z77 + 3570k can't overclock over x38

Very nice OC now, even better! And you’re welcome again too, glad we could figure it out!

sorry to resurrecting this old thread, I do have the same issue! ordering the ch341a programmer and should be arriving tomorrow. So in order to continue you need my backup bios right? or maybe you can show me a guide how to insert the my unique board ID etc to the new bios file.

Btw, I’m using one version older bios than Ray’s as I am using pcie to nvme adapter and the newest bios (version 3.00) somehow does not recognize it. I had to use bios version 2.90P https://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/Z77%20Extreme4/#BIOS

I had similar issue as Ray, iGPU does not work, cannot overclock, and the 2nd 16x PCIE slot also not working (I was using this slot for my pcie 4x to nvme drive, had to move it to pcie 1x slot to make it work) I hope this will fixed all the problems :smiley:

ok, got the original bios read and saved, please see the attached link

So what should I do next?


Can you guide me to how do proceed after saving the dump? how do I put ME, microcodes + FD unlock + ME reflash enable?


nevermind, I got it working now. I just flashed the stock bios from asrock website into the chip without modifying anything and overclocking options is back again! even the 2nd pcie slot also works so my nvme ssd is working at full speed now :slight_smile: Thankfully my ethernet mac address still intact

Hello to everyone,
One question, what kind of CHIP ID did you have selected for flash and backup?
Thanks a lot

I am having the same issue regarding my BIOs. Could I simply buy a new BIOS chip and replace it?

The user Lost is no longer an active forum member.
If your ME shows in bios, its corrupted and can be cleaned or buy a programed SPi if you want.

[Guide] Clean Dumped Intel Engine (CS)ME/(CS)TXE Regions with Data Initialization - Special Topics / Intel Management Engine - Win-Raid Forum (level1techs.com)

My Asrock z77 BIOS doesn’t show the ME version. Or I am not looking in the correct place.

Dont know what Z77 you have, if theres no ME Info inside bios navigation, use Intel ME 8.x tool s package: Intel (Converged Security) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15) - Special Topics / Intel Management Engine - Win-Raid Forum (level1techs.com)

C. Intel (CS)ME System Tools
ME System Tools v8 r3.rar
Run CMD meinfowin(64).exe

This is what i got:

Status: Detection Error: This system may be vulnerable, either the Intel(R) MEI/TXEI driver is not installed (available from your system manufacturer) or the system manufacturer does not permit access to the ME/TXE from the host driver.
Tool Stopped

that seems like a corrupt ME, right? I have a new BIOS chip coming in tomorrow. hopefully the new one will resolve my onbaord GPU missing, 2 of 4 slots of RAM missing, and locked OC issue.


Who told to run that that tool? Wasn’t me for sure…
Didnt i told you to run meinfo tool as CMD Admim?

“onbaord GPU missing, 2 of 4 slots of RAM missing, and locked OC issue”

Anything else you forgot to mention…?
New SPI…sure why not… do you believe in fortune tellers…good for you.
Yeah its funny, Over_n_Out, good luck.

Its funny that the majority of forums that I’ve come across where people had all of the same issues, a BIOS chip replacement fixed the issue. Some fixes were short term where the chip kept breaking, or some folks having the replacement chip fix everything permanently.

Not sure what you mean.

thanks for the luck! everything is fixed! all RAM slots reading, IGPU is back, and I am able to OC. All i needed was a new BIOS chip. 13 bucks well spent. thanks for nuthin sucka!!!


Good for you, glad it was it and nothing more, enjoy it, all the best.