Users Reports

MB: ASUS P6T vanilla

CPU Xeon X5680 v14 3.333Ghz microcode update
Intel ICH10R RAID ROM update as in sig

Results as per attached pics for your viewing pleasure.
On the microcode update I used MMTool v3.19 in win XP SP3 compatibility mode to insert the update.
Other versions 3.22 & 3.26 wouldn’t allow the ROM module to load for some obscure reason.

Also I’ve updated the MB: ASUS Z87-Deluxe using the flashback method
Intel RAID ROM seems to perform best while and
appear to take performance hits on CrystalDiskMark still messing around with this.
|addpics|1kh-5-e221.jpg,1kh-3-cb27.png,1kh-4-7ba2.png|/addpics| (983 KB)

@ hancor:
Thanks for your report. The results (except the CPU Microode ones) are added to the table.

Have you ever tried to run the Intel RST RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 in combination with the Intel RAID ROM v11.2.0.1527?
According to my own experience this is by far the best performing RAID0 driver/ROM combo, even for Z87 and Z97 systems. The WRITE scores are outstanding!
For details you may look into my just updated RAID0 benchmark comparison test results (>LINK<).

Thanks for the suggestion, I shall give that a whirl in the near future.

I just ordered a Samsung 950 Pro PCIe SSD 512GB which I am going to attempt to install in the Asus Z87-Deluxe with an adapter board for NVMe experimentation…hence the mucking around with the v14 Raid Roms.

Why would you want to do that? Because you can!

Maybe they will start a TA club : Tinkerers Anonymous


Vendor and exact Name of the mainboard/pc/notebook: MSI P35 Platinum
System Type (MB=mainboard, PC=personal computer, NB=notebook, BB=barbone): MB
Chipset and Southbridge of the system: Intel P35 + ICH9R
Vendor, Sort and Version of the inserted PCI ROM or EFI module: Intel RST RAID ROM v11.2.0.1527
Success: Yes

Remarks (in case of success: noticeable advantage, in case of a failure: possible reason)

Stock 1.C MSI P35 Platinum BIOS has the MSM 8.7 ROM, which can’t deal with larger new drives.
After inserting the newer ROM, 4TB drives showed up properly.

@ Gotis:

Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanks for the report, which has already been added to the related table.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

moded BIOS ga-ma785gt-ud3h
BIOS based on beta-bios F9C
Whats new
- Agesa code V3.7.1.2
- update NCPUcode for tuban-core from Fernando BIOS
- update AHCI(to module (to 3.2.1540.15)
- update Realtek LAN module to 2.66
- new order modules - the LOGO moved before "untouchible modules", all PCI-ROM was moved to end - easy to update PCI-ROM modules by cbrom. (652 KB)

Vendor and exact Name of the mainboard/pc/notebook: Gigabyte GA-Z68XP-UD3 rev.1.3
System Type (MB=mainboard, PC=personal computer, NB=notebook, BB=barbone): MB
Chipset and Southbridge of the system: Intel Z68 Express
Vendor, Sort and Version of the inserted PCI ROM or EFI module: Intel RST RAID ROM v12.9.0.2006
Success: Yes

SSD Raid 0 with 2xSamsung 850 Evo 250 Gb now supports TRIM command.
MB BIOS original version (F10 with Intel RAID ROM 10.6.x.x) does not support trim for ssd raid 0.

Thanks a lot, Fernando!

@ bvrok:

Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your report!

Happy New Year!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Gigabyte GA-P55-UD3

Realtek LAN ROM 2.64 = no issues

Intel RAID ROM from 14.0.0.xxxx to no issues with single HDDs, DVD-ROMs, RAID1 HDDs (tested with 2x 3TB Seagate for a few months)
* Intel RAID ROM with TRIM support: corrupt in first day SSD RAID0 (2x Samsung 850 PRO)
…so looks like 14.x branch not works propertly with my mobo when i use SSDs or maybe the problem is RAID0 mode (still not sure)
*I downgrate to Intel RAID ROM with TRIM support. It has no issues with originally Intel RST Drivers wich I still using.

Right now on single Intel controller i have: RAID0 SSD 2x Samsung 850 Pro 256Gb, RAID1 HDD 2x Seagate 3Tb, HDD Seagate 250Gb and DVDRAM Samsung. So all my 6 ports are in work without issues!

Vendor and exact Name of the mainboard/pc/notebook: ASRock Z68M-ITX/HT, bios date 11/28/2012 / version L2.41Beta
System Type (MB=mainboard, PC=personal computer, NB=notebook, BB=barbone): MB
Chipset and Southbridge of the system: Intel Z68 (Cougar Point) [B3]
Vendor, Sort and Version of the inserted PCI ROM or EFI module:
-Intel RST IROM and EFI SataDriver → tried all the 6 series trim add ons. ( with 13.2 drivers ) seemed be the best choise while keeping ultrafast boot. ( 11.6.1702 had similiar performance, but is way older )
-Intel OROM VBIOS and EFI GOP Driver → 2126 / 3.0.1030
-Intel OROM LAN BootAgent CL → 0.1.06
-Realtek OROM LAN → 2.64
-Intel CPU MicroCode Sandybridge/Ivybridge → 1C/29
-Intel ME 8 Consumer 1.5MB Firmware → v8.1.65.1586 (With Intel’s tools)

Success: Yes or No: Yes, but trim inconclusive ( new UBU version installs VBIOS too )

optional: Remarks (in case of success: noticeable advantage, in case of a failure: possible reason):
Update: Bought couple 40 euro kingston sandforces in true “array of inexpensive disks” fashion. I did manage to get trimtest tool to pass 'em with drivers, but they still failed w. Anvil benchmark’s trim test. I do suspect it’s more of a sandforce issue than the mod, but I can’t confirm the trim working. The loss of ultrafast boot was too much to keep testing ROM only drivers, so I picked 11.6 and carried on. CPU going at 4,4Ghz now what’s pretty nice for old board w/o Vcore adjustment. Does 4,5 but voltages get pretty high… well it’s watercooled, but not worth it atm. (…590ad9dbbc8f5c5 ). On old review they only managed to get x41 multiplier for their sandy I7 (…iew/index5.html ). The kingston hyper x blu kit turned out to be one of the wonders of the world, 10-10-10 @ 1600 rated mems running happily at 11-12-11 @ 2133 on default voltage. Seems it’s quite common;…_ddr31600/3.htm Even managed to run some test at 2400Mhz, but yet to discover stability ( MB claims 2133 is max supported tho ).

// edit: for some reason Asrock dropped RAM drive outta MB’s downloads after v2. But v3.02 works for win10 just fine; I Set 2 GB RAM drive since I got 16GB mem, maybe it’ll help with lack of TRIM.

// I noticed slight CPU performance drops even on x44 multiplier so gonna upgrade the MB cooling before further tests, temps we’re quite high even on defaults due mini-itx case w. watercooling… will have to see if it improves performance. VRM’s seem identical to…0#post_18778199

@Hurri-Khan :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your report!

Before I will transfer your report into the BIOS Modding Success/Failure table, I would like to know,
a) whether you have verified, that the inserted Intel RAID ROM/EFI RaidDriver modules v14.8.2.2397 were properly working with your Z68 Chipset system running in RAID mode and
b) why you have inserted these brandnew Intel RAID ROM/EFI RaidDriver modules, although Intel 6-Series Chipsets natively are not supported by them.

Thanks in advance!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Good point, I tried the older driver version at first, but when I chose the final mod bios files I just trusted the newest version from installer it seems. And no I’ve not confirmed RAID on it, running single SATA600 HDD on ACHI.

And no… Thank you instead! // edit, I’ll keep updating original post with my findings, delete to save space if needed

@Hurri-Khan :
Thanks for your reply, which makes clear, that your reported “success” regarding the insertion of the latest Intel RAID ROM/EFI RaidDriver module has been correct, but useless or even misleading for users with a similar system, which is running in RAID mode.
As a consequence I will not transfer your report into the table.

Vendor and exact Name of the mainboard/pc/notebook: Gigabyte GA-890XA-UD3 rev.2
System Type (MB=mainboard, PC=personal computer, NB=notebook, BB=barbone): PC
Chipset and Southbridge of the system: AMD 790X+AMD SB850
Vendor, Sort and Version of the inserted PCI ROM or EFI module: AMD AHCI ROM v3.3.0.0 for DEV_4391, JMicron JMB36x ROM v1.0.7.28 for DEV_2363, Realtek_LAN-ROM_DEV-8168_v2.64.
Success: Yes
optional: System is stable and got much faster boot time.

Much appreciate that award bios modding guide - it is very detailed and helpful. In addition to updated option rom files, later, i also edited bios setup menu to unlock some features (using modbin to find changes is genius imo),and added slic (simple HEX copying modules from bios modded by Award mod tool 1.53).
Best regards, excuse my bad english (658 KB)

Update the Intel RSTe RAID ROM v14.8.0.2377 Trim Modified by me, works and passes TRIM through in RAID-0.

ASUS Commando 1901 BIOS MOD
Intel RAID ROM RSTe v14.8.0.2377 Trim Modified
IRST 64 bit
JMicron JMB 363 v1.07.28
Marvel 11AB-4320_v6.60.2.3
Marvel 11AB-4364_v6.60.2.3
Updated the Intel CPU micro code from 2008 to 2010 release for the 0676-01,0676-10,0677-10. and the 067a-11 cpu’s
All tested and working passing TRIM command with the RAID-0
Hopefully someone can get some use out of the updates.
Added HP 2.1 SLIC

Latest TRIM MOD Bios attached!
Tested and working with RST(e) 64 bit! (819 KB)

@lurch228 :
Thanks for your interesting report, but I am unsure, whether I should put your modding results into the related table, because it may lead other users with an old Intel chipset into a wrong direction.
According to my own experiences it doesn’t make any sense to insert an Intel RAID ROM of the v13 or v14 line into an Intel RAID system with an ICH8R Southbridge. It may work, but there are by far better Intel RAID ROM versions available for Intels old (pre-5-Series) Chipsets.

Your call as to whether or not you want to include my results in the table or not. If someone wants to try what I have done at there own risk I’ll leave that up to them. As what worked for me may not be for anyone else. Testing the possibilities of what can be done is not for the faint of heart and may not be optimal or ideal for most. I am planning on doing some speed testing results when I get more time and will post the result’s once I have them. So I’ll leave it there and thanks for your input.

That is a good idea.

Nevertheless I would like to explain, what I mean:
All Intel SATA RAID Controllers from ICH8R up (except the LGA 2011 and 2011-3 ones) have the universal externally shown DeviceID DEV_2822. That is why all users of an Intel RAID system from ICH8R up to the 100-Series Chipset Series are able to use the latest Intel RST RAID ROM versions up to the v14 line (provided, that the specific BIOS itself is able to load any >100 KB sized Intel RAID ROM module) and to get the latest Intel RST(e) RAID drivers installed.
Nevertheless this does not mean, that the old Intel Chipsets are (fully) supported by the latest Intel RAID ROM and driver versions.
Reason: The various Intel SATA RAID Controllers from ICH8R up to the 100-Series are absolutely different regarding their features and abilities. That is why Intel has given them separate internal DeviceIDs, which are layed down within the hex codes of the Intel RAID ROM modules (look >here<) and the drivers (= iaStor.sys resp. iaStorA.sys).
So Intel is right regarding what they have written within their related Readme.txt files: Old Intel Chipsets are not supported by the modern Intel RST(e) drivers and RAID ROM modules. They may be installable/insertable, but the user cannot expect, that they will work at its best for officially not supported chipsets.

Vendor and exact Name of the mainboard/pc/notebook: Asrock Z97M WS
System Type: MB
Chipset and Southbridge of the system: Z97
Vendor, Sort and Version of the inserted PCI ROM or EFI modules:
Microcode Update Broadwell Version 14 Date 22-01-2016
EFI GOP Driver HSW-BDW - 5.5.1033
OROM Intel Boot Agent CL - 0.1.06
EFI Intel Gigabit UNDI - 0.0.09

Success: Yes!!! (Integration and flashing and running the system with it)

With the original Microcode (Version 0B) I had a very unstable linux system, which would freeze when booting (not all the time) or freeze later. Vendor would not provide an update. Now with the newer microcodes (13, 14 for Broadwell) the system is very stable, barely any freezes, nothing.

Thanks for this great tool (collection) and the comprehensive guide how to use it.

@masrock :
Although I am very late to do it, I want to welcome you at Win-RAID Forum and to thank you for your detailed report about your successful BIOS modding work.

To avoid a double post about the same thing, I have deleted your first post dated 03/04/2016 after having copied the last sentences into the quite similar report you posted today.
This way none of your informations have gotten lost (except the details of the original BIOS, but they are less interesting here).

Enjoy the Forum!
Dieter (alias Fernando)