock FPT BIOS region dump again (Either untouched, or edited to disable this locks first)
If you reflash stock FPT dumped BIOS region as-is, you will need to again redo the unlocks before you flash follow that up with the mod BIOS flash. And on that note, you need to let me make you a new BIOS mod with your FPT BIOS dump as the source if this is your intention.
I can make you two if you want, one with only the two locks unlocked, and another with mod + both locks unlocked. Or I can remake you a single mod BIOS, and that can be used after your initial stock FPT BIOS region reflash, but after that and before you can flash in this mod BIOS you will need to unlock the locks again

I will redo your mod BIOS now, using your FPT Backup as source. If you are here reading this now and you don’t see a link, please wait/refresh and I will edit link into this thread once I’m done.
Additionally, if you are reading this soon after I post it, it will take me some time (not minutes), so the wait may be an hour or more as I will have to redo BIOS mod from scratch since pre-edited BIOS (Stock I made for Svan) will not be used.

@Svan - yes, stock BIOS is in 2kb capsule. Thanks for your dump, I will check it so I can see where all the board specifics are kept in this BIOS.
Please PM me your original MAC ID if you don’t mind, thanks. Just so I can confirm it’s not also in another area you missed and didn’t change Never mind, I confirmed with EthanWalkers dump that MAC ID is only in the second padding file, along with UUID, DTS key, Serial, board ID etc

** Edit - @EthanWalker - Here is new mod BIOS, built using your original FPT backup as source

Flash using this command >> FPTw.exe -bios -f EthanWalker2.bin
** Please change extension .213 to .bin before flashing, sorry I forgot and FPT may error out if trying to flash as named.

@Fernando - In case you’re curious on this particular mod we’ve been discussing past few days, here is image example of my work folder, showing this took 11 interim BIOS builds to get all changes done properly without affecting padding files (add/remove etc + Fix FIT)
It was actually more than this too, maybe 6-8+ others I deleted as I sorted out which way to do what first (again). Also, a further few between these shown edits where removed as well, due to testing different edit moves or change orders that failed, so also deleted.

This is final count and required steps/process or BIOS broken if done in other moves/edits/order. I tried to name the files as edits done, so you can maybe see how the process was done USBS = AsusUSBS module near end of main volume, LAN = LANDriver near end of volume


Here is final edit compared to stock


And here is change log
3. NVME + M.2 Mod Insert
4. All microcodes removed in main volume except updated 40661 << This cut down may not be required either, if further juggling and re-edit/check/re-edit/remove/add/check etc figured out a way around it, but I spent long time trying to get around it first time around, possibly not long enough though
5. All original microcodes remain in secondary (last) volume >> updated
6. BIOS Lock + SMI Lock Disabled

MMTool could not be used at all, as we’ve discussed, it adds a padding file no matter what you do, however since we’ve been discussing and I keep redoing these, I actually have not tested if it still happens if using my special method of removing a few key modules and changing main ucode volume count.
Since UEFITool does similar too, I assume MMTool may also be able to be used in similar way, but only by doing the mod as I’ve used EFITool 25 here, creating all these interim builds as you recompile and check everything each move to ensure no added padding file


Flashbacked to (FPT)backup I made before flashing.
biosreg2.bin = backup = currentbkup.bin from post #24
but still afraid to restart

In your first FPT image, with the data mismatch, what BIOS is that one? I’ve only seen similar issues when someone used AFU previously, so it’s something AFU messed up, nothing we can do.
You can reboot now, since you flashed back in your backup. Then fix keyboard LAN etc by using the first mod I sent you and AFU /N /GAN.

Once you programmer arrives you can put on clean BIOS properly, then after that you should be able to FPT flash without these issues.

@Lost_N_BIOS I don’t know, I did everything as you said. Disabled the locks, Flashed the biosreg.bin with FPT. Maybe I should try again or maybe that bin is corrupted ?
My LAN works, the keyboard doesn’t.

The programmer arrives today, so I don’t know if there is any point in flashing with AFU. But if it is needed, I can do it.

Received the programmer.

Something I don’t understand if you go to Asus forums you can find a guide how to insert NVMe Pcie module and the guy is using only AFUWINGUI 3.07.01 to backup and flash (for flash he select main bios in setup tab)

ROG G751-JY BIOS 211 NVMe Upgrade Guide Step by Step


Great picture do you know wich bios chip model is inside your laptop ?

I’ll find out later. As I said, I’m not good at modding, programming etc.

@EthanWalker - It’s as I mentioned, you used AFU previously, which messes stuff up for this.

To fix your KB do the AFU flash as mentioned >> AFU filename /N /GAN

If you want to fix with programmer now, reflash stock BIOS using stock method (from within BIOS if this system has EZ Flash)

Then dump the BIOS with programmer and send to me.

Here is software and guide for the programmer

[GUIDE] Flash BIOS with CH341A programmer
https://www.bios-mods.com/forum/Thread-G…341A-programmer << Same as one directly above, but with all images expanded/visible at once

@Svan - yes, that may be possible way to properly flash mod BIOS in this system using AFU without using /GAN
Only you can find out. I didn’t lead you guys into /GAN flashing, and personally always suggest against AFU unless it’s the only way or already being used etc.
BIOS region is all we edit for BIOS mod, in this instance (aside from the NVRAM issues pre-introduced by you guys flashing with /GAN) NVRAM is within the BIOS region, but the way AFU is setup it doesn’t flash them when you select BIOS region, additional checks must be set to flash NVRAM. Of which I am unsure for the GUI version, you’d have to look, but /N or /K or K* (*=numbers) are the switches for such in CMD line or DOS


I tried flashing the modded bios with afudos modbios.* /P and then backup again to check everything (/P = Program main bios image)

1) The MAC address is in the file in hex mod (hardware working in windows)
2) Backlight keyboard is working.
3) EFI + OROM IRST are updated in UBU
4) PCIe NVMe is present in UBU
5) The MC code is updated in HWINFO, only got this difference in UBU :

Earilier flashed with /GAN :

New one flashed with /P :

Wich tools did you use to see MAC, UUID, DTS key, Serial, board ID ? (I tried FD44 editor but seems not working with laptop bios).
If I can find in hex the MAC adress on the new backup that mean all those data are there too in the same part of the bios ?

I understand it’s a hard work on this bios. Since I found a good way to flash can you do again the mod without touching original Microcodes ? Only EFI + OROM IRST and NvmExpressDxe_4.

If you think that is mandatory to do the mod on the original AFUDOS backup. Tell me, I will send you a private message with a link.

Thanx in advance.

I got it, that’s why I decided to go with FPT and Programmer. I trust you. (heart emoji + beer + beer + beer + beer)

I downloaded the stock Bios from
Asus Support

Step 1: Tried to flash it within Bios (Easy Flash)
Status: FAILED
Reason: Build date is too old !

Step 2: Flashing with Asus WinFlash tool.
Status: FAILED
Reason: The Bios file is older than the current Bios version.

Step 3: Flashing using WinFlash + Command Prompt.
Details: *Opened CMD + Administrator Privileges; Command 1: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\WinFlash; Command 2: Winflash /nodate
Selected the desired Bios, then Update/Flash.
Auto Reboot.
Easy Flash started.
Erasing…100% Programming…100% Verifying… 100%
Status: Completed BUT I don’t know. Not sure if it was flashed/downgraded correctly.

What’s new:
*The keyboard’s LEDs still not working.
*Touchpad ‘‘Scroll’’ doesn’t work. (cannot scroll pages)

I wanted to skip this step and go to ‘‘dumping’’ Bios with the programmer but then I decided to wait for your instructions.
Reason: If I got it right: Re-flashing stock BIOS should have brought the keyboard to life.
It didn’t, so this means that Something went wrong… Right ?

@Svan that is normal if using AFU and not using all the proper switches for what you want flashed, with AFU You must be specific (unlike FPT - with FPT region = entire region byte for byte)

To program BIOS with AFU and not using /GAN >> AFU /P /B /N /K

/B = BootBlock - This often contains the uCodes in AMI BIOS, but not always
/K - Non-Critical blocks (K* where * =number) - This like NVRAM sort of, sometimes the keyboard backlight control can be in NVRAM or K2 - Sometimes this may need removed from above command line, if it gives you error

You can see MAC, UUID Serial etc with UEFITool NE (right click module, view as hex) or if it’s not in a compressed module you can view entire BIOS via hex and find it.
All depends on where it’s located. In this instance it’s in a non-compressed padding file module, so you can view either way directly.
It’s all in that same block/area as MAC, so you’re looking right at all the info when you see the MAC.

Why would you want old microcodes? Yes, I can do, but it’s a huge pain for this BIOS, I’ll probably have to rebuild 20+ BIOS again and may not find the correct way to do it safely, remember the space is limited and you added larger files already and I removed microcodes to accomodate.
If this way easy to mod BIOS = no problem, could do in one quick edit.

No, I do not think, nor suggest AFU used at all here, so I’d never suggest anything AFU is mandatory. I’m unsure what you mean by that.

@EthanWalker - I hate when Asus does that! Looks like you walked around it properly though, so beer your way too
However, I am not 100% certain WinFlash flashes all things properly either. Since BIOS is messed up by AFU already, EZ Flash may not have either (Since it leaves your NVRAM in place and other things)

You can dump BIOS any time you want with your programmer, just be sure to uncheck Erase/blank in the “Auto” Function before you connect to the chip.
This only needs done once on each version, then it will be like that from default. This way nothing gets erased until you mean to erase it.

Reflashing stock BIOS doesn’t help anything, in regards to your NVRAM. This was broken by AFU, so first needs fixed by AUF (AFU /N /GAN)
Then all will be fixed, at least in regards to your keyboard. This does not mean all is fixed in regards to BIOS, that would only be fixed by EZ Flash, whatever AFU is messing up I think.
Fix your stuff with AFU /N /GAN and then dump the BIOS with programmer

After this, I have no idea what your goal with all this process is anymore, so you’ll need to explain and then wait more.
This applies to your both in a way All this unnecessary flashing is unnecessary I know you had to fix stuff once initial /GAN messed it up, but redoing with /N /GAN fixes this, so after that I am confused why anything further is being attempted.
I know you wanted to play with your programmer EthanWalker, and I know we discussed trying to fix what AFU messed up via EZ Flash, but that didn’t work and you carried on with yet another non-ideal flash method too.
Best thing to do for now is fix it via AFU, get backup with your programmer and let me check for you to confirm it’s OK backup so you know what version software works good and you learn how to use etc.
Then since EZ flash doesn’t work, either wait for next BIOS or we can change dates I suppose (more unnecessary editing for no real reason)


Ok don’t do nothing if it’s too complicate. Now I understand how you got the space required for the PCIe NVMe. So the big question where are the microcodes in the bios ?
I will try /B and /K since I restored NVRAM already and flashed main bios image.

(For AFU i was just talking about the backup instead of the downloaded original bios from ASUS to mod it. But it’s not important now )


Update : ok fixed that was /B (microcodes are in boot block) ---- /K worked but got bugs in bios settings (restore defaults settings doing nothing and missng options in menus). Restored from original backup.

To resume flash modded bios (modded from original bios from ASUS) : AFUDOS modbios.bin /P /B

P = Program Main bios image (For all main modifications in bios mod)
B = Program Boot block (For Microcodes updates in bios mod)

This file is only for G751JY with CPU I7-4710HQ !!!