X58 Sabertooth RAID 0 enable Trim Bios Mod Help

I am new here and need some help. I have two Samsung 840 Pro SSd’s I would like to RAID 0. My BIOS version is 1402 and I from looking around I don’t think that it supports trim in RAID 0. It looks like there is a way to enable it someway by flashing a modded BIOS/ROM somehow. I am not totally new to modded BIOS’s as I have purchased (donated) modded BIOS’s for my MSI GT70 from a guy named Svet on the MSI forums so I have at least a little experience. Can someone help me out? I would be willing to donate in a similar way to how Svet works.

@ Dime_Baggins:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

No, the original BIOS will not support TRIM in RAID0.
If you want TRIM in your future Intel RAID0 array, you have to insert a specially modified Intel RAID ROM module into the BIOS of your mainboard.

We generally do not modify any BIOS upon request, but we help the users to do it themselves. Within the "BIOS Modding" section of the Forum you will find a lot of guides.
At first step I recommend to read the start post of >this< thread.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thanks for the welcome! Glad to be here! I read the first post, downloaded the AMI non-UEFI MMTOOL v3.26, the original BIOS from Asus. I plan to reinstall Windows 10 after I mod the BIOS (if I can)… Where would I find the proper PCI ROM modules that will enable trim support in RAID 0 using the Intel ICH10R and maybe even the Marvell 9128 if it exists? Is there a guide on the use of the tool for inserting the PCI ROM modules? Are there any suggestions for modding that would lead to better/increased performance? Thanks in advance!

You can find them both >here<.

Yes. If your mainboard has an AMI BIOS, you will find >here< a guide how to modify it.

If you want to get the best possible performance with your Intel RAID0 system (look >here<), I recommend to insert the "Universally TRIM modded" Intel RAID ROM v11.2.0.1527 into the BIOS and to use the Intel RST RAID driver v11.2.0.1106 WHQL.
Problem: The Win10 in-box Intel RST(e) RAID driver v13.2.0.1022 will be automaticly installed during the OS installation and a later "downgrade" of the driver may cause an unbootable system.
Solution: You can remove the Intel in-box RAID driver v13.2.0.1022 from the Win10 image and insert the Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006 instead according >this< guide.

Good luck!

It looks like the first download link doesn’t work and the ‘Mirror’ to a OneDrive does. I just want to make sure I and getting the right “Universally Trim Modded” Intel RAID ROM v11.2.0.1527 because there are a lot of filea in that location. Is it called “Intel-RST_RAID_ROM_v11.2.0.1527_TRIM-mod-acc-CPL0”?

Thanks for the info. The MEGA link has already been repaired by me.


Thanks! I am thinking I will also update the Marvell RAID controller. Something strange though, when I open up the newest BIOS file from ASUS and find the appropriate Marvell Option ROM the DeviceID is 9123 but in the motherboard manual it calls it the Marvell 9128. I notice that there is a device ID that is called 9128. I would just think that they would match. Any thoughts?

To be on the safe side I recommend to replace the Marvell 91xx Option ROM by the same sort of module as the one, which is within the original BIOS (that means a DEV_9123 module).

OK thanks and done. I have saved the new modded BIOS and will try to flash it tonight. Does the name of the BIOS file make a difference, like if I call it a descriptive name will the BIOS be called that or does it retain the same version info somehow (in my case 1402)? What is the best (safest way) to flash it ? Should I do it using the Windows ‘ASUS Update Utility’ or the ‘Alt + F2’ EZ Flash 2 onboard utility?

The safest way is to give the modded BIOS the same name as the original one.

The usage of the EZ Flash Utility is safer than to flash the BIOS from within Windows.

So far I have modded version 1402 of the BIOS ROM Module for the ICH10R to “8086-2822_v11201527_mod-for-TRIM-in-RAID0.bin” and the Marvell 9128 ROM Module to “1b4b-9123_1001038.bin”. Per your advice I have replaced the Windows 10 in-box Intel driver with “64bit Intel RST AHCI & RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL”. Should I also replace (if it exists) the Win 10 in-box driver for the Marvell 9128 with a different version like I did for the Intel ICH10R? The latest driver from Asus for the Marvell 9128 on the x58 Sabertooth is version but it looks like there is one here >64bit Marvell 91xx-92xx AHCI & RAID drivers v1.2.0.1035 WHQL< that says supports TRIM.

Which drives are connected to the Marvell SATA ports and which is the SATA mode they are running?

I don’t have anything on them right now but I plan to reinstall Win 10 when I am done removing/replacing drivers in the Win 10 image so in the future if I do decide to use them then install and BIOS will already be set up. I just was wondering if I should be matching up the option roms with the appropriate matching driver for the Marvell 9128 just like I did for the ICH10R.

You can update the Marvell 91xx SATA ROM of the BIOS (or let the UBU tool do the work), but there is no need to prepare any Marvell 91xx AHCI/RAID driver unless your system drive will be connected to a Marvell SATA port, which is running in RAID mode.

I don’t understand what you mean here. I used the "AMI non-UEFI MMTOOL v3.26" to replace the PCI option ROMs for ICH10R and the Marvell 9128. What is the difference between me updating the Marvell 91xx SATA ROM and letting the UBU do the work? I guess I don’t know what UBU is. =)

Zitat von Dime_Baggins im Beitrag #15

I don’t understand what you mean here.

I am sorry, when I wroite this, I haven’t realized, that you have a mainboard with a non-UEFI BIOS.
UBU (= "UEFI BIOS Updater") is a tool, which is able to update some BIOS modules automaticly, but - as the name already indicates - it is only usable with AMI UEFI BIOSes.

I am going to make another Windows 7 Ultimate x64 image with the best RAID driver for the ICH10R because Win 10 is so unstable and I am tired of it. I have the "“Universally TRIM modded” Intel RAID ROM v11.2.0.1527 in my motherboard BIOS already. I noticed that there is another version you released of the Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006 driver Here named “>Universal 64bit Intel RST AHCI+RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 mod+signed by Fernando<” Is that the right/best one to insert into the image?

You should insert the WHQL certified variant of the Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006, because
a) the original Intel RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL fully supports your Intel ICH10R SATA RAID Controller and
b) modded drivers usually cannot be successfully inserted into a Windows 7 image.
By the way: Your question has nothing to do with the topic of this thread and with the Sub-Forum "BIOS Modding".

Thanks for the input. Sorry about that, but I figured that we already had a current dialogue going in this thread that could be easily referenced if needed so I just continued it here. I appreciate the help. If I have any more questions should I create a whole new thread somewhere else or send you PM’s?

Please post your future questions into the related Sub-Forum. If you don’t find a suitable already existing thread, start a new one.
Since I generally don’t give private support via PM, you should avoid this option.