[TOOL] H20EZE - Insyde "Easy BIOS Editor"

here is the full Insyde bios of this machine dumped through UVE
http://ge.tt/1jhqsg63 (Tinyupload looks like dead again)
and here is the stock bios image of this machine

been used IFR extract by following your guide and uploaded as IFR.txt, this is the only section I found enable disable secureboot variable values.
see the capture.png attachment, I think change the value 01 to 00 in UVE and reflash will solve the problem but before I going to do that, I need your opinion about this.

Another thing I don’t know which values(current lowdown something?) need to change to what, where modded bios image can be flashed without secureflash checksome errors.
see the capture1.png attachment, in “SecureFlashInfo” variable I don’t know what those values support to mean!

For SCEWin I will talk about it later when I get back to AMI bios pcs.



@superb123 - I do not need any of the above dumps? And no, you do not edit setup to change any variable, IFR is only used for informational purposes to find the correct thing to edit in NVRAM/VSS,
And setup edit would only be needed if you were doing a BIOS mod and wanted to change the general value there (this is not current/applied value)
SecureFlash, sorry, I can’t help you there, generally this is gone around in other ways (not BIOS mod) You are doing many things not needed here, and I don’t know what you’re goal is with all this stuff not related to what we’ve been discussing?
I’ve tried to explain the ways to change Secure Boot for you, but you are not hearing what I suggest. So not sure what else to say, other than be careful, you’re about to brick something.

And, now you’re back on Insyde BIOS again!??!!?? Please don’t be so confusing!!
Please make two separate new threads that you need help with, one for the AMI BIOS board and include all it’s info (brand, stock BIOS link, etc) and another one for the Insyde BIOS board
Trying to help you like this is a mess, especially when one reply is AMI and the next is Insyde!!

Again, did you test the BIOS I sent you for testing, about the debug menu unlock, linked at post #58

Ahh! Sorry, see, this is so confusing! The BIOS at post #58 is not even for you

@windows8rtmuser - Some BIOS for you to test on #58, sorry I didn’t tag you before, I was LOST

yes! it really little confusing, ok here I clarifying it
ok this is the bios what I need to mode something (setup options) about Dell G5 SE 5505, see my post #45
every time I flashing it with moded bios image(used InsydeH2OFFT) it gets reboot and showing secure flash error(But platform.ini not using inside build one, it using a platform.ini what I edited and I am sure about that)
I don’t know if that InsydeH2OFFT flasher can flash any images(moded or original) without reboot and without security check by change some setting in platform.ini .
My goal is how to bypass security check after reboot or flash it without reboot using InsydeH2OFFT(because it is AMD not intel, so fpt flash not possible).
Thats why I moving to NVRAM variable change method, if any variable changes can bypass that security check and able to flash moded images or any other methods out there.

see my post #61 and look at capture1.png, if that “secureflashinfo” NVRAM variable changes can bypass security check before flashing. forget the secureboot enable disable things, it can’t bypass security check if it in enable or disable mod.

Yes i need to open another thread about AMI and SCEWin things because it really going in confuse by discussing about it here.

@superb123 - Clarifying here does not help! This is Insyde thread, so only discuss Insyde BIOS here, problem solved
For Dell 5505/Insyde, yes, you cannot flash mod BIOS via stock method when BIOS is flashed after reboot. No changes you make in platform.ini will change that.
You can only make the direct changes you want via modifying NVRAM, or dump the BIOS with programmer and then reflash it. Or you may be able to dump with flashrom and then flash back.
If “SecureFlashinfo” variable can allow you to flash mod BIOS after reboot, then change that in NVRAM via H20UVE vars dump/edit/flash back, or by using RU method
If you continue to need BIOS flashing help or mod help with this model, make a new thread as well. None of this is about H20EZE, so it will be much easier and more clear for me, to be able to help you know how to dump/edit/reflash this BIOS in it’s own thread


I tried to re-flash the dumped bios region after replacing old with new microcode but failed with FPT error 368 due to write protection of the bios itself. I tried to dump vars with UVE but I do not know how to proceed?

@castillofr - Yes, you will need to edit vars to disable BIOS lock and FPRR too usually. You’ll have to link me to the stock BIOS download page for your model and tell me what BIOS version you are using, or upload your biosreg FPT dump for me, so I can edit vars for you
Then, after vars edit and reflash, you will need to make NEW FPT BIOS region dump, then edit this, then flash it back

To dump vars download the following package, and run the command below from each versions folder that directly contains it’s exe. Before doing this, make sure you have secure boot disabled in BIOS, any BIOS password removed, and TPM/Encryption disabled.
Once done, copy the entire folder somewhere, delete everything but any created vars.txt and then repackage this and send to me, this way all created vars.txt remain in place in the folders of the version that created them.

H2OUVE.exe -gv vars.txt

Here is the stock bios:
[From https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/sel…ook-pc/24381316]

My model is 084A6.bin (the softpaq includes other similar models).
I am using the same (flashed after installing this latest softpaq).

Here is the vars:

anyone know how to activate H2OUVE’s -gs and -ss feature of this Insyde bios of dell pc G5_5505 by changing which variables value to what ?see picture

without H2OUVE’s -gs and -ss feature, bios set editing not possible via H2OUVE. Its maybe locked somewhere which needs to unlocked.

full variable also uploaded as attachment

Vars.txt (182 KB)

What are next steps?

Help upgrade my bios.

I have a laptop HP Pavilion dv6-6179er

BIOS Version: F.1B Rev. A
Release date: Oct 31, 2011
Filename: sp55068.exe (5.0 MB)

Searching the Internet for our modified BIOS

Here is a link to the page where this BIOS was modified

help me need to turn off the following values:
Legacy Support: Disable
Secure Boot: Disable

but in the modified firmware there are no such values … How to do it?
I asked for this bios

Be mine to share the finished bios for my device.

@castillofr - Sorry for the late reply, I often overlook this thread thinking users are discussing this software
Please reupload your vars dump to some other host, tinyupload has been down two weeks now (hope they come back!)

@Guman - Please link me to the pre-modified BIOS you are using. Then I can make those settings visible to you.
What is your second question about microcodes???

sorry for my English, I am writing through a translator, I do not quite understand what you want …
here, I flashed my BIOS with this http://www.mediafire.com/file/tigpy5rqnc…190618.rar/file

Are you talking about this?
but there is a lot of superfluous unlocked, mostly for big brother

My goal is to install MacOS through UEFI. At the moment I have legacy mode, but I need to install through UEFI

original source


Hi, I’m trying to remove whitelist from my HP mini 1104, but h20eze refuses to open 0338DF08.bin extracted from oficial Bios f08 ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp60501-61000/sp60935.exe
Any ideas?

[moved as a new thread]

Hello everyone, sorry for my english. If anyone can help me, I would be very grateful. I want to unlock the Advanced tab in the BIOS in order to control the fan speed, but I don’t know how.
Notebook: Lenovo Ideapad 100-15IBD
Motherboard: Nano 5B6
BIOS version: Insyde 20 EOCN63WW

sadly when i use this software i cant save the edited file… it was saying something error…

EDIT: anyway it was sign bios i think. that was the problem…

Thank you, I will try this.

You need the Lenovo Variable Tool (Lvar64). Once you have it, you can change them like that:

  • Serial Number

    Lvar64 /w /sn /c "1234567890123"
    (13 Digits)
  • Lenovo Serial Number

    Lvar64 /w /ln /c "XXXXXXXX"
    (8 Digits and Uppercase Letters: 0-9, A-Z)

I have the tool and I’m not sure what I’m doing. I tried to type what you said and it says its not recognized.

When I type Lvar64 /w /ln /c "XXXXXXXX"
It says: Lvar64 is not recognized as an internal or external command

This is a Lenovo Legion Y530 and I need to insert the MTM and Serial Number.

Could someone explain how to make this bootable please?

lenovo variable bootable.zip (515 KB)