I want to install an Hackintosh on my Hystou Barebone PC but it doesn’t has an Intel ME Device available which is needed for OS X to work and the manufacturer also doesn’t have an BIOS with ME Firmware available, I already asked them.
The BIOS shows me:
ME FW Version N/A
ME Firmware Mode: Normal Mode
ME Firmware SKU: Unidentified
ME Firmware Type: Full SKU Firmware.
Is there a possibility to add an Intel ME Device via an BIOS Mod or is this not possible? If needed I can also upload the BIOS File which I have found for this PC.
Thank you.
BDW14302.bin.zip (3.21 MB)
BIOS file is needed for anyone to even begin looking. It’s not likely you can simply add ME, unless it’s there before and removed, or there currently but disabled.
What is chipset and CPU socket?
are sure about OS X needs "low level isolated ME" ?
I have uploaded the .bin File of the BIOS in my first Post as ZIP Archive. OS X needs an Intel ME Device, that the Graphic Acceleration will work, because the OS X Graphics Driver needs this. In OS X it is known as IMEI Device.
The Socket should be an FCBGA1168 and the Chipset should be a WildcatPoint-LP according to the BIOS.
Thanks for the BIOS. I checked and Intel ME is already included in this BIOS, and it is not disabled.
See attached image for version info, and settings that could disable it, to disable "Yes" would have to be set where I show arrow to "NO" setting, and "Disabled" for the other setting below that)

Since the BIOS is showing ME = N/A that often can mean ME is corrupted and you will need to reflash it. This is a laptop correct? If yes, you will likely need a CH341A flash programmer and SOIC8 jumper cable in order to reflash the ME region.
Unless your FD or ME is unlocked, you will need to try to create some BIOS dumps to verify if FD and ME is locked or not. See this guide, section D for method to check if it’s locked or not - [Guide] Unlock Intel Flash Descriptor Read/Write Access Permissions for SPI Servicing
Intel Flash Programming Tool here to try and get full backup - https://mega.nz/#!TQUFgRoT!lsWCA26hp6qWc…2PLHRdur86NJsOo
Those are windows tools, so you may need to use DOS versions. MEInfo information readout would be good to see as well, it’s included in the package too.
You may get lucky and it’s all unlocked! Since in the BIOS you posted it’s all unlocked already, so it may be that way in the BIOS currently too, if so you are good and simply need to reflash the ME region with a clean settings transferred ME
Here is the guide on transferring settings for a new clean ME - [Guide] Clean Dumped Intel Engine (CS)ME/(CS)TXE Regions with Data Initialization
I have now executed the command fptw64 -d spi.bin and the Output was the following:
Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool. Version:
Copyright (c) 2007 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Platform: Intel(R) Premium Express Chipset
Reading HSFSTS register… Flash Descriptor: Valid
— Flash Devices Found —
W25Q64BV ID:0xEF4017 Size: 8192KB (65536Kb)
- Reading Flash [0x800000] 8192KB of 8192KB - 100% complete.
Writing flash contents to file “spi.bin”…
Memory Dump Complete
FPT Operation Passed
The Mainbaord is a Desktop Mainboard which has an Laptop CPU as CPU. I have also attached two Images of it, because I don’t know if the Flasher which you have recommended also fits there. I also have uploaded the spi.bin if this is iseful for you.
Output of MEInfo:
Intel(R) MEInfo Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Error 9256: Communication error between application and Intel(R) ME module (FW Update client)
Error 9256: Communication error between application and Intel(R) ME module (FW Update client)
Error 9256: Communication error between application and Intel(R) ME module (FW Update client)
Error 9256: Communication error between application and Intel(R) ME module (FW Update client)
Error 9459: Internal error (Could not determine FW features information)
Thanks for your help.
spi.zip (3.22 MB)

You can try the Engine CleanUp Guide but the problem is usually at the BIOS with these BDW ME 10 Chinese systems. You can find prior attempts here and here.
I have now bought an CH341A Flasher an an SOIC8 jumper cable via Amazon. It should arrive on Tuesday, then I will test it, if I can reflash the ME Region or not and if the ME Device is functioning or not. In case I brick the BIOS, can I reflash it via this Programmer again? I also have read both threads and in one is written, that the ME Device is maybe disabled by Hardware or maybe it is completely missing on this board.
I think another similar bad situation with BDW ME 10 Chinese built system here too @plutomaniac - crash easily while running linux or android X86 (3)
Still waiting on another reply back on that thread, to see if further changes to ME settings helped or not, but I don’t think it has
@hitman20 - since you can dump the entire SPI region without error, you can re-write the ME right now if you want using this command fptw -rewrite -me -f biosname.bin
BIOS chip looks to be the one left of the green ROHS sticker, diagonally between gold screw hole and empty dram slot.
As long as you have complete SPI backup that is 100% valid you can always recover with your programmer. Once it arrives, before you write anything, find a working version of the software that will verify your BIOS chip matches what it reads (ie read then verify, you want it to say chip matches buffer, without any error mentioned)
Your SPI dump from above looks complete, so you should be OK anyway, but go ahead and get another dump with programmer and verify it matches, that way you are sure you have found working software version before you write anything. Then you are safe to write to the chip.
I showed in info above the ME is there, and is not disabled, so what you read in other threads does not apply to your BIOS. It may not even apply to their BIOS if no one checked like I did they could not be sure.
They would not put it in BIOS, then disable by hardware, that would be waste of time and resources. The problem is poorly written or designed BIOS, either on purpose or they don’t know how to do correctly, which of those is correct I am not sure but it seems common.
I checked the ME from your SPI dump too, settings are same as shown above, ME is not disabled via settings.
Yes exactly. All these systems are the same but with different Chinese “branding”. It seems that they thought it was a good idea back then as I’ve only see it at these ME 10 BDW based platforms. Still, try the Engine CleanUp Guide but don’t get your hopes up.
@Lost_N_BIOS I have flashed the BIOS Image again with fptw -rewrite -me -f biosname.bin but it still shows me no ME Firmware. I will try it again when I have the Hardware Flasher. With your description I have found the BIOS Chip, there is something written with Winbond on it. Is there a tutorial to do a complete backup with SPI which I can flash back if something goes wrong?
Here is guide on using CH341A programmers - [Guide] Using CH341A-based programmer to flash SPI EEPROM
Here’s a copy of the versions of software I have for the programmers - https://www.sendspace.com/file/nbml0n
It will be no different using hardware flasher vs what you did with fptw. The only thing you can try is different cleaned ME versions, but in thread I linked above we tried 3-4 versions several different ways, no luck.
I got now the CH341A Programmer and the SOIC 8 Clip. When I connect the Programmer with my Tablet then I get in the CH341A Programmer Program that the Device isn’t connected. I also have attached some pictures, maybe I have setup something wrong. In the Device Manager it shows also without any error.

What driver version is installed in your system? Make sure you match the driver version (perhaps from your manufacturer page) to your firmware version.
I have just installed an other Driver and now it shows State Connected. Thanks.
When I click in the Program on Detect I first will get this message in Screenshot 1 and then an Access Violation. I have also attached an Screenshot of it.

First, cable is inserted backwards into your PCB on the adapter. Red wire goes on other side, where you see 1 marked on the PCB. Don’t reverse the PCB, only the grey wires attached to the PCB adapter.
On the motherboard, I cannot see if it’s attached correct or not. Red wire should go down to pin one on the board BIOS. There is a little dot/circle or paint mark on the BIOS usually and pin one is usually where you see the white triangle on the green PCB board by pin 1 of BIOS
The triangle pointer looks to be shown in your board image, but check the chip itself to be sure it’s pin one on the BIOS. If you are unsure which is pin one on the motherboard, show clear image of the BIOS chip without anything on it, then I will put arrow to show you which it is.
Which version software are you using in above images? Try another version of the software, here is several - https://www.sendspace.com/file/0oof4w (this is new link vs above one, added latest free version now)
But, that version may be OK, only wrong cable orientation onto the PCB adapter into the programmer.
I have uploaded you an screenshot of my BIOS Chip. I could see an dot on it, which is near the golden empty screw hole. When I connect the cable and the red wire is on the side where the dot is, then I get the message that the Device isn’t connected and I need more power. When I change the Cable that the red Wire looks to the empty RAM Slot then I can make a BIOS Dump and I can also open it in the Intel Flash Image Tool without any problems.
I also have uploaded the Dumped BIOS Image to check if this is correct. I used the CH431A Programmer V 1.31.

hystou_new.zip (3.21 MB)
Thanks for the pic. Yes, the dot is by gold screw, and that is where red wire should be on the cable connect to board side as you had it.
You have the cable backwards on the other side, that connects to the PCB before it goes into adapter. Please reverse that side, then you wont have error with red wire connected to proper Pin1 by gold screw hole.
What you did works OK, because instead of reverse pins/cable into PCB adapter you reversed on motherboard side, but it’s bad practice to get into habit like that.
Please reverse the cable end that connects into the pins that go in adapter, don’t switch the PCB/Pins part that goes into programmer, just how the cable is connected to that PCB/Pin adapter. I hope you get what I mean, if not let me know I will try to show in in your images better
Thanks for dump! I checked, it is exact same you sent from FPT dump, except this includes NVRam data. ME version is the same, with same settings, and it is enabled as described before.
I will attempt updated version, clean ME w/ settings transfer, and update your CPU microcodes. But please don’t get your hopes up, all this has not helped any of the users in 3-4 pages linked on page one with similar boards.
What CPU are you using?
* Edit - Here is some BIOS updates to test.
Please be ready for failed flash! No worries, you have programmer now, only mention this so you are not surprised when/if they fail. BIOS are untested, and may fail to boot, brick the board etc.
Mainly this is due to AMI Protected Ranges, hash mismatch after edits. I’ve seen this warning be OK/No problem, but there is always warning there when you see it.
Original BIOS info on left, updated BIOS x 3 info on right side

Changes made
1. Updated ME, clean w/ settings transferred. Original >> - All BIOS
2. CPU microcodes updated to latest versions (For ones I could find) - on BIOS 1-2 below
3. Cleared NVRam (Left default setting table entry) - All BIOS
Test one - hystou_MM.bin- edit to microcodes done with MMTool
Test two - hystou_UE.bin - edit to microcodes done with UEFITool + Hex
Test three - hystou_NVME.bin - only clean NVRam + ME update (No Microcode changes) - possibly only working BIOS, no hash mis-match for protected region, but please don’t rush to this BIOS, test this one last
Please do the following each time you test one of these BIOS!
Remove power from the wall to the board.
Remove CMOS Battery. If laptop, also remove main battery, and if laptop don’t worry about CMOS battery if you cannot easily access, below will cover
Press and hold the power on button or short the pwr pins for 3-5 seconds, do a few times to be sure all power drained from board.
Leave board like that, without any power for 1+ minute
Flash BIOS with programmer, put CMOS batter back in, plug in wall power
Enter BIOS, load optimal or optimized defaults, save then exit and reboot back to BIOS.
Once in BIOS again set anything you need to change before loading to operating system
Then check it all out in operating system to see if anything changed to help issue.
Thanks for the BIOS Images. I have changed now the cable and I could connect now with the red cable to Pin 1 where the dot is and got no error message.
I could flash all 3 Versions without problems and I also could start with these without problems but the ME FW isn’t detected. I think I will leave it as it is.
With the Update of the Microcode CPU, is there also a ability to run for example Xeon CPU’s on desktop board which normally doen’t have support for Xeon CPU’s or is this not possible?
Thanks for your help.
Good you understood what I meant on the cable, it’s hard to say all that without showing in an image/video 
I am surprised all three of those BIOS are OK, thank you for testing all and letting me know, helps me know that warning isn’t always a big problem like it might seem.
Sorry none of this helped with the ME, it’s common problem in these type boards. I could try another few things with the ME later if you want to try more, things I mentioned at top of this page crash easily while running linux or android X86 (3)
They didn’t help that user, but maybe they could your board? Does your board show SKU in BIOS?
If yes, what does it say here - file.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.homepagemodules.de%2Fb602300%2Ff16t3735p53187n3_XYzsjKuq.jpg&r=1&content=RE%3A_crash_easily_while_running_linux_or_android_X86
For PCH SKU, and does your board also say “Microcode not loaded” like the image above? That is image from the thread I linked you to on page 3
I would stick to one of the first two then, since they have updated microcodes. What CPU are you using now? And what Xeon are you considering, I can check on that, and it’s probably a yes.