[TOOL] H20EZE - Insyde "Easy BIOS Editor"

I intend to share this useful tool which has low publicity so far. It’s a tool made by Insyde, citing from their pages:

H2OEZE™: Easy BIOS Editor that helps edit binaries in the BIOS, including Option ROMs, driver binaries, logos, and Setup values.

"The H2OEZE program is designed to provide interfacing functions that allow users to replace the content of BIOS or to modify the initial value in the BIOS. To perform these interface options, users must first load an FD file."

NOTE: Download attached as file to this topic.
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Edits .fd ROM files

This tool allows you to conveniently replace and export;
- OpROM (including VGABIOS’es)
- Any module of choice (by GUID)
- Setup menu settings (CSV, example output: https://pastebin.com/ns9DjwQt

Module operations:
- Replace module
- Insert new module
- Delete existing module
- Export a module

OpRom operations:
- Replace OpROM
- Export OpROM

Other operations:
- Change BIOS version number
- Change product name
- Replace FV
- Setup Menu: update defaults, update strings
- Factory copy merge
- Generate logo FFS (EDK, EDK2)
- Replace logo

Microcode operations:
- Delete, append, add, replace, load, FlashMap (details), view header, details and content

Image of microcode tab:

Full documentation is included within the application’s GUI interface: Help menu at top > H20Eze Help.
Sample documentation (part about command line usage & syntax):

Command Line Interface
The H2OEZE application supports both GUI and Command Line. You can automate it with batch scripts or from other programs. All commands and parameters are specified with -command:parameter. You MUST use double quotes to encapsulate the parameter text with spaces.

Refer to the following table to get all the available commands and the following sections to know what these commands are for.
NOTE: application help table contains more detailed information about each command below. These are just summarised descriptions.


Specify the input bios image to do logo replacement

Replace a module

Insert a module

Delete a module

Replace firmware volume

Specify the input bios image to do Option ROM replacement

Merge the Factory Copy data

Generate a logo module

Insert a logo module

Specify the input bios image to do bios version replacement

Specify the logo file path

Specify the index of to-be-replaced target logo

Specify whether to keep original image’s dimension or to use new image’s dimension

Specify the firmware volume file path

Specify the module (DXE/ORG/PEI) file path

Specify the Option ROM file path

Specify the index of to-be-replaced target Option ROM

Specify the new bios version

Specify the GUID

Specify the Factory Copy file path

Specify the number of firmware volume (zero-based)

Specify the bios image’s output file path

Specify the EDK type or version

Specify the delay time after completely running the commands


-delmodule:Image1.fd -guid:35B898CA-B6A9-49CE-8C72-904735CC49B7 -out:DelImage1.fd

-repoprom:PD3X64.fd -oprompath:TS36461.020 -opromindex:1

-repfv:Image2.fd -fvpath:FVRECOVERY.fv -fvnum:2 -out:RepFvImage2.fd

Error Return Code

After a command is called, the following return code is available.

Return Code

Function completed successfully

Load BIOS image failed

Replace module failed

Insert module failed

Delete module failed

Replace Micro code failed

Append Micro code failed

Delete Micro code failed

Replace logo failed

Replace Fv failed

Replace OpROM failed

Generate logo ffs file failed

Merge factory copy failed

Merge variable store and factory copy region failed

Save bios image failed

Replace bios version failed

*Note: version is absolutely the latest available revision. I’m currently trying to get hold of an update from Insyde; if they provide me with one, I’ll add it.


Insyde H2OEZE Release Note

Release Version 08-20-2015 (Kernel version required: 03.62.10, 03.72.10, 05.02.10 and later)
1. Support searching a compressed FFS in a FV which has multi-FFS.

Release Version 05-06-2015 (Kernel version required: 03.62.10, 03.72.10, 05.02.10 and later)
1. Searching whole FFS to find the compressed section.
2. Add the missed feature “BIOS product name replacement” that version provide.
3. Fix the padding is changed from 0x00 to 0xfe after modifying BIOS version and product name.

Release Version 02-11-2015 (Kernel version required: 03.62.10, 03.72.10, 05.02.10 and later)
1. Added the support of Tiano decompress
2. Remove SetupEditor from File menu
3. Change the copyright from 2014 to 2015

Release Version 06-27-2014 (Kernel version required: 03.62.10, 03.72.10, 05.02.10 and later)
1. Added bios product name replacement

Release Version 02-24-2014 (Kernel version required: 03.62.10, 03.72.10, 05.02.10 and later)
1. Fixed issue that data may overflow when searching & verifying some kind of information

Release Version 02-10-2014 (Kernel version required: 03.62.10, 03.72.10, 05.02.10 and later)
1. Added VBT file format support for module replacement

Release Version 01-21-2014 (Kernel version required: 03.62.10, 03.72.10, 05.02.10 and later)
1. Fixed ffs last section alignment issue - last section size must be its actual size instead of aligned size
2. Fixed replacing logo doesn’t work issue
3. Fixed ffs section alignment issue
4. Changed firmware image type search to walk through all firmware volumes till match found
5. Fixed issue 0028006:[EZH2O Win] The function of close can not clear the main screen for "Setup Utility Default"
6. Update firmware volume checksum after data changed
7. Enlarge firmware volume size if size isn’t enough when replacing module with larger one

Release Version 11-06-2013 (Kernel version required: 03.62.10, 03.72.10, 05.02.10 and later)
1. Change product name from EzH2O to H2OEZE

Release Version (SEG) 04-22-2013 (Kernel version required: 03.62.10, 03.72.10, 05.02.10 and later)
1. Merged two plugin functions into single one

Release Version (SEG) 04-18-2013 (Kernel version required: 03.62.10, 03.72.10, 05.02.10 and later)
1. Merged changes of EzH2O version
2. Added new plugin dll to support security related features
3. Added preview user selected image file for logo replacement function
4. Added replace bios version function

Release Version (SEG) 02-06-2013 (Kernel version required: 03.62.10, 03.72.10, 05.02.10 and later)
1. Merged changes of EzH2O version
2. Added support functions of setup variable edit utility
3. Change version to start from

Release Version 12-13-2012 (Kernel version required: 03.62.10, 03.72.10, 05.02.10 and later)
1. Add sorting feature to StringUpdate dialog

1. Added support the plugin feature
2. Added support -genlogoffs to generate logo ffs module
3. Added support -inslogo to insert a logo module
4. Added support to load CapsuleImage bin file, FlashPacker exe file (IsEzH2OPlugin.dll is required)
5. Added support to .EFI format for module replace function

1. ITS#19083: SCU “boot” item cannot work after the default value modified by EzH2O
2. Failed to load BayTrail fd image

Release Version 04-17-2012
1. Update the string words
2. Display VID and DID in the guid list in OpROM Replace dialog

1. ITS#18386: can’t replace FV00
2. ITS#18387: can’t modify default settings of SCU

Release Version 03-22-2012
1. Add SCU String Update function (Support Kernel version Rev3.5B: 03.62.10, Rev3.7: 03.72.10, Rev5.0: 05.02.10)
2. Add Factory Copy Merge function (Support Kernel version 03.72.08 and later)
3. Support EDK2

Release Version 01-04-2012
1. Fix: Fix incorrect processing about Hii2.1 opcode=numeric.
2. Fix: Copy setup.css to temp folder.
3. Add new feature: Support expoorting Setup Menu Settings to CSV file.
4. Add new feature: export module and export oprom
5. Fix issue #16650: The EzH2O Ver2.1.0.19 always hang during load the FD file
6. Add new feature: logo image - support TGA format

Release Version 07-11-2011
1. Show a console windonw when running in command-line mode
2. Fix issue #12976: OpROM can’t be updated when there are two main firmware volume existing
3. BugFix: To replace a PEI module of bigger or smaller size will fail
4. Update the display format of “FD Information” dialog

Release Version 11-26-2010
1. Add new feature: command line support
2. Fix issue #11191: Delete and Add Microcode function are not working
3. Fix issue #11218: replace Fv02 with log enabled will result in tool crash
4. Fix issue #11217: it’s failed to insert USBKB module into Fv02
5. Fix issue #11223: it can’t show the modified logo by replacing a module generated from "generate logo ffs"
6. Fix issue #11216: progress bar not showing correctly when inserting module
7. Fix issue #11219: progress bar not showing correctly when replacing fv
8. Fix issue #11215: progress bar not showing correctly when replacing module
9. Fix issue #11214: progress bar not showing correctly when loading file

Release Version 11-3-2010
1. Add new feature to update SCU default settings in ROM
2. Update setup menu parsing policy (bios version 03.60.44 later for Hii0.9 and 03.70.44 later for Hii2.1)
3. Fix issue: “insert module” doesn’t work correctly
4. Fix issue: replace the same module, but get a different bios image
5. Update Help file

Release Version 8-27-2010
1. Fix issue #9976: can’t replace module
2. Fix issue that showing setup menu causes fail
3. Fix issue #9976: add functions to support PEI module replacement
4. Add features #10318: support Hii 2.1
5. Fix issue: can’t insert PEI module
6. Fix issue: can’t delete DXE/PEI module again after deleting and then inserting
7. Add checking mechanism to check if the insertion module is already existing

Release Version 2-23-2010
1.Fix issue that setup utility configuration of EzH2O is unsuccessfully on Kernel version 3.59.44.(3.59.43 is successfully)
Release Version 10-15-2009
1.Added that tool can add one of microcode files, and parse each microcode header.

Release Version 07-14-2009
1.Fix issue that FV(not FVMAIN) can’t replace moudle by bin file.

Release Version 06-29-2009
1.Updated the user direction of new function in HELP menu.

Release Version 04-10-2009
1.Added that generate logo .ffs file function.
2.Updated the “Module_GUID_2_Name.ini” user direction in HELP menu.
3.Added the “Attributed” to do the FV replace judgment.
4.Enabled the replace Microcode item and updated for 3.5B.(must update kernel version 03.59.16)
5.Enabled the Setup Menu item and modified for UEFIx64.(must update kernel version 03.59.16)
6.Added that display compiler version at Fd information.(must update kernel version 03.59.16)
7.Added that Log function to record execution.

Release Version 02-24-2009
1.Fixed issue #2984: EZTool not working after changing NO to FV_IN_SPARE_SUPPORT.
2.Disable the DMIStructure function.

Release Version 12-29-2008
1.Fix issue that change LOGO and save FD file,then reopen it fail.
2.Fix issue that loading LOGO image is failed , reopen change LOGO function will show wrong LOGO image.
3.Fix issue that file that has OEMDS uses change EC module cause OEMDS be replaced by ‘0xFF’.
4.Fix issue that module cause hang when user use the replace function.
5.Fix issue that the password of FV file become the GUID on Delete function.

Release Version 11-18-2008
1. Add InsydeBIOS check function.

Release Version 11-10-2008
1.Fixed Insert module function failed issue.

Release Version
1.Fix using EZH2O open BIOS 1.5M *.fd file or some 1M *.fd file but it hang on open file.
2.Fix EzH2O help file that in [Modify a logo] page have show some “?” characters.
3.Fix the DmiStructure must entry “enter” key for modify strings.
4.Fix the EzH2O’s main process bar not right when patch DmiStructure.
5.Fix show user want save file after finishing save as file
6.Add checkbox in DMIStructure utility.
7.Add EC¡BPXE and External VGA utilities.
8.NEW Feature:Enhancement of EZH2O to show GUID and module name in [Delete Existing Module] function.

Release Files:EzH2O.exe¡BEzH2O.ini¡BOEMDS.ini¡BModule_GUID_2_Name.ini¡BLzmaDll.dll and EZH2O-HELP.CHM

H20EZE_x86_WIN_100.00.02.13.zip (3.96 MB)


All, well many versions, and other leaked Intel Insyde tools here (Intel themselves put out these packages, so it’s OK to share) - https://github.com/mikebdp2/Insider_BIOS_Tools
Go to “Releases” tab for V1.1 package of all tools

ah, I see… it wasn’t on the win-raid forums yet, now it is though ; )

It may be linked around here somewhere, not sure, but you gave them their own thread now
You can add all the tools and their descriptions/usage ect to your first post if you want, make this an Intel/Insyde BIOS tool thread?

i advise to use *.bin image , with *.fd image you running out of options.

Repository unavailable due to DMCA takedown.

@SODA - I saw that too, funny it’s been up for a year or more that I know of, and originally approved by Intel too since it was all very old and all very publically posted already! Post a link here to help others and down it goes

Sony VPCZ1 Insyde efi BIOS had used it to update the CPU Microcode.

1. first, Use the Universal BIOS Backup ToolKit 2.0 to backup the Insyde BIOS. I had use Flash1t.exe to backup the BIOS, but H2OEZE can not get correct MC data.
2. Use Hwinfo to know your CPU ID, mine is 00020655, also you can see the CPU version
3. Goto https://github.com/platomav/CPUMicrocodes, get the MC updates.
(Intel, AMD & VIA CPU Microcode Repositories Discussion)
4. use H2Oeze load the BIOS, then delete the old MC, add the new MC.

Latest Ver. i found :slight_smile:


but when i open some of .fd files program close instantly and some fd works fine .

Nice, thanks AGmR!

Works with Lenovo 330s :slight_smile:

good morning, I’m trying to rename the motherboard serial, I have a g50-80 lenovo.
is it possible to rename it with this tool? where do i find the id file? Thank you

@gerard91 - This tool is not used for that. You will need to dump the BIOS, and then give me the current serial and what you want it changed to.

If this is Intel system you can use FPT - Check BIOS main page and see if ME FW version is shown, if not then download HWINFO64 and on the large window on left side, expand motherboard and find ME area, inside that get the ME Firmware version.
Once you have that, go to this thread and in the section “C” download the matching ME System Tools Package (ie if ME FW version = 10.x get V10 package, if 9.0-9.1 get V9.1 package, if 9.5 or above get V9.5 package etc)
Intel Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware & System Tools

Once downloaded, inside you will find Flash Programming Tool folder, and inside that a Windows or Win/Win32 folder. Select that Win folder, hold shift and press right click, choose open command window here (Not power shell).
At the command prompt type the following command and send me the created file to modify >> FPTw.exe -bios -d biosreg.bin

Right after you do that, try to write back the BIOS Region dump and see if you get any error, if you do show me image of the command entered and the error given >> FPTw.exe -bios -f biosreg.bin

If you are stuck on Win10 and cannot easily get command prompt, and method I mentioned above does not work for you, here is some links that should help
Or, copy all contents from the Flash Programming Tool \ DOS folder to the root of a USB Bootable disk and do the dump from DOS (FPT.exe -bios -d biosreg.bin)

In the end, it may not be possible to write back modified BIOS, without flash programmer (CH341A) + SOIC8 test clip cable, these are cheap so best to order now, wait for delivery, and then just do it the easy way.

You need the Lenovo Variable Tool (Lvar64). Once you have it, you can change them like that:

  • Serial Number

    Lvar64 /w /sn /c "1234567890123"
    (13 Digits)
  • Lenovo Serial Number

    Lvar64 /w /ln /c "XXXXXXXX"
    (8 Digits and Uppercase Letters: 0-9, A-Z)

@Outsyde - thanks, I didn’t know there was easy tool method!
@gerard91 - here is Lenovo Variable Tools I could find (includes emuefi which can set serial/PN - see/edit batch files + LvarDOS/Win32-64/EFI)

hi, I downloaded the tool, but I can’t get the software to start in windows 10, can someone show me how to use the tool? thanks
sorry guys… :frowning:

Hi, I downloaded version but every time I try to apply the patch after choosing my own logo the app crashes. Is anyone having the same experience?

I have a same question.

@skunxoi @andy7y - That means not compatible with the BIOS you are using, use another version instead.
It could also mean you did something wrong, bad edit etc. I’ve never seen it able to open a BIOS that wouldn’t also edit/save though, so hard to say what’s actually going on there.
Both of you, upload the BIOS you are trying and I will see what version if any is compatible.

Hi, when loading my bios i’m getting an error saying Duplicated Guid xxx xxx xx Location FV0 how do I solve this?

Hi! This repository is currently disabled due to a DMCA takedown notice. Where can I find these this software? :slight_smile: