Bad News:
As you can see within the previous post, our BIOS modding Guru SoniX has stopped the further development of his phantastic UBU tool in July 2021. Although we don’t know the exact reason (we couldn’t get any personal contact to him), it seems to be clear, that the v1.79.17 will stay the last UBU version, which had been compiled by SoniX. It is obviously his age and decreasing health condition, which doesn’t allow him to work on any UBU updates. This is completely understandable, but certainly a pity for all users, who used to keep the AMI UEFI BIOS modules of their mainboard/laptop updated the easy way by using the newest UBU tool.
Workaround: Although the currently latest UBU version v1.79.17 is meanwhile nearly 2 years old, it is still 100% usable and very helpful after having updated some files. This can easily be done by the user him/herself: 1. The files named drvver.exe, and MCE.db have to be replaced. You can get the currently latest versions from >here<. 2. Within the UBU\Files folder you should replace the original modules by the requested newer/better matching ones (don’t forget to give the inserted modules the required UBU file names!). Note: Don’t update any module, which your system doesn’t need or cannot use!
If you should have a better idea or any remarks, please post your statement/offer into >this< thread.
Thanks in advance!
Good News: Our experienced Forum member Michael_Code has yesterday given >here< the statement, that he is going to continue SoniX’s work on the UBU tool.
So we will hopefully see in the very near future a new UBU thread with brandnew UBU versions.
Interested users can find the download link to his first completely updated UBU version >here<. It has already been tested by me and I was very impressed by Michael’s work. Thank you, Michael_Code!!!
@all UBU users
As I have just realized, SoniX has released a new UBU version 1_80_a2 dated 06/09/2024.
Interested users can download it from SoniX’s MEGA account. >Here< is the link!
Edit1: I just have tested SoniX’s new UBU version by using the latest BIOS for my ASRock X570 Pro4 mainboard. Everything seems to have worked fine.
Edit2: On 07/03/2024 SoniX has released a new UBU version 1_80_a9.
To avoid misunderstandings regarding the usability of the outdated UBU Guide and to make it easier to find the download link to the latest UBU tool I have updated the start post of this thread today (08/30/2024).