Sounds good, i’ll try it when it is available.
Hi. I download latest version ( v 0.7 ) but cant detect my motherboard. the motherboard is ASUS P8P67
Did you run it as Admin? just a thought.
What happened, what errors did you get?
Update v0.8 Should be out in the next 3 hours or so. Maybe even less. I’m not sure if you’ll be up or not.
I’m just about to leave for a while, but i will probably be able to test in a few hours.
Alright, another thing i am adding in is a Feedback section under help, so you and anyone else can type any message they want so say about the program, then click like it or dislike it checkbox and click send.
I am working on this fix now will be included in next update, your board will work
Update is out, go ahead and get it.
Looks Okay to me…
[[File:UEFI-DT(a).PNG|left|auto]] [[File:UEFI-DT(aa).PNG|none|auto]][[File:UEFI-DT(b).PNG|none|auto]][[File:UEFI-DT(c).PNG|none|auto]][[File:UEFI-DT(d).PNG|none|auto]]
Sorry for late reply.
Good news is that 0.8 works absolutely fine now with Swedish location.
I have not had time yet to explore it completely, but i will.
Awesome xD
Sweet, and you’re welcome.
To all users sending me requesting board requests, ASUS has in some of their bios a different case sensitive for the board manufacturer, I’ll release a Update that takes care of this in a few today.
Sorry about that, i would of never known unless i got those reports you all have sent. Thank you.
Official release is around the corner.
Automatic updating of program and uefi bios checking is in the working.
Never have to manually check again.
Official release is out everyone.
Automatic updating and checking is now added.
Also there are a few issues that i am addressing right now, that i did not know of.
ASRock users of myself, the reason you are getting a error if you are is because your BIOS version isn’t just numbers. it’s L2.17A.
These issues and other will be fixed in Update v1.1
Automatic UEFI checking in startup by windows 8 had some crashes so that needs to be looked at too.
I’m working on this right now.
Check for updates in a little while.
Also just a heads up to people who sent me error reports.
I had a flaw in how i read the error in the report, because i redesigned some things.
So those errors you sent showed up as nothing,
the error part was blank.
I had to figure out the issue on my own.
But it is fixed now and that will be in the newest update so any other errors i can read completely to fix the issue.
And if anyone has had any issues with the program please let me know. Any imperfections i would like to fix.
Even small ones.
@ GlitchyHack:
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